Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 568 The fearful Hongshang Wuyi

On Saturday evening, in a certain apartment building.

Hongshang Wuyi frowned and rummaged through her bag irritably.

"What's going on...why is it missing? I remember I put it in my bag...did I leave it in the car..."

Hongshang Wuyi tried hard to remember, then opened the door quickly and rushed to the apartment parking lot.

Arriving at the underground parking lot, Hongshang Wuyi opened the door and looked around the driver's seat.

"No...still not! How could it be? I obviously..."

Hongshang Wuyi frowned more and more, feeling uneasy in her heart for no reason.

"This lady..." A calm voice suddenly sounded from behind Hongshang Wuyi: "Is this what you are looking for?"

Hongshang Wuyi suddenly turned around!

I saw a young man wearing a black coat and slanted bangs tossing a palm-sized bottle up and down with his gloved hands.

Hongshang Wuyi's pupils shrank the moment she saw the bottle!

Her expression was a little stiff, but she still forced herself to speak calmly and said, "Well, I'm sorry, this is not what I was looking for. You made a mistake."

"Oh? Did I make a mistake?" The young man stared at Hongshang Wuyi meaningfully, and the bottle turned slightly in his palm.

"Potassium cyanide is not something that can be easily purchased!"

Hongshang Wuyi's heart jumped again when he heard this, and then a look of displeasure appeared on his face: "Sir, I don't understand what you are talking about. If there is nothing else, please don't disturb me looking for something, okay?"

Hearing this, the young man tilted his head: "Senior Wuyi, you are really a noble person who forgets things. We just met a few days ago, and you forgot about me so quickly?"

Hongshang Wuyi was stunned for a moment, then carefully looked at the young man in front of her.

" met at the izakaya last week..." She seemed to finally recognize the boy's identity.

"Yes, it's me." The young man smiled and nodded, and said calmly: "Let me formally introduce myself. My name is Yu Gongming, and I am a detective."

Hongshang Wuyi's expression changed: "What? You... you are the famous detective who often appears in newspapers recently!?"

"It's me." Yu Gongming replied.

Hongshang Wuyi's eyes trembled slightly, and he took a deep breath in his heart.

I specially prepared potassium cyanide for that plan, and now this bottle of potassium cyanide seems to have fallen into the hands of the young man in front of me.

And as luck would have it, this young man is a famous detective who has helped the police solve countless cases. So now that he is looking for me, who is it...

Hongshang Wuyi hesitated for a while and then said: "Isn't it a coincidence that you came here?"

Yu Gongming said calmly: "Yes, I came here this time to see you, Wuyi-senpai."

"Looking for me?" Hongshang Wuyi narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Yeah, I have some things I want to talk to Maii-senpai about. I wonder if Maii-senpai has time?" Hanemiya asked with a smile.

Hongshang Wuyi frowned more and more, and then snorted coldly: "I think I have nothing to talk about with a stranger who suddenly came to the door and said a bunch of inexplicable words!"

"Oh?" The smile on Yu Gongming's face did not change. He reached into his arms and took out a bunch of things that seemed to be photos. Then with a flick of his wrist, the photos spun like a Frisbee and hit Hongshang Wuyi. !

Hongshang Wuyi was startled and subconsciously raised her hand to catch the flying object.

She looked down and saw in her hand a stack of photos tied together with rubber bands.

She stared at the first photo and gasped instantly!

The back of this photo is a place similar to a pharmacy.

Surrounded by various counters and lockers, some bottles and cans can be faintly seen on the counters.

There is a figure in the photo who is taking out a bottle of medicine from a locker.

The background of the entire photo seems a little dark, but it is enough for people to see the figure clearly.

It's Hongshang Wuyi!

"You..." Hongshang Wuyi suddenly raised his head and stared at Yu Gongming.

Akira Yumiya looked confident and said with a smile: "Senior Wuyi, please don't get excited and continue reading!"

Hongshang Wuyi looked at the smile on Yu Gongming's face, and suddenly felt the urge to punch him.

Of course, she was just thinking about it. She knew that she had more important things to confirm now.

So she unzipped the rubber band and started looking at the photos.

Looking at the photos one by one, Hongshang Wuyi's face became increasingly ugly.

Among these photos, there are photos of her wandering around the hospital pharmacy; there are silhouettes of her snooping around the chemical reagent store; and there are photos of her sneaking in from behind when the chemical reagent store was about to close.

What made her break out in a cold sweat was that in these photos, there was actually a scene where she secretly took away Urata's driver's license and keys, and put a bottle of potassium cyanide into the passenger compartment of Urata's car!

Her hands trembled slightly, and then she smashed the photo to the ground with a ferocious expression!

The photos were scattered all over the floor, covered in dust, but the content in the photos was still clearly legible.

Hongshang Wuyi looked down at these photos, and the color gradually drained from her face.

She took a few breaths with some difficulty and pointed at Yu Gongming with trembling fingers: "!"

Yu Gongming's smile continued: "How is it? Can we have a good talk now?"

Hongshang Wuyi stared at Yu Gongming with a cold face, his eyes were full of fear, and there was even a trace of fear hidden under the fear!

What is going on with these photos?

Why, why does he have these photos?

He...he's been following me?

And what’s even more terrifying is that judging from the clarity of the photo and the images presented, he is definitely not far away from me!

But he didn't realize anyone was nearby at that time!

Hongshang Wuyi suppressed the fear in her heart, remained silent for a while, and then said, "Okay, where do you want to talk?"

Yu Gongming smiled slightly: "Just go to your house. It's private enough there and no one will disturb you. The topic we want to talk about is not suitable for more people to know, is it?"

Hongshang Wuyi suddenly showed hesitation.

It's not a wise choice to introduce such an obviously evil person into your home.

Especially when he is still alone, and the other party still has those photos in his hand. If he makes any excessive demands, then I...

Seemingly sensing Kogami Mai's concerns, Hanomiya Akira smiled slightly: "Senior Mai, please don't worry. Believe me, I don't mean any harm, and it's not just the two of us talking."

Yu Gongming said and clapped his hands gently.

Footsteps sounded, and the next moment, another girl with a beautiful face came into Hongshang Wuyi's eyes.

"It's you!" This time Hongshang Wuyi immediately recognized the identity of the person.

"Senior Wuyi, we meet again!" Meng Yu said with a smile.

Hongshang Wuyi was silent for a while, and then sighed: "Come with me."

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