Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 570 The Story of the Dragon Slayer

Yu Gongming observed Hongshang Wuyi's expression.

He caught a glimpse of her thoughts from her expression.

Hongshang Wuyi pursed her lips, her eyes a little dodged under Yu Gongming's gaze.

The young man in front of her who was less than twenty years old made her feel tremendous pressure.

Her every move seemed to be under the control of the other party, and her thoughts could not escape the other party's calm gaze with a faint edge.

She was in a trance. Why did such an unsettling, even terrifying young man come to her just before she was about to implement her plan?

Doesn't God want that unworthy guy from Urata to die?

Koshang Mai took a deep breath and said softly: "So, what does Detective Hanomiya think about this matter?"

Akira Hanomiya smiled and said: "Before discussing this issue, I would like to ask Senior Sister Wuyi, have you ever heard of the story of the Dragon Slayer?"

"Dragon slayer?" Hongshang Wuyi looked thoughtful.

Yu Gongming paused for a moment and continued: "Once upon a time, there was an evil dragon that brought trouble to the world. There was a brave and powerful warrior who decided to eliminate evil for the people and embarked on the road to destroy the evil dragon."

"Along the way, he encountered countless dangers, overcame countless difficulties, and defeated countless enemies. Of course, his strength became stronger in the process."

"Finally, he walked in front of the evil dragon and slashed at the evil dragon with the long sword in his hand."

"After a hard battle, the warrior finally killed the evil dragon."

"He was exhausted, bathed in the dragon's blood, staring at the dragon's corpse, with a look of pleasure on his face."

"He was thinking that the evil dragon has been destroyed and people will no longer have to be harmed."

"However, he didn't realize that a piece of dragon scale from the evil dragon scratched his back. The dragon's blood remaining on it seeped into the wound and gradually blended with the warrior's blood. Even the dragon scale was gradually embedded in it. It got on the warrior's back and lay dormant in his body."

"The warrior just returned to the city where the residents lived without realizing it. The people were no longer troubled by the evil dragon and lived a happy and comfortable life."

When Yu Gongming said this, he suddenly chuckled: "If this is a bedtime story for children, it should end here."

Hongshang Wuyi smiled bitterly and said: "So, for me, an adult who is almost thirty years old, there will be a follow-up to this story, right?"

Yu Gongming nodded and continued:

"After returning to the settlement, the warrior received unprecedented praise. People cheered his name and erected a statue for him in the most conspicuous position."

"People praise his virtues and spread his deeds. He is a hero in the hearts of countless people!"

"The warrior was bathed in countless praises and adoration. At first, he was at a loss, but gradually, he also felt that he was the savior of the residents, and it was natural for the residents to praise him. If anyone said bad things about him, that person's heart It must have been contaminated by the devil!"

"Once someone says something bad about him, he will be very unhappy and will even punch and kick the person who said the bad thing! Even if he did make a mistake in many cases."

"As time went by, people began to fear him and began to distance themselves from him. Wherever he went, people would avoid him as if they were seeing the god of plague."

"The warrior thought to himself, if I hadn't killed the evil dragon, how could you people still be alive in the world? How could you, how dare you do this to your savior?"

"He felt irritated, he felt disappointed, and he even began to regret why he had to fight the dragon for these people!"

"Finally one day, he overheard someone secretly speaking ill of him."

"His anger instantly exceeded the critical point. He drew his sword and pierced the man's heart between the lightning and flint!"

"It was on a busy street, and countless people saw this scene."

"They look at people who say bad things."

"He stared at the warrior with disbelief, and finally, his head hung down weakly."

"After a brief silence, a man pointed at the warrior with a trembling finger and shouted in horror - [You devil!]."

"This sound was like a spark igniting a powder keg. Countless people screamed and fled the scene, leaving only the warriors who seemed a little stunned."

"When he came to his senses, he was surrounded by troops, with countless sharp swords and crossbows aimed at him."

"The leading commander stared at him and asked him to put down his weapon."

"When the warrior heard this, his eyes suddenly turned red, and he shouted: [I am your savior, how can you arrest me for a scum who slanders the savior!?]"

"The warrior roared, swung his sword suddenly, and slashed at the commander!"

"Fortunately, the commander relied on his rich experience and narrowly escaped the warrior's attack."

"After the commander dodged the blow, he became furious and ordered his troops to attack!"

"In an instant, countless swords were swung at the warriors, and countless crossbows were aimed at the warriors' vital points!"

"The warrior seemed to have lost his mind. He roared and swung his sword, slashing at the countless soldiers charging towards him!"

"After all, he is a strong man who can defeat evil dragons. Ordinary soldiers are no match for him."

"However, what he is facing is an organized army. He may be able to fight with ease in close combat, but he cannot completely defend against crossbows from a distance."

"As time went on, he also started to get injured, and the injuries became more and more severe."

"The only thing left in his sight was bright red like blood, and only the instinctive thought of killing was left in his mind."

"Finally, just before he was about to be killed by the soldiers who followed him one after another, he suddenly laughed maniacally."

"His body began to swell, bursting through his clothes that had been damaged due to fighting; dense scales began to grow on the surface of his skin, layer upon layer, like armor; his head began to twist, and his muscles writhed, as if Something is about to burst out of the flesh!"

"For a moment, the figure of the warrior was no longer in front of everyone. Instead, there was a black dragon as big as a hill, covered in thick scales, with huge fangs and a ferocious roar!"

"The moment the evil dragon appeared, the original battle turned into a massacre!"

"Swords, bows and crossbows cannot break through the dragon's scales, but every time the dragon swings its claws and sweeps its tail, it can turn countless soldiers into flesh."

"Soon, all the troops were slaughtered, and the evil dragon roared and began to wreak havoc in the city."

"In less than half a day, the entire city has turned into a dead city, and the sky above the city is filled with the suffocating smell of blood."

"The evil dragon roared and flew away from this city that was devoid of any living creatures, and flew into the distance."

"And the direction of his flight is exactly another residential city closest to Chengshi..."

When Yu Gongming said this, he finally stopped.

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