Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 583 Xiaolan, it’s me

The black-armored knight's hand around Xiaolan's waist tightened slightly.

Xiaolan felt the strength in her waist, and her whole body stiffened suddenly: "Doctor Xinde... you... what are you doing?"

A smile appeared on the lips of the black-armored knight. He quietly turned off the loudspeaker with one hand, and fumbled around his neck with the other hand.

Then, he slowly approached Xiaolan's ear and whispered: "Xiaolan, it's me!"

Xiaolan's eyes suddenly widened!

The voice of the black-armored knight just now is no longer as hoarse and unpleasant as a knife scraping glass. Instead, it is a clear voice full of magnetism and a smile.

And this voice is so familiar to Xiaolan!

" is this possible?" She couldn't help but turn her head and look at the audience.

In the audience, Mouri Kogoro was staring angrily at the stage, looking like he was about to rush onto the stage. Apparently he couldn't accept his daughter being held in the arms of a member of the opposite sex like this.

Next to him, Kazuye was looking at how he could let Mouri Kogoro ruin the atmosphere of the stage, and desperately held onto Moori Kogoro.

Beside Kazuye, Conan was still sitting upright, looking calmly at the stage.

"What's going on? Conan is obviously in the audience..."

At this moment, countless doubts flashed through Xiaolan's heart, and her brain could hardly think.

The black-armored knight seemed to know the doubts in Xiaolan's heart and continued: "Xiaolan, you are not surprised why Conan was fine in the morning and suddenly caught a cold when he came back in the afternoon. He also put on a mask and used the excuse that his voice was hoarse. , not talking to you?"

Xiaolan's expression was stunned, and the scenes after Conan came back in the afternoon could not help but come to mind.

He suddenly caught a cold and put on a mask in advance. He told himself in a note written in advance that he couldn't talk to himself because his throat was uncomfortable.

He would still read for a while after dinner as usual, but it was usually some detective novels. But yesterday, for the first time, he took an all-English book that he couldn't understand at all.

Moreover, more than usual, he seemed to be avoiding her intentionally or unintentionally. Before, she might have thought it was because Conan was afraid of infecting her with the cold, but now that she thought about it, this avoidance seemed to have other hidden meanings.

The black-armored knight gently pressed his chin against Xiaolan's shoulder. Although he couldn't see Xiaolan's expression, from her gradually relaxing body, the black-armored knight could roughly capture her mental activities at the moment.

It has to be said that after living with Xiaolan for a period of time, he really understands this girl better than before.

Patting the girl's back gently, the black-armored knight smiled and said, "Didn't you say before that there are some things you want to hear from me more than Conan?"

"So, I'm back."

Xiaolan's body trembled again.

At this time, she was finally sure that the black-armored knight holding her in his arms was her sweetheart - Kudo Shinichi!

She couldn't help but ask: "Xinyi, what on earth is this..."

"This is the result of a joint discussion between me, Yu Gong, and Meng Yu. Meeting you in this way on this stage is a surprise for you."

Xiaolan's expression changed slightly when she heard this: "Meet me in black clothes and in a way that is not known to the world? Isn't your matter over yet?"

Xinyi was slightly startled. He didn't expect Xiaolan's first reaction to be like this.

After a while of silence, Shinichi sighed softly: "Yes, it's not over yet. I only have one day at most, and I will leave again tomorrow."

Xiaolan lowered her eyes slightly and murmured: "One day?"

"Yeah, it's only one day, but this is a good start."

Xiaolan was silent for a while, then suddenly hugged Shinichi with her backhand.

Even though what came from her hands was the cold touch of armor, Xiaolan seemed to be able to feel the warmth of a boy through the cold armor.

"Xiaolan..." This time, Shinichi's body froze.

Xiaolan leaned against Shinichi again and smiled: "It's really great to see you again!"

Shinichi also smiled: "Well! I'm also very happy to meet you again as Kudo Shinichi."

The two hugged each other tightly, and neither one wanted to let go of the other for a moment.

"Hey! Bastard! How long are you going to hold my daughter!?"

A roar came from the audience, breaking the delicate atmosphere between the two.

"Hmm! So what should we do now? We seem to be still acting, right?"

Mouri Kogoro's roar brought Xiaolan back to her senses from the joy of being reunited with her sweetheart.

Shinichi smiled and said, "It's okay. I just changed the script temporarily just to tell you my identity. Now, we can act as we want and prepare to turn on the loudspeaker."

After saying that, Shinichi adjusted the voice changer between his neck, and then slowly let go of Xiaolan.

Xiaolan understood, and the two of them turned on the loudspeaker at the same time.

The black-armored knight bowed slightly and whispered: "I'm sorry, Your Highness, please forgive my recklessness just now."

Xiaolan looked at her sweetheart who had returned to acting mode so quickly, a smile flashed in her bright eyes.

She recalled the lines, her expression gradually became stunned, and she said in a tone as if she was talking in her sleep: "I... saw the birthmark on the back of your neck... Are you... Speight?"

The black-armored knight had just picked up the fallen long sword. After hearing the princess's words, the long sword he had already picked up fell to the ground again.

He silently picked up the sword again, stood up straight, and said: "Your Highness, you have mistaken the person."

When the princess heard this, she stepped forward with excitement and stared at the knight without any hesitation: "I will never admit it! With such a birthmark and such a position, you can only be Speight!"

Before the black-armored knight could reply, the princess continued: "So that's it...the reason why you covered your face is because when you were driven out of the castle by your father, the guards left a hideous scar on your face; The reason why the sound is like this is because I was bitten by a poisonous snake back then, and you hurt your throat because of the smoke while you were trying to boil medicine for me."

"You...why don't you want to recognize me?"

The eyes of the black-armored knight slowly closed under the mask, and he said softly: "My appearance has become extremely ugly, and my voice has become extremely ugly. How can I be qualified to face you like this? Hart. "

"No! It's not like that!" The princess excitedly pressed the shoulders of the black-armored knight, with an extremely solemn expression: "There are as many beautiful people as there are stars in the sky, but no one can thwart the conspiracy of the Kingdom of Orlando like you. ;"

"There are as many people with beautiful voices as there are drops in the ocean, but no one can risk their lives to protect me like you."

"If you are not qualified to face me, then no one else in this world will be qualified!"

"Hart..." The black-armored knight stared blankly at the girl in front of him.

The princess raised her head and said in an extremely firm voice: "Spet, I like you. You have been the only one in my heart since a long time ago. Even if you were kicked out of the castle by your father, my feelings for you have never changed. !”

The black-armored knight looked at the princess who expressed his feelings in front of him, and his lips murmured for a while, then he seemed to have made up his mind and said:

"Hart, I have always liked you. This feeling has not faded over time. Instead, it keeps burning in my heart like a prairie fire!"

The black-armored knight suddenly knelt on one knee, supported the ground with his sword, put his hand on his chest, and said solemnly: "Hart, are you willing to marry me? I am willing to be your guardian knight, and I am willing to dedicate everything I have. Come and protect your happiness!"

The princess was startled by the knight's sudden move. When she heard the knight's oath, she couldn't help but cover her mouth slightly, and tears shone in her eyes.

The knight remained motionless, waiting for the princess's answer.

After a long time, the princess responded with a trembling and joyful voice:

"I do!"

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