President's office.

During the period before the arrival of the police, Akira Hanomiya moved the party here, while the president and the eldest lady showed up at the party, briefly excused the other employees, and then returned here to wait for the police together. 's arrival

Soon, Yu Gongming heard a rush of footsteps, followed by a "dong dong dong" knock on the door.

"Please come in!" the president responded.

The door opened and several police officers walked into the office.

"Who informed us to come here? What's the specific situation now?" the leading police officer asked.

"Oh? Are you, Officer Sato, leading the team this time?" Hanemiya Ming asked with a smile.

The police officer who led the team to the scene this time was none other than Officer Sato!

Officer Sato heard Hanomiya Akira's voice and immediately looked over: "Detective Hanomiya? Why are you here?"

Yu Gongming spread his hands: "Why do you think I am here?"

Officer Sato raised his eyebrows: "We received a call that a murder occurred here... Are you a victim or a witness?"

"Oh? Can't I be a suspect?" Yu Gongming asked with a half-smile.

Officer Sato glared at him angrily: "Don't come here! Do you think I didn't see the tied up guy next to you?"

At this moment, Yu Gongming was sitting on the guest sofa in the president's room, and at his feet was Dada who was tied into a rice dumpling.

Akira Hanomiya smiled: "As expected of Officer Sato, I admire you!"

Officer Sato rolled his eyes and his expression returned to seriousness: "Tell me, what exactly happened?"

"You'd better ask the victim about this first." Akira Hanomiya glanced at the president sitting on the leather chair and the eldest lady standing beside him.

After hearing this, Officer Sato finally noticed that there were two other people in the president's room.

She stepped forward and showed her police officer ID: "Hello, I am Sato from the Investigation Section 1 of the Metropolitan Police Department. I am the one who called the police, right?"

"Yes." The president nodded slightly.

"Then what are your names?" Officer Sato asked.

"I am Taiji Tatsumi, the president of this entertainment company." The president spoke first, and then pointed to his daughter beside him: "This is my little girl Sakurako."

The eldest lady bowed slightly to Officer Sato.

After briefly understanding some basic information, Officer Sato finally got to the point: "So you two, can you tell me what's going on?"

"Oh! That's it..." Tatsumi Taiji, as the person who was almost killed, very actively explained the cause and effect of the incident to Officer Sato.

"Huh? You mean, Ohba shot you with a pistol?" Officer Sato's eyes narrowed slightly.

"That's the pistol." Yu Gongming came over and put the pistol wrapped in a plastic bag on the desk.

Officer Sato looked at the pistol on the table with a more serious expression. He picked it up and examined it carefully.

After a moment, she suddenly said "Hey": "That's strange, the bullet casings are also in this plastic bag? Did you collect them, Detective Hanomiya?"

"No, it's not." Yu Gongming explained: "The police officer should have seen that this film bag has two holes, one large and one small."

"At that time, the suspect was wearing gloves and a film bag, and he pointed at President Tatsumi and shot him."

"Although I stopped him in time, the bullet was still successfully fired, and the shell remained in the film bag."

"I see..." Officer Sato nodded with understanding, turned to a police officer and said, "Go to the elevator and search for the bullet that was fired."

The police officer agreed and trotted out of the office.

Officer Sato finally turned his attention to Oba: "So this is Mr. Oba, right? Do you have anything to say?"

Ohba turned his head to the side and did not reply.

Officer Sato frowned, looking a little unhappy, then called several police officers and escorted Oba away.

"Officer Sato, can I leave now? I still have some things to deal with."

Officer Sato nodded slightly: "If conditions permit, I still want you to go back with us to take notes, but since you have something to do and you are obviously not a suspect in the case, then of course there is no problem."

"Thank you." Akira Hanamiya thanked you, and then looked at Tatsumi Taiji: "President Tatsumi, Miss Sakurako, I will leave first."

"Well, I really appreciate Detective Hanomiya's help this time." Taiji Tatsumi smiled.

Having said this, he opened the drawer and took out a checkbook.

He filled out the checkbook for a while, then tore off the check and handed it to Akira Hanomiya: "Detective Hanomiya, this is a little bit of my gratitude. Please accept it."

After hesitating for a while, he suddenly whispered: "Also, please ask Detective Hanomiya not to tell anyone what happened tonight, please."

Yu Gongming was stunned for a moment when he looked at the check that was handed over. He glanced at the amount on the check, then he smiled warmly and reached out to take the check:

"Since the president has good intentions, I will be disrespectful. I understand the president's concerns. Don't worry, I will keep secret about tonight's affairs."

Anyway, he saved the other party's life, and he didn't feel guilty accepting the money. And since the other party asked him not to spread the news about tonight's incident, he might still have doubts if he didn't accept the money.

Taiji Tatsumi smiled when he saw Akira Hanomiya accepting the check so readily: "In that case, I won't keep Detective Hanomiya any longer."

Yu Gongming nodded slightly: "Well, everyone, please excuse me."

After saying that, Yu Gongming turned around and left the office.

After arriving in the deserted corridor, Yu Gongming took out his mobile phone and dialed Meng Yu's number: "Hey! I've got it done here."

"Oh? It's faster than I expected!" Meng Yu said in surprise.

"Well, after all, I prevented the murder from happening in advance, and the person who came this time was an acquaintance, Officer Sato, so many procedures were omitted."

Mengyu suddenly said: "I understand, then come here now, remember to disguise yourself!"

"Don't worry! I will definitely not ignore this kind of thing, but what is the situation over there now?" Yu Gongming asked.

"They are still having dinner now. You should be able to catch up if you come here now." Meng Yu said with a smile.

"Okay, I'll come over as soon as possible!"

Yu Gongming hung up the phone, looked at the surrounding environment, then turned and walked towards the public elevator of the building.


Looking at the restaurant, a table for two.

A woman with slightly curly black hair and a knitted hat was eating a piece of cheesecake while observing the situation at another table for two not far away.

At this time, a man wearing a black top hat, a carefully trimmed beard, and black-rimmed glasses on his nose sat across from her.

When the woman saw the man, the expression on her face turned into a bit of laughter: "Pfft! Your look... is so funny."

The man shrugged nonchalantly: "It's okay, as long as you can't recognize him immediately, that's fine."

Yes, these two are Yu Gongming and Mengyu who have gone through simple disguises!

After sitting down, Yu Gongming waved to the waiter and ordered a few dishes at will.

After the waiter left, the two of them looked at the table for two not far away at the same time.

At this moment, Xinyi and Xiaolan's dinner has come to an end.

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