Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 601 Officer Sato’s “Battle”

Not far from the container, I saw a man wearing a black coat and carrying a backpack standing in front of a pile of newspapers.

He put down his backpack and took out a jar.

"Hehehe..." A sinister laughter sounded, and the man unscrewed the jar and tilted it slightly.

An unknown liquid was slowly poured on the newspaper.

Mengyu sniffed gently and touched Yu Gongming.

Yu Gongming turned around and saw Meng Yu mouthing: [Kerosene]

Yumiya understood clearly, this was not surprising.

He turned around and pulled Officer Shiratori aside and explained the situation in a low voice.

"Well! I think it's time to arrest him." Officer Shiratiao said solemnly.

Yu Gongming made an OK gesture.

On the other side, the arsonist who was still unaware continued to pour kerosene on the newspaper: "Hey...a little more...a little more!"

Just as he was muttering to himself, there was a sudden rush of footsteps behind him!

The man's expression changed and he turned his head suddenly!

In his sight, a huge fist was approaching at an incredible speed.


The man's face was knocked sideways by a heavy punch.

He felt a buzzing in his head and his vision became blurry.

Before he could recover, he felt his arm being grabbed again.

The next moment, his whole body came into close contact with the ground!


The kerosene can in his hand fell to the ground, and the kerosene flowed out.

Looking at the man subdued by Officer Shiratori, Hanamiya Akira shrugged with pity, and then picked up the kerosene can to prevent the kerosene from leaking further.

"You... who are you?" The man seemed to finally come to his senses and turned to look at Officer Shiratori, who was pressing his back.

Officer Shiratori said calmly: "I am a police officer from the Investigation Section 1 of the Metropolitan Police Department. Now I am arresting you on suspicion of serial arson!"

" are the police!? How did you find me!?" the man asked with a pale face.

"Of course I followed you all the way here!" Yu Gongming said with a smile.


Officer Shiratori put handcuffs on the prisoner and escorted him to stand up: "Huh! Anyway, please come back to the station with me now!"

He looked at Yu Miya: "Detective Yu Miya, please help me search you."

"No problem!" Yu Gongming nodded, came to the man and began to search him.

After a while, he had a box of matches in his hand.

Akira Hanomiya pointed to the backpack that fell on the ground beside the man. "It looks like the rest of his stuff is in that backpack, but this box of matches alone makes him even more suspicious."

Officer Shiratori nodded slightly: "My colleagues will handle this later."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a sudden rush of footsteps.

The next moment, several burly men in police uniforms rushed in.

As soon as they saw Officer Shiratori, they immediately shouted: "Officer! We are coming!"

Officer Shiratori nodded slightly and began to arrange work.

When everyone hiding behind the container saw that the situation was under control, they stopped hiding and came to Yu Gongming's side.

"He must be the arsonist, right?" Yuantai said with some uncertainty.

"Idiot! Of course!" Mitsuhiko looked at Genta as if he was mentally retarded: "Which normal person would come to a place like this and pour kerosene on the newspaper! It's obvious that he wants to set a fire!"

"In short, the matter here is settled. Now it's up to Officer Sato." Akira Hanomiya said with a smile.

"Huh? Where's Officer Sato?" Officer Shiratori asked doubtfully.

"Oh! We already know who the robber was eighteen years ago. Officer Sato is rushing there alone now."

"What? She's going alone?" Officer Shiratiao's expression changed!

"Of course I contacted the Metropolitan Police Headquarters. Officer Sato is not stupid." Akira Hanomiya said with a smile.

"Phew! That's good..." Officer Shiratori breathed a sigh of relief.

"Eh? Look, there seems to be someone at the window of the warehouse over there!" Meng Yu suddenly pointed in a certain direction.


In an Italian restaurant.


The door of the restaurant was pushed open, and Officer Sato walked into the restaurant.

Shikano Shuji, who was standing at the counter wiping wine glasses, was slightly startled when he saw Officer Sato: "It's Miwako? Are you off work?"

"Yes!" Officer Sato smiled.

"Well, although I'm glad you could come, the restaurant is already closed." Kano Shuji said a little embarrassed.

"Don't be like this! Uncle Shikano..." Officer Sato sat down at a table and turned to look at Shuji Shikano: "I think you don't mind buying me a drink? After all, tomorrow is It’s your fiftieth birthday.”

Shikano Shuji shook his head slightly: "Fortunately, I am going to be fifty, but there is nothing to celebrate."

Although he said that, he still came to the wine cabinet, took a bottle of wine and two wine glasses, turned and walked towards Officer Sato's table.

Officer Sato narrowed his eyes, looked at Shikano Shuuji who was approaching, and suddenly chuckled: "Really? I think you can't wait any longer."

She folded her hands gently on the table and said quietly: "After all, after twelve o'clock tonight, the case of Chou Silang has officially passed the prosecution period!"

Shikano Shuji was putting the wine and wine glass on the table, and his whole body was stunned when he heard this.

Officer Sato smiled slightly, picked up the wine bottle and glass, poured himself a glass of wine, and raised the glass: "Let us celebrate...Mr. [KANO]."

Kano Shuji's pupils shrank suddenly, and he sat down on the seat opposite him as if his center of gravity was unstable.

Officer Sato looked at Shikano Shuuji's reaction, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and the smile on his face remained unchanged as he continued:

"I have confirmed with Miss Divine Bird before that your nickname in the high school baseball team is [KANO]. Of course, they don't remember it very clearly, and there are some discrepancies in the pronunciation."

"However, the reason why my father was able to confirm that you were the robber was because he saw the footage captured by the anti-theft camera of the robber beating the guard to death with the butt of his gun."

"I have often heard my father say that although Shikano's hitting posture is very strange, I have to say that he is indeed the number one strongest bat."

Luye Xiuji's expression stiffened for a moment, then he laughed and said: "This is too exaggerated. I didn't expect your father to think that I am the murderer just because of this? And I remember, isn't the prosecution period for that case already..."

"No, for you there are still 8 minutes and 17 seconds." The police officer said calmly: "The law stipulates that if the suspect goes abroad, the period abroad will not be counted in the prosecution period."

"Moreover, I have confirmed this with the Ministry of Justice. Maybe you don't want to forget the day when the prosecution period has passed, so you moved your fiftieth birthday to the same day and calculated the time correctly. Returned from Italy.”

Luye Shuuji's face could no longer remain calm. However, he had no intention of defending and just lowered his head in silence.

Officer Sato didn't show any impatience, he just stared at him quietly.

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