Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 606 Shimabukuro Kime

Everyone turned their heads and saw a short-haired woman in her twenties looking at them with interest.

Seeing several people looking over, the short-haired woman smiled slightly: "Because there is already a being in this world who eats mermaid meat and becomes immortal."

"It's you, Naoko." The souvenir shop owner called the woman in front of him.

Naoko nodded slightly to the owner of the souvenir shop and continued to say to everyone: "The dugong arrow made of the hair grown by the longevity woman with the power of her mind, no matter who falls into the hand, can realize the dream of immortality! "

"Shazhi lost such an important dugong arrow. It is only natural for people to escape from this island out of fear of the mermaid's revenge."

After Naoko finished speaking, she left without waiting for anyone to reply.

"Who is this person?" Mouri Kogoro asked.

The souvenir shop owner explained: "Naoko is a good friend of Saori and she grew up together."

"Then the longevity woman he mentioned is..." Mouri Kogoro asked again.

"She is the protagonist of today's Dugong Festival..." the souvenir shop owner said, "She is also the symbol of our island, that is, the Shimabukuro old lady."

"How old is that old lady now?" Hattori Heiji asked doubtfully.

"Well..." the souvenir shop owner said hesitantly: "There are many people who say she is one hundred and two hundred years old. If you want to know more, I suggest you go to the shrine where the celebration is held on the island. .”

"Shrine?" Everyone looked at each other.

"That's right." The souvenir shop owner smiled and said, "Grandma Shimabukuro's great-granddaughter Junhui also grew up with Saori, so she should be there too."

Hattori Heiji had a strange expression: "I feel like we have become a ball..."

"Think about it from another angle, we are just collecting clues based on the prompts." Yu Gongming said with a smile.

So, everyone followed the souvenir shop owner's advice and rushed to the shrine.


American shrine.

Everyone found the shrine maiden Shimabukuro Kime who was preparing for the celebration at the shrine.

After hearing the purpose of their visit, Shimabukuro Kime showed obvious helplessness: "You people from big cities don't believe in this kind of thing, do you?"

"Actually, my mother-in-law is only 130 years old this year. Just check her household registration information to find out!"

Shimabukuro Kimie seemed to be distressed and patted her forehead: "Really, she just lived a little longer than ordinary people, and she actually caused such a big commotion."

"It's amazing to live to be 130 years old, isn't it?" Xiaolan couldn't hide her surprise.

"Yeah, I think I can apply for a world record~" Meng Yu couldn't help but complain.

Hattori Heiji was more concerned about the investigation and asked: "Where is your great-grandmother now?"

"Oh! She's in the room!" Shimabukuro Kime pointed to the house in the shrine and said, "She is currently praying for the arrows to be sent out for tonight's celebration." Shimabukuro Kime replied.

Mouri Kogoro rolled his eyes and suddenly asked: "By the way, did your great-grandmother really eat mermaid meat?"

Shimabukuro Kimie was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then burst into laughter: "How is that possible! There is no such animal as a mermaid in this world!"

"But...that dugong arrow..."

"These are all nonsense made by others!" Shimabukuro June laughed: "Actually, that arrow was used to be a forbidden arrow with an exorcism spell cast on it."

"It's just that the people on the island insisted on relating it to mermaids, so they named it after the dugongs that live in the sea. My late mother told me this."

Xiaolan's expression moved slightly: "So your mother has passed away?"

"Yes." Shimabukuro Kimie's originally cheerful smile faded a little: "Five years ago, my mother and father were buried at sea due to an accident, and my grandparents died of a shipwreck before I was born. "

"Ah? Your family members died at sea. There must be some reason, right?" He Ye not only thought of something, but his expression became a little frightened.

"There's no reason!" Shimabukuro Kime waved his hand and said with a smile: "I took a boat to the mainland with Saori before, and nothing happened at all!"

"What? You and Saori took a boat together..." Mouri Kogoro's eyes widened.

"When did this happen?" Hattori Heiji asked in a deep voice.

Shimabukuro Kimie seemed to be taken aback by the reaction of the two people. She was stunned for a moment and then said: "Well...about four days ago, right? I asked Saori to accompany me to the mainland to see a dentist, because there is currently no dentist on our island. dentisit."

"So was Saori's mood stable at that time?" Mouri Kogoro asked.

Shimabukuro Kimie recalled: "She lost her dugong arrow, so she was terribly afraid that the mermaid would come to retaliate against her."

"I reassured her that there would be no such thing, but she didn't listen at all."

"Haha, you say that because you don't understand your great-grandmother's power at all." A female voice sounded.

Shimabukuro June looked over and said in surprise: "Sumei?"

Yumiya Ming rolled his eyes secretly, and another person appeared so coldly to interrupt the topic.

A young woman with long straight hair walked towards a few people and said with a smile: "Jun Hui, your great-grandmother really has magic power, and she did eat mermaid meat. You should know this, right? Three The body of the mermaid appeared years ago, didn’t it?”

"Three years ago, was it reported on TV at that time..." Xiaolan seemed to have thought of something, and her face changed slightly.

Shimabukuro Kimie quickly explained: "Those are all exaggerated by the TV station!"

"Hmph! You are really telling lies with your eyes open!" Shou Mei laughed and said, "You obviously saw that the mermaid's bones were broken. It's so weird."

"Shou Mei, stop talking!" A stern voice sounded from behind, and a strong hand pressed Shou Mei's shoulder.

Shou Mei turned her head and saw a young man in his twenties with bronze skin staring at her unkindly.

"Lu Lang?" Shou Mei seemed to recognize the young man in front of her and asked in surprise.

The young man known as Lu Lang said calmly: "It's better not to tell outsiders about these things."

He turned to look at everyone: "If you want to know about Saori's situation, you should go to her house. Of course, the premise is that her drunk father welcomes you."

After Lu Lang finished speaking, he left with Shou Mei.

"No one is worried about her safety?" Hattori Heiji couldn't help but muttered.

Shimabukuro Kimie sighed: "Because Saori often quarreled with her father and ran away from home."

"Then could you please take us to Saori's house to have a look?" Mouri Kogoro asked.

"Of course! I'll be free after the celebration." Shimabukuro Kimie readily agreed.

"Hey! By the way, what exactly are you going to do at the celebration?" Xiaolan asked curiously.

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