Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 613 Hijacked Bus

Mitsuhiko's shout not only attracted the attention of Conan and Yu Gongming, but even Mengyu was awakened.

Yu Gongming's eyes narrowed slightly and he looked forward.

I saw Dr. Shinde in a dark green coat slowly walking towards a few people, and behind him was Teacher Judy with blond hair.

Doctor Shinde seemed to have heard Mitsuhiko's voice and turned to look over, also showing surprise: "Eh? Are you in this car too?"

"The internal medicine examination a few days ago was really hard work for the new doctor!" Mitsuhiko said with a smile.

The new doctor smiled reservedly: "Everything should be done."

"Oh? Does the new doctor know these children?" Yu Gongming suddenly asked.

When the newly-described doctor saw Hanemiya Ming, his expression changed slightly: "Yes, I went to their school for a physical examination a few days ago. Detective Hanemiya and classmate Mengyu were also there?"

Meng Yu smoothed her messy hair and said with a smile, "Well! We are about to take the children to ski together!"

She looked past Dr. Shinde and looked behind him with a teasing smile: "Is Dr. Shinde going out on a date with Teacher Judy today?"

Upon hearing this, Dr. Shinde turned his head and glanced at Teacher Judy who was following him, and quickly explained: "No, please don't get me wrong, we just happened to meet each other."

"Hello, boys and girls!" She glanced at Conan and said with surprise: "Oh! cool kid! We meet again!"

"Ah! Hello, Teacher Judy!" Conan forced out a smile and waved hello.

"Hey! Conan, who is he?" Genta asked.

Conan replied: "She is the English teacher in sister Xiaolan's class."

"Hello! My name is Judy St. Timilion, and today I'm going on a date with Dr. Shinde to the Ueno Art Museum!"

"Well... we just happened to meet each other at the station." Doctor Shinde explained as he found a seat and sat down.

Teacher Judy immediately raised her eyebrows and glared at Dr. Shinde: "How can you embarrass a girl like this!"

"But if there are any rumors in the school, it won't be good for both of us, right?" The new doctor explained with some embarrassment.

"Oh!" Teacher Judy looked like she suddenly realized: "You are right, it is indeed not good."

Having said that, she sat directly next to Dr. Shinde.

Conan narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the two people in front of him, countless thoughts passing through his mind.

He turned his eyes and looked at Xiao Ai, who had his head lowered and his whole body stiffened, and his heart sank.

At this time, a man and a woman passed by him.

The man was wearing a long light blue coat and a black knitted hat. His eyebrows were like swords and his eyes were bright.

However, he was wearing a mask at the moment and was coughing as he walked, as if he had a cold.

Next to him was a young woman with a pretty face and long straight chestnut hair. Even though she was wearing a coat, she still couldn't hide her slim figure.

Conan's expression changed again: "Is it Shuichi Akai? That FBI?"

"Wait a minute, the person next to him can't be..."

Conan turned around and saw Akai Shuichi and the strange woman coming to the last row and sitting side by side.

Conan turned his eyes to the woman.

He was certain that he had never seen this face before.

But his intuition told him that he must know the woman following Akai Shuichi!

Naturally, Yu Gongming and Meng Yu also saw Akai Shuichi and the young woman next to him.

The two looked at each other with serious expressions.

Yu Gongming gently held Meng Yu's hand and tapped her fingers lightly on her white palm: [Something will happen later, so be careful]

Dream Whisper also responded in Morse code to show that he understood.

At this time, Yuantai suddenly shouted: "Hey! Look! Those two people have already put on their ski equipment!"

When everyone took a look, they saw two men in ski suits and goggles walking up to the front door of the bus.

"They are really anxious!" Mitsuhiko said in surprise.

"However, I can understand how they feel!" Ayumi smiled.

"Then let's put on our clothes now!" Yuantai seemed a little excited.

"Have you forgotten? Our luggage has been sent out in advance!" Ayumi reminded.

"Oh! It seems so!" Yuantai thought, and it seemed that this was indeed the case.

"You guys are really weak..." Mitsuhiko said speechlessly.

At this moment, one of the slightly thinner men turned his head and opened the zipper of his carry-on bag while scanning the entire carriage.

Yu Gongming narrowed his eyes slightly, and after visually measuring the distance, he shook his head secretly: "The distance is too far, it's too late..."

Just as the thought in his mind turned around, the man's hand suddenly stretched out from the bag.

There was a pistol in his hand!

The muzzle of the gun pointed into the car, and the man suddenly shouted: "Listen! Everyone, please be quiet!"

Conan gasped when he saw the pistol.

The other passengers had not yet reacted, and confused questions rang out from time to time.


The man suddenly raised his hand and fired a shot at the roof of the car. The bright sparks and loud sound moved many passengers instantly, and a timid female passenger even let out a scream!

"Don't you understand? If you want to survive, just be quiet!" the man shouted again.

This time, no one dared to speak out.

Another, burlier man also took out a pistol and pointed it at the driver, saying coldly: "Listen, close the front door immediately!"

When the driver saw this posture, how could he dare to say no? After a trembling promise, he closed the car door.

"Now, change the bus sign to "Enter"!" the burly man continued to order.

The driver had no choice but to do as he was told.

"Very good! Drive slowly now, but you can only go around the city!" The burly man said coldly, pointing his gun forward.

So, the driver carefully started the bus, and the bus started driving slowly in the city.

"Very good! At the next traffic light, when the red light comes on, contact the bus station immediately!" the burly man continued.

The driver could do nothing but nod.

On the other side, a thin man began to patrol along the aisle and shouted: "Now, everyone with a mobile phone, please hand over your mobile phone automatically!"

He gently clicked the safety on the pistol and sneered: "Don't cheat! If you don't obey me, you will never make a phone call again in your life!"

Seeing this, everyone, including Yu Gongming, handed over their mobile phones.

In fact, when the thin man came to his side, Yu Gongming could subdue him at any time.

For him, there is no difference between some people holding guns and not holding them. Although a master of his level cannot guarantee that within seven steps, a punch will be faster than a gun, but at the distance of two steps, he is absolutely confident. It can make the opponent lose the ability to fight before he shoots.

However, the burly man in front was pointing a gun at the driver. If he took action rashly, not only the driver but also the other guy would probably shoot the passengers indiscriminately.

In addition, he remembered that there was another accomplice in the car, which made Yu Gongming even more cautious.

Therefore, he decided to wait and see what happens, waiting for the opportunity.

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