Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 618 Yu Gongming’s metaphysical methods

Two days later, Kudo House.

Yu Gongming, Meng Yu, Conan, and Xiao Ai sat around the dining table.

"Phew! It's finally over. I've been tortured so hard by those brats these past two days!" Conan leaned lazily on the back of the chair and breathed a sigh of relief, looking like the suffering was finally over.

Xiao Ai chuckled: "What? How could a famous detective be stumped by a few elementary school students?"

Conan glanced at Xiao Ai and said calmly: "You should know that with those little brats around, there is no way to talk about many things properly."

The smile on Xiao Ai's face faded slightly: "Is it the bus hijacking incident two days ago?"

"Yes, now that I think about it, there were probably members of that organization in that car, and according to what you said, the members who can give you such a strong sense of danger are definitely high-level members of the organization." Conan said solemnly.

"Haha, to a certain extent, those two robbers are probably the most insignificant little characters on the bus." Yu Gongming joked.

Meng Yu also smiled and said: "It's true to hear you say that. There are two famous detectives, two karate masters, at least one member of the black organization, and the FBI in this car. With this lineup, the robbers Such bad luck.”

"Leave the matter of the robbers to Officer Megure. Our focus is still on the members of the organization." Conan brought the topic back.

"Hmm..." Yu Gongming touched his chin and analyzed: "Judging from the timing of Xiao Ai's abnormal reaction, there were two very suspicious objects on that bus."

"You mean Teacher Judy and the new doctor, right?" Conan's tone was extremely determined.

Akira Hanomiya nodded lightly: "Well, let's talk about Teacher Judy first. She came to Japan all the way from the United States. According to your description, she is very good at shooting and driving simulation games, and she seems to have noticed something unusual about you. "

"Well, and when he faced the robber, he actually raised the safety of the robber's pistol in a way that left no trace." Conan's face became more serious:

"If you don't have enough understanding and practical use of firearms, you will never be able to do this. Even if the United States can legally possess firearms, the average person should not have such qualities."

"Next is the new doctor." Meng Yu said:

"The new doctor also recently came to Didan to serve as the school doctor. Because of his outstanding appearance and many specialties, many clubs are vying to hire him as their instructor."

"I remember that some time ago he quit his job as a basketball coach for some reasons and concentrated on directing the drama club."

Yu Gongming said: "Well, we met Dr. Xinde from a previous case. The night before the garden party, Meng Yu and I met him again."

"According to her, his stepmother was imprisoned for attempted murder, and other family members died in an accident. He was so sad that he decided to change his working environment, and finally came to Didan High School."

"What? All his family members are dead?" Conan was shocked when he heard this.

Yu Gongming shook his head slightly: "To be precise, his family cannot be by his side due to various reasons."

Conan frowned: "Is this...what a coincidence?"

"Another interesting thing is that the new doctor seems to be very good at acting. He directed our entire program at the garden party." Mengyu added.

" members suddenly had an accident or went to jail..." Conan chewed on these clues and suddenly his expression changed:

Yu Gongming saw Conan's expression change and moved his eyebrows: "It seems you have thought of it too."

Conan nodded solemnly and said, "Well, if it's her, it doesn't seem impossible..."

"Are you talking about Belmod?" Xiao Ai asked in a solemn voice.

Yu Gongming and three others nodded in affirmation.

Xiao Ai's eyes trembled slightly, and she said softly: "If it were her, it wouldn't be surprising to have that level of danger premonition."

"If we assume that the member of the organization is Belmode, then who is more likely to be?" Akira Hanamiya asked this most critical question.

"Judging from the current clues, Teacher Judy is more suspicious." Conan replied:

"First of all, she is an American, female, and has blond hair similar to Belmode. Coupled with her inexplicable attention to me and her knowledge of firearms, she is undoubtedly more suspicious."

"As for the new doctor, there is nothing really suspicious. His family may have just died in an accident, and there are many people in the world who have studied acting."

"Based on these doubts alone, we can only say that it is suitable for Belmod to disguise himself, but it cannot be inferred that he is Belmod."

"No, actually I think it doesn't make sense that Teacher Judy is Belmod." Mengyu nodded her chin and thought:

"Teacher Judy's accent, which deliberately pretends not to understand Japanese, is too flawed to the ears of a caring person. As a top agent and a master of disguise, how could Belmode make such a low-level mistake?"

"Also, if she was Belmode, she must have known at that time that a famous detective was sitting behind her. Her little moves on the robber's firearm may not be able to hide from Amin's eyes."

"I would like to ask, would an agent who lives in the dark be so active in subduing the robbers and revealing that he is proficient in firearms?"

Xiao Ai's cold voice sounded: "If she was really this kind of person, she wouldn't be alive until now."

Hearing this, Conan frowned again: "That makes sense...but we can't rule out that she deliberately made us think this way..."

"If you think so, then there is no way to draw a conclusion. All the doubts may be caused by the other party deliberately." Meng Yu spread her hands.

Yu Gongming suddenly said: "Actually, if the suspect has been identified, if we can't tell who Belmode is using logic and reasoning, then why don't we use some metaphysical methods?"

"Metaphysical methods?" The others were stunned.

"Hey! You don't want to use something unreliable like divination, do you?" Conan raised his half-moon eyes and looked at Yu Gongming.

"Do you think I'm the kind of person who would come up with such a bad idea?" Akira Yumiya glared at Conan angrily and continued:

"My method is very simple, the key is to look at Xiao Ai."

"Xiao Ai (Haiyuan)?" Conan and Mengyu turned to Xiao Ai at the same time.

Xiao Ai was stunned for a moment and pointed at herself in confusion.

Yu Gongming smiled and said: "That's right! Didn't Xiao Ai say that? As long as there are members of the organization nearby, she can smell it."

"Now that it is confirmed that this member of the organization is between Teacher Judy and Doctor Xinche, we might as well invite them out separately and let Xiao Ai observe in secret. The one who reacts is the member of the organization."

After hearing Yu Gongming's plan, Conan couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth: "You... are really mystical..."

Meng Yu's eyes lit up: "I think this method is good! Anyway, we don't have any clues now, and Xiao Ai is indeed unusually sensitive to the members of the organization. I think we can try it. Even if it doesn't work, we have nothing to lose, right? ?"

"If it's just a secret observation, I'm willing to cooperate. If I know who is a member of the organization earlier, I can feel a little more at ease." Xiao Ai said calmly.

"You..." Conan looked at the three people in front of him, his eyebrows twitching, and finally he sighed helplessly: "Forget it, let's just follow what you said, although I don't think it is reliable at all..."

"Okay! Then let's discuss the details..." Yu Gongming said with a smile.

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