Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 626 The Dilemma of Ray Katis

Ray Katis stared blankly at Ha Gongming's stretched out hand, without making any movement for a moment.

Seeing this, Yu Gongming sighed softly, then turned his head and glanced at Meng Yu.

Dream Whisper immediately took action and directly controlled Ray Katis before he could react.

Ray Katis finally came back to his senses after being captured by Dream Whisper. He instinctively wanted to shout, but Yu Gongming's voice sounded at this time:

"If you still want revenge, don't say anything."

Hearing this, Ray Katis stopped shouting and looked at Hanemiya Akira with uncertain eyes.

Yu Gongming didn't continue to say anything, but started groping on him.

Not long after, he took out a Smith \u0026 Wesson revolver from Ray Carter's arms with a handkerchief.

Seeing the pistol, Ray Katis's face couldn't help but darken.

Yu Gongming nodded slightly, and Mengyu also let go of Ray Katis and returned to Yu Gongming.

Ray Katis stood up again, frowning, and looked at the two young men in front of him with complicated eyes, who may not be as old as him in total:

"What...what do you want to do?"

Yu Gongming put away the pistol and his expression softened slightly: "I'm sorry, Mr. Lei, I sympathize with your experience, but please forgive me that I can only stop your plan."

Seeing what Ray Katis wanted to say, Yu Gongming waved his hand and said: "Don't worry, I will get rid of this pistol later. Of course, this is just something I picked up by chance. It is the same as the European Steel Fortress Ray Katis." Sir, it has nothing to do with it.”

Ray Katis looked at Yumiya Akira with a strange look, and asked the question again: "What...what do you want to do?"

"I said, stop your murder plan." Yu Gongming calmly replied.

"But why?"

This "why" contains too many doubts for Ray Katis.

Yu Gongming spread his hands helplessly: "I can't help it. Who said that one of my best friends is your die-hard fan?"

"Huh?" Ray Katis was stunned when he heard this.

Yu Gongming continued: "To be honest, the reason why I know your plan is because of the entrustment of that close friend."

"He learned about your murder plan through his understanding of you and some investigations. However, he was unable to intervene for some reasons, so he asked me to come and stop you."

Yu Gongming showed a trace of memory: "He asked me to never let Mr. Lei, whom he respects and admires the most, become a murderer with blood on his hands."

Ray Katis was a little stunned when he heard this. He didn't expect that Yu Gongming stopped him for this reason.

Yu Gongming observed his expression and continued: "That close friend told me that what he admires most is your courage to rush forward regardless of your own safety, no matter how fast the attack is."

"He wanted you to get over the past and start a new life."

Ray Katis gently clenched his fists and whispered: "Start again... Haha, but I will never forget the pain and despair on my wife's face when she died..."

He raised his head suddenly, as if suppressing some emotion: "If I start over, will my wife's death be in vain?"

"Besides, I don't know how many groundless scandals that hateful guy will create in the future. If I don't kill him, I won't be able to find peace!"

Yu Gongming and Meng Yu looked at each other.

Yu Gongming shook his head slightly and said to Ray Katis: "I am just bringing you my dear friend's request, and I personally cannot allow the murder to happen."

"Now that your pistol is gone, you have lost the ability to carry out your plan."

Ray Katis was startled, then smiled bitterly and said: "Yes, now that you have discovered it, what's the use of not being willing to give in?"

"I even have to pray that you won't tell the police about me."

Yu Gongming said calmly: "If you stop here, then you can treat today's incident as if it never happened, and there will be no trouble from the police. I can guarantee this."

"Of course, I know that no one has the right to let go of this grudge for you. All I can do is to stop your current plan."

"If you still don't give up your desire for revenge in the future, there's nothing I can do about it."

He stared at Ray Katis, his gaze seemed to penetrate people's hearts: "It's just that before you make a new plan, I hope you can think carefully. Is killing really the best choice?"

"How would your wife feel if she knew you were going to be a murderer?"

"Those fans who have always loved you, if they knew that the idol they admired turned out to be a murderer, how disappointed would they be?"

After a pause, Yu Gongming continued: "Of course, if you have any objective concerns, if it is within my ability, I will also be willing to provide some help."

"So, what do you think?"

Yu Gongming stopped talking and waited for Ray Katis's response.

Ray Katis was silent for a while, and then sighed: "Even if I want to start over, my current physical condition may not allow it..."

Yu Gongming raised his eyebrows: "Huh? Your body...did you really get it..."

Ray Katis shook his head and said: "When the first report came out, I was not involved in drugs at all.

"However, when my wife committed suicide, on the one hand, I needed to make Ed suspect me of taking drugs again and attract him to come to Japan. On the other hand, in order to relieve my longing for my wife, I could only rely on drugs... "

"I have indeed become addicted to drugs now. Moreover, in order to trick Ed into coming to Japan, I told him that I have become addicted to drugs again. As long as the report comes out, it will definitely sell well."

"So, if the plan is stopped, the situation I will face may not be optimistic."

Yu Gongming frowned.

If it is true as Ray Katis said, then this is indeed a big trouble.

Yu Gongming's thoughts were racing in his mind, thinking about a solution.

After a while, he gradually started to have concerns in his mind.

"I have currently thought of two solutions, one is more extreme and has immediate effects, but I don't want you to do it, and the other is more mild, but requires you to bear a lot of pressure."

Ray Cartis looked at him, waiting for his next words.

Akiya Hanomiya continued: "The first option is of course that you find a way to keep the reporter in Japan for a period of time, so that he will never be able to return to the United States."

"The second option is for you to find a way to postpone the time for you to meet, and then secretly surrender to the police before that, so that the police can help you forcefully detoxify."

"I have a friend who has a very close relationship with the head of the Osaka Prefectural Police. If he can help you, you can secretly quit drug addiction."

At this point, Yu Gongming looked at Ray Katis: "Mr. Lei, please tell me first, which solution do you prefer now?"

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