Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 631 Takagi was crushed by his IQ

For a moment, the toilet gospel returned to silence, leaving only Ogura, who had his eyes closed and seemed to have fallen into a coma.

After a few seconds, Ogura suddenly opened his eyes!

There was a sneer on the corner of his mouth: "Huh! Stupid policeman, he was fooled so easily, and that one named Yumiya, who is a famous detective, he is really just a person in name only!"

Ogura muttered, silently closed the toilet door, and waited quietly.

Not long after, the toilet door was opened again.

Ogura raised his head slightly and suddenly smiled: "You are finally here!"

In front of the toilet door, a thin man stood suddenly.

The man looked at Xiaogang and nodded slightly: "Well, it seems that everything went well with the plan."

Ogura breathed a sigh of relief: "Your plan is still thorough. Now that my handcuffs are removed, we can leave at any time."

The thin man entered the toilet and tried to help Xiaogang up, saying:

"Well, yes, you really should go, then... I'll give you a ride!"

The thin man suddenly showed a ferocious smile, and at some point there was a steel knife in his hand!

Before Ogura could react, the thin man had already raised his hand and stabbed Ogura suddenly!

Ogura's eyes widened for a moment, but this was the maximum reaction he could make.

If this knife hits him, he will definitely die!

However, just before the steel knife was about to penetrate Ogura's abdomen, the knife suddenly stopped.

The tip of the gleaming knife was only two or three centimeters away from Ogura's abdomen!

This time, it was the thin man's turn to widen his eyes.

Because at this moment, his hand holding the knife was suddenly grabbed by another strong hand.

He subconsciously wanted to break free, but the hand was like an iron pincer, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't break free.

A cold voice sounded in his ears: "Humph! It really is like that..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the thin man felt the strength of his hand suddenly increase. Before he could react, the scene in front of him was already spinning!


The thin man was thrown to the ground outside the toilet, and the knife was thrown aside.

"Uh-damn it..."

The thin man groaned in pain and struggled to stand up.

However, a foot stepped hard on his back and pushed him to the ground again: "Be honest, otherwise don't blame me for breaking your legs!"

The thin man was stepped on, and his chin hit the ground hard. The impact from his chin made his head dizzy, and it took him a while to recover.

He stretched his neck and turned his head with all his strength, trying to see who had knocked him down.

What he saw was a young man wearing a black coat and a stern face.

At this time, a burst of rapid footsteps sounded.

The next moment, two police officers, Takagi and Sato, as well as Conan, Mengyu, Xiaolan, and two train conductors all squeezed in.

Seeing the scene in front of them, everyone's expressions changed slightly.

"Eh? Detective Hanomiya...were you with me before..." Officer Takagi asked in confusion.

Yu Gongming smiled: "If I didn't go with you, how could I fish out this guy under my feet?"

"Ah? What...what did you catch?" Officer Takagi was still a little confused.

Officer Sato frowned. He came to Yumiya Akira first and looked into the toilet.

In the toilet, Ogura was slumped on the ground, with cold sweat all over his forehead, looking like he was in shock.

There was indeed blood stains on his clothes, but Officer Sato keenly noticed that the clothes around the blood stains showed no signs of damage at all.

In Ogura's hand, he was holding a knife at the moment. Although there were blood stains on the blade, they were all sporadic, and it didn't look like it had been stabbed into the lower abdomen.

With a flash of light in her eyes, she put on her gloves, leaned over and snatched the blade from Ogura's hand.

After taking the blade in his hand, Officer Sato gently pressed his fingers on the tip of the blade.

The tip of the knife gradually shortened with the pressure of the fingers!

Officer Sato understood instantly: "It turns out to be a switchblade..."

"That's right, so what Officer Takagi and I saw just now was just a play performed for us by Mr. Ogura using prop knives and blood plasma." Akira Hanamiya said with a smile.

"What? Is it actually an act?" Officer Takagi said in shock.

Officer Sato also had a strange look on his face and replied: "It does seem so. It is impossible to stab someone to death with a switchblade like this. It would take a lot of effort to even stab someone."

She looked down at the thin man being stepped on by Yu Gongming, and realized something: "So, this is a trap from beginning to end to lure the tiger away from the mountain!"

"They separated me and Officer Takagi one after another, pretended to commit suicide to get rid of the handcuffs, and finally were picked up by an accomplice and escaped... Huh! How cunning!"

"No, this guy is not here to take Xiaogang away." Yu Gongming shook his head: "He is here to silence him!"

"Huh? Silence?" Officer Sato and Officer Takagi were shocked at the same time.

"Yeah, look at that knife." Akira Hanamiya pointed to the blade that was thrown aside by the thin man: "When I arrived, I happened to see him stabbing Ogura's abdomen with the knife. This knife is What a guy!”

Officer Sato took a deep breath when he heard this: "In other words, this plan not only misled us, but also misled Ogura."

"If the plan succeeds, then based on the "suicide process" that Officer Takagi saw, maybe we will really think that Ogura committed suicide out of fear of crime!"

"As expected of Officer Sato, you are really awesome!" Akira Hanomiya praised.

"Um, um... Detective Hanomiya, did you know about their plan before?" Officer Takagi also came to his senses at this moment:

"Otherwise, you were obviously going with me to find Officer Sato, so why would you suddenly return to the toilet?"

Yu Gongming waved his hand: "I also found it when I was going to the toilet."

"At that time, I saw that when you checked the toilet, Officer Takagi, you missed one place."

He pointed to the innermost part of the toilet: "Look, it's the shelf that is convenient for changing the baby's diaper."

Officer Sato's eyes narrowed slightly, and he went to the inside of the toilet and pulled down the shelf, revealing a small space.

"Ah! I really didn't check there!" Officer Takagi exclaimed!

Officer Sato immediately turned around and glared at Officer Takagi with some dissatisfaction: "Why are you so careless? The more hidden the place, the more careful you must be!"

"I'm sorry..." Officer Takagi said dejectedly.

Akira Hanomiya continued: "When I was going to the toilet, I thought of helping Officer Takagi to check it, and then I opened the shelf."

"It turned out that there was something really hidden in the shelf!"

"What else is there besides a switchblade and plasma?" Officer Sato asked.

"There is also a reminder paper instructing Ogura on what to do later, but I guess the plasma packaging bag and the reminder should have been flushed down the toilet." Akira Hanomiya replied:

"As soon as I saw the prompt above, I immediately understood what was going on, so I restored the shelf to its original state, pretended to leave with Officer Takagi, but actually returned halfway and caught the guy who was trying to silence him!"

"That's probably what happened." Yu Gongming finally said.

When Officer Takagi heard this, he had the urge to burst into tears.

Damn it! Are all prisoners this day so cunning? There is one trick after another, it is impossible to guard against it!

What's even more outrageous is that when a certain detective was trying to make up for his own negligence, he instantly made a counter-attack and arrested another prisoner!

In comparison, my own performance was simply appalling!

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