Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 644 As expected of Hawaii Technical School

The sniper was about to approach the door of the rooftop, but suddenly something rushed into the balcony from the direction of the door!

The sniper's pupils shrank, and he instinctively wanted to move the muzzle, but the next moment he forcibly suppressed such an impulse.

Although he didn't see clearly what the black shadow was, it didn't look like a human in terms of size, and he could barely see the trajectory based on the speed. The most important thing was that the direction of the black shadow was not towards him.

This is probably another misdirection by the other party, and you must not be fooled!

The sniper locked his muzzle firmly at the door. Once any part of the opponent leaked out, he would immediately hit him head-on!

However, after a second, the mysterious master behind the door showed no sign of showing his face.

The sniper frowned, feeling something was wrong.

If the unknown object just now was to attract your attention, then shooting within one second after the object flew out would be possible.

After a long time, you will realize that this misleading will be meaningless.


There was a muffled sound!

The sniper glanced and saw that the unknown object hit the guardrail hard and rebounded towards the sniper with the help of the guardrail!

The sniper frowned and rolled subconsciously.


The object passed not far away from the sniper.

In the dim night, the sniper could only roughly make out that it seemed to be a ball.

"What are you doing?" The sniper wondered, but he didn't look at the ball that had passed him.

He knew very well that his opponent would only be in the direction behind the rooftop door. If he turned back, he might play into the opponent's hands.

While the sniper was thinking, another muffled sound came from behind him.

The ball should have hit the guardrail again.

The sniper's thoughts turned around and he stopped thinking about it and continued to move irregularly towards the door.

However, just after taking two steps, his body suddenly stopped.

"What...what's going on...why...I feel so sleepy all of a sudden..."


The sniper lost his balance and fell to the ground. The pistol in his hand also slipped out with the inertia.

boom! Da da da……

A football finally hit the guardrail, finally lost the kinetic energy to eject again, fell to the ground feebly, and gradually deflated.

Two black-gloved hands picked up the deflated football.

Holding the football between his legs, Hanemiya Akira leisurely came to the fallen sniper and flicked the watch anesthesia gun on his wrist.

This was specially lent to him by Conan for action.

Yu Gongming looked down at the sniper who fell to the ground, sighing in his heart.

No wonder Conan continued to use [Sleeping Kogoro] to solve crimes after his showdown with Xiaolan. I have to say that this kind of feeling of knocking people out from behind is not a prick!

After closing the watch cover, Yu Gongming shouted from behind the door: "It's done!"

Mengyu first stuck out his head, looked at the sniper who fell to the ground, and gave Yu Gongming a thumbs up.

Then, she and Conan walked onto the rooftop and came to Yu Gongming's side.

Yes, the main force in the plan of several people to subdue the snipers was not Mengyu, but Akira Hanamiya!

With only three bullets left in Dream Whisper, Beretta was too reluctant to make the sniper lose his combat ability. With the existence of the mechanism, it was impossible to catch him by surprise from the direction of the rooftop door.

Therefore, Yu Gongming found another way and planned to launch a surprise attack from another direction.

He used the adsorption gloves to climb from the window of the safety staircase to the outer wall of the building, then walked along the outer wall to the rooftop guardrail and prepared to climb onto the balcony.

After finding a suitable location, he notified Mengyu by gently tapping the transmitter, signaling her to start taking action.

Then, Dream Whisper used a series of inducements to make the sniper keep approaching the door and no longer focus on the guardrail.

And Yu Gongming took the opportunity to climb up to the rooftop.

In order to cover up the sound of his coming up, he also informed Conan to kick the football at the appropriate time to create noise and cover.

Finally, Akira Hanomiya looked for the right moment to use the watch tranquilizer gun to completely disable the sniper's ability to fight.

"It's quite a successful cooperation!" Yu Gongming smiled and gave Meng Yu a high-five.

Meng Yu also sighed: "You are so bold, you dare to climb directly outside the building. This is a height of twenty stories!"

Akira Yumiya shrugged: "I believe the doctor's invention will not disappoint."

Conan looked at the sniper at his feet: "It looks like this guy has an accomplice!"

"Yes, the communicator on the waist has said everything." Akira Hanomiya picked up something similar to a walkie-talkie from the sniper's waist.

"Then let's interrogate this sniper as soon as possible. My voice changer also needs to collect his voiceprint." Conan said.

Yu Gongming nodded slightly, then looked at Mengyu: "Yeah, but Mengyu, do you have any experience with a sniper rifle?"

"Well... I did practice sniping when I was in Hawaii, but because the performance data of different sniper rifles are different, you can't use them right away. You need to adapt." Mengyu replied.

Akira Hanomiya raised his eyebrows: "How much did you learn in Hawaii?"

"Well..." Conan replied: "Actually, when Mengyu was in the third grade of junior high school, because she finished the junior high school courses ahead of schedule, she went to Hawaii for a semester."

"That's when she learned her firearms skills."

"What about you?" Yu Gongming looked at Conan.

"I went there once during the winter vacation and once during the summer vacation when I was in the third grade of junior high school. I mainly learned to drive various vehicles and also briefly learned shooting."

Yu Gongming:…………

It is indeed a Hawaii technical school, and it truly deserves its reputation!

Shaking his head slightly in his heart, Yu Gongming retracted his thoughts and said seriously: "Then Meng Yu, go to where the sniper was originally and maintain a sniper posture to avoid suspicion from his accomplices, um..."

He looked at the sniper's body shape, and then compared it with Mengyu's body. He rolled his eyes and said with some uncertainty: "It seems that the body shape is quite different. How about Mengyu, you can guide me how to hold the sniper correctly?" Posture, I'll put on this flower display."

Meng Yu waved her hand: "No, you who are learning and selling now will easily expose your flaws. Anyway, when I maintain the sniper posture, most of my body will be hidden behind the balcony guardrail. I just need to wear a hat to hide my hair." No problem!"

Yu Gongming looked at the night sky and saw that the moon was dim at the moment, the stars were hidden, and there was no lighting on the rooftop. Even if he observed it from the same rooftop, he might not be able to find any abnormalities.

Yu Gongming thought for a while, and finally nodded: "Okay, then it's up to you, and the interrogation will be left to me and Conan."

"Don't worry, if I observe anything, I will notify you as soon as possible!" Meng Yu said with a smile.

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