Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 648 respective actions

Someone is spying on me!

This thought flashed through Belmode's mind instantly.

When I glanced around just now, the other party's instant shrinking action revealed the other party's intention!

With four suspicious people who were proficient in firearms and fighting, and an observer who was ninety-nine times monitoring him, it was hard for Belmode not to think too much.

"Is it the FBI? The Japanese police? Or someone from other forces?" Bermod's thoughts raced in his mind and he kept walking. He first turned into the safe stairwell, then went up to the next floor, avoiding all the windows, and came to elevator.

There were two elevators in the apartment. She walked to the elevator door and glanced at the elevator display board.

One of the boards showed going upstairs, while the other stopped at the eighth floor, just above her current floor.

So, Belmod decisively pressed the button of the elevator that stopped on the 8th floor!

The elevator moved down and soon opened in front of her.

As expected, there was no one in the elevator.

She didn't press the floor button in a hurry, just let the elevator door close.

She can't go downstairs directly now, because she doesn't know how many suspicious people there are like those four people, and how those people will act after entering the apartment, especially they may already know that they have left the room, and may be there. Ambush directly downstairs.

She glanced at the display board above the elevator and saw that the elevator showed no signs of moving. Her expression softened slightly and she began to rummage through her shoulder bag.

As a frontline witch, she will never leave behind her disguise tool.

It just so happens that the material of the elevator can be used as a mirror to a certain extent. Although it may be slightly distorted compared to a real mirror, it doesn't matter so much in this case.

Soon, Belmode had completed the simple disguise.

Of course, this simplicity is only relative to her.

Although it had only been a few minutes, Belmode seemed to be a different person at this moment.

The long golden hair disappeared, replaced by black slanted bangs, and the originally beautiful and fair face became rough and dark yellow.

Moreover, she took out all the items in her backpack and hid them on her body, using them as padding to support her figure.

The person standing in the elevator now is no longer the blond beauty with a hot figure, but a middle-aged woman over forty whose figure is seriously out of shape!

After doing all this, Belmode pressed the button for the fourth floor.

Not long after, the elevator stopped at the fourth floor.

She stepped out of the elevator, walked around all the windows that might look into the apartment again, and then came to one of the houses.

She also accidentally learned that the family was traveling to Hokkaido in the past two days, so she was not at home now.

At this moment, she couldn't go downstairs and couldn't go back to her room, so she could only be a thief who broke in for the time being.

Although the security door of this apartment has reached above average level, it is not a problem at all for Belmod, a master of infiltration.

Not long after, she pried open the security door without leaving many marks on the surface of the keyhole.

After stepping into the room and closing the door, Belmod finally breathed a sigh of relief.

She looked around and saw that it was pitch black, with almost no light entering the room.

Apparently, the windows and curtains in the home were closed.

This is good news for Belmod. As long as he doesn't turn on the lights, it will be difficult for the other party to know that there is an extra person inside.

Moreover, she should be able to find some more practical things in this home.

Silently calculating in his mind, Belmod carefully passed through the entrance and walked towards the inside of the house.


Not far across from the apartment, in a closed department store.

A figure dressed in black was hiding behind a window, holding a telescope and observing the high-end apartment not far away.

"How's it going? Where is the target now?" the companion asked from the communicator.

The figure in black frowned and whispered: "The target disappeared after turning into the safety staircase. He has not appeared in any front windows. Ask the red wolf to see if the target ran away from behind."

Soon, the communication gave feedback: "Red Wolf said he didn't see anyone on the front and rear outer walls. We have been arranging people to block below, and we haven't found anyone leaving the apartment alone so far."

The man in black Ying frowned: "Maybe the other party has discovered me just now, otherwise she wouldn't take the safe stairs under normal circumstances. Maybe she has hidden somewhere in the apartment."

"The intelligence says that the other party is a master of disguise. The longer it takes, the worse it will be for us."

"Hmph! It's really difficult. Should we go upstairs now?" someone asked.

The figure in black held the telescope and observed for a while, thought for a moment, and then said: "You should leave at least two of you below to watch."

"Focus on those who are carrying bags, or those who are not carrying bags but are obese. Also pay attention to those who are not leaving alone to see if there is anything unnatural."



About an hour later.

"Haven't you found it yet?" the figure in black said impatiently.

"Not yet. We have searched every floor for possible hiding places and found no trace of anyone. Well...could she have run away?"

"Impossible!" answered another companion:

"We have been monitoring downstairs, and no one has left the apartment in the past hour!"

The figure in black narrowed his eyes: "It seems that the other party may have more than one room in this apartment."

"What should we do? We can't go searching room by room!"

The figure in black also frowned, and the target deliberately avoided her sight and entered another room. Then she could wait in that room with peace of mind, or even disguise herself.

As time goes by, even if you and others are blocked downstairs, it is very likely that the target will pass by without even noticing it.

This can't go on like this!

The man in black's mind was spinning with thoughts, and suddenly his heart moved, and he said to his companions in the apartment: "Go to the place where the target turns into the safety staircase and see if you can find the other party's footprints? She probably didn't have time to erase the traces at that time. .”

"Okay!" replied the other person.

After a while...

"Did you find anything?" the figure in black asked.

"We arrived at the 6th floor where the target turned into the safety staircase, and found fresh footprints that were different from ours. The footprints extended to the 7th floor. Judging from the size of the shoe prints, they should belong to a woman." The other person replied.

"Are there suspected target footprints only on the 6th and 7th floors?" the man in black asked.


The figure in black frowned and asked another companion: "Did you notice the movement of the elevator when you were downstairs?"

Another person replied: "I noticed that there was an elevator going down from the 8th floor to the 7th floor, and then from the 7th floor to the 4th floor."

The figure in black's eyes flickered for a while, and then gave an order: "The people searching upstairs should go to the fourth floor immediately, knock on the door in each room, and pick the lock if anyone doesn't open the door! If you open the door and find that there is only one person, take action immediately. Knock him out!"


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