Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 655 Healing injuries and talking

Inside the tram station.

The group of people avoided the surveillance and got on the tram.

About half an hour later, several people got off the tram and walked all the way out of the tram station.

Belmode straightened the coat that Yu Gongming gave her to cover the gunshot wound, frowned and said, "How far do you have to walk to get to your friend's place?"

Meng Yu smiled and said: "Don't worry, it's not far. You can walk probably a few hundred meters to her locked apartment."

Belmod nodded slightly and said nothing more.

The group of people walked along the street for more than ten minutes, and finally came to an apartment.

Under the guidance of Meng Yu, several people quickly arrived at the door of room 605.

Mengyu knocked lightly on the door.


A pleasant female voice came from the door. After a while, the door opened, revealing the figure of the current school doctor of Tedan Elementary School - Asai Narumi.

"Dr. Cheng Shi, long time no see." Yu Gongming greeted with a smile.

"Yes, it has been a while, but I often see Conan at Didan Elementary School. He and a group of children are very famous in the school!" Asai Narumi said with a smile.

"Really? Those children didn't cause you any trouble, did they?" Yu Gongming asked with a smile.

"No, no..." Asai Chengmi waved her hand: "Those children are very smart and sensible, but they are just a little naughty occasionally."

Asai Narumi said this and stepped aside: "Detective Hanomiya, please come in first."

Akira Hanomiya nodded slightly and entered Asai Narumi's home with a few others.


"Okay, the wound has been treated. Fortunately, no bones were injured. However, it is best not to move around casually for a period of time, and do not bandage the wound at will. If possible, you need to come to me for a review later,"

Dr. Cheng Shi's skills were indeed at a high level, and Belmode's wounds were quickly treated.

Belmode felt that his shoulders were obviously much lighter, and he praised sincerely: "You are really an excellent doctor. I feel much better now."

"Thank you, Miss." Dr. Chengshi smiled humbly.

Then, she took a bag from the side and handed it to Yu Gongming: "These are some medicines for replenishing blood and qi. Just ask this lady to take them according to the instructions."

Yu Gongming smiled and took the bag of medicine: "Okay, thank you very much!"

"You're welcome." Asai Shimizu smiled.

Akira Yumiya looked at Ermo: "How about it, Miss Chris should be able to move around easily now, right?"

Belmod nodded slightly: "Of course, although he was injured, after the doctor's treatment, the wound will not affect his movement at all."

Yu Gongming's expression suddenly became solemn: "In that case, you don't mind if we find a place to have a good chat, right?"

Belmode smiled: "Of course I am willing to keep my promise."

"Okay." Akira Hanamiya looked at Asai Narumi: "Then, Dr. Narumi, let's take our leave now. Thank you very much for your help this time."

"You don't have to be so polite. I'm glad to be able to help you. You are welcome to come to my house as guests next time. My cooking skills are very good!" Asai Narumi said with a smile.

"Definitely." Yu Gongming smiled and nodded.

After saying goodbye to Asai Narumi, several people came downstairs to the apartment.

"Your doctor friend is pretty good. He didn't ask any questions from beginning to end." Belmode smiled.

"If she was the kind of troublesome person, we wouldn't be able to bring you here." Yu Gongming said calmly.

Belmode nodded slightly, and then said: "Where do you want to talk?"

"Since you are a wounded person, let's find a place nearby." Yu Gongming looked around, and finally pointed to a hotel not far away:

"Just go there, get a room, and let's talk slowly."

"It's up to you." Belmod looked indifferent.

Several people came to the hotel. Yu Gongming opened a room for two people under the strange look of the waiter, and then led several people into the room.

In the room, several people found places to sit down. Belmode crossed his legs gracefully and looked at the three of them with a half-smile;

"Okay, now if you have any questions, just ask."

"First question, why did you sneak into Meng Yu's home?" Yu Gongming asked.

"To investigate some things." Belmode said.

"What happened?" Yu Gongming asked.

"Please forgive me for having no comment on this." Belmode said calmly.

Yu Gongming narrowed his eyes: "Why do you think there is something you want in Mengyu's computer? Is the matter you are investigating related to Mengyu?"

Belmode was silent.

She knew that the people in front of her were not that easy to fool.

After hesitating for a while, she said: "The reason why I want to look through Mengyu's computer is because I accepted a commission."

"Entrustment?" Yu Gongming raised his eyebrows.

"That's right," Belmode said, "I am a mercenary and earn rewards by accepting various commissions."

"One of the requests is for me to investigate the whereabouts of the famous detective Kudo Shinichi who has disappeared for a long time."

Hearing this, the expressions of Yu Gongming and the other three people all showed more or less subtle changes.

"Do you know who wants to investigate this matter?" Yu Gongming asked.

Belmode replied: "I communicated with my employer by phone, and he also used a voice changer to disguise his voice. I have no idea who he is."

"Then how can you guarantee that you will get paid?" Meng Yu asked doubtfully.

"I don't accept every commission." Belmode said with a smile:

"If it is not introduced by an acquaintance, I will receive half of the commission when I accept the commission, and then get the other half after the task is completed."

"If the other party refuses to pay after completing the final task, I will earn less at most."

"So, the other party has already paid half of the price?"

"It's obvious, isn't it?" Belmode smiled.

Meng Yu frowned slightly and continued to ask: "Did that person say why he was investigating the whereabouts of my brother?"

"He didn't say anything, and I won't ask any more questions." Belmode said.

"Then do you plan to continue the investigation now?" Yu Gongming asked in a deep voice.

When Belmod heard this, he smiled bitterly and pointed to his shoulder: "Do you think, after what happened tonight, I still have time to investigate?"

"What I want to do most now is to find out who those guys are. As for Kudo Shinichi, I can only say sorry to the client."

Belmod's eyes flashed for a while, and he suddenly asked: "By the way, do you know who those guys are?"

"Huh? You ask us?" Yu Gongming looked surprised.

"Haha, don't think of me as a fool." Belmode flipped up her golden hair and said with a smile:

"If I guess correctly, you should have snatched the sniper rifle from those guys, right?"

"If you were just here to investigate the matter of sneaking into Kudo's house, how could you bring something like a sniper rifle? Could you have predicted in advance that someone would attack me?"

"There's no way you would know that unless you were an accomplice of those guys, and judging by your behavior along the way, you couldn't have been with them."

"So, the answer is obvious."

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