Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 658 I’m convinced by this operation!

"Deal? What deal?" Yu Gongming became interested.

Several people were about to turn a corner at this moment, and Belmode said quietly: "Have you ever heard of... an organization whose members use their wine names as code names?"

Yu Gongming forcibly controlled his facial muscles to restrain his urge to raise his eyebrows. Instead, he frowned, seemingly confused:

"An organization whose codename is the name of a wine?"

"Yeah, that's a pretty huge organization." Belmode introduced with a smile:

"That organization not only has huge connections in the political and business circles, but many of its members have made considerable achievements in these fields."

"Of course, they also did a lot of shameful things, including murder, kidnapping, stealing trade secrets... It can be said that they have done everything that is stipulated in the criminal law."

Yu Gongming shook his head slightly and said: "We have never heard of such an organization, what? Is your transaction related to this so-called organization?"

Belmode smiled slightly: "Have you really never heard of it? Then why did the little brother Conan behind me just now have such a strange expression when he heard [the organization that uses the name of a wine as its code name]?"

Yu Gongming and Meng Yu turned their heads almost at the same time to look at Conan, who had been following behind them and kept a low profile along the way.

At this moment, Conan's expression seemed a little confused. For a moment, Yu Miyazaki couldn't tell whether this was a reaction showing true feelings or a disguise to adapt to changes.

Belmode continued in a joking tone; "The pupils shrank violently, the face was tense, and there was a slight lip biting movement."

"This means that Conan was in a strong mood swing at the time and was trying to suppress it."

"I'm afraid my initial description is not enough to cause such a big reaction from a normal child, let alone Conan who is obviously smarter and more mature than other children."

"So, Conan should have heard of this organization and even has a certain understanding of it."

"But how could he, a primary school student, know anything about that organization? The most reasonable explanation is undoubtedly that he heard it from you."

After listening to Belmod's analysis, Yu Miyagi glanced at Conan, whose face was gradually turning ugly. He couldn't help but hide his face and sigh.

By now, he has gradually come back to his senses.

To be honest, Belmode was able to analyze these. Although there was a problem with Conan's improper expression management, more importantly, Belmode was playing at a high level this time!

First of all, her little move just now was exposed by Yu Gongming, which made her aura significantly weaker in the eyes of several people.

Although several people are still wary of her at all times, the sense of psychological superiority generated by defeating the other party cannot be avoided after all.

Then, Belmode took advantage of the trend and threw out the so-called [Transaction]. He and others would be somewhat interested, and with the previous sense of psychological superiority, vigilance would not be raised to the highest level.

Belmode was also very particular about the objects he chose to observe, specifically choosing Conan who was always following behind him and whose presence was not strong.

In order not to attract too much attention from the top management of the organization, Belmod, Conan almost didn't speak much, just like a little follower who followed them out to see the world.

In fact, along the way, whether it was Conan's existence or Conan's existence, Belmode was almost always targeting Akira Hanamiya and Mengyu in conversations or other actions.

After such a long time, Conan has been in a "comfort zone" and will not be as vigilant as Akira and Hanomiya. There is no doubt that there are more things to see from him.

This guy has been preparing for that problem ever since he stole the phone!

Otherwise, how could she ask this question just when she was turning a corner? This position is just right to see Conan's reaction quite nicely.

Yes, this made her further confirm that she and the others did know something about the winery.

With this as the basis, there are many things that can be associated with!

"Damn! She is indeed the Witch with a Thousand Faces, I am convinced by this operation!"

Yu Gongming smiled bitterly in his heart, thinking about how to deal with it now.

Now that Belmode knows they know something about the winery, it's not good news.

Although she was Conan's godmother, she was also Mengyu's godmother, which let her know that at least those present were not in any danger.

However, knowing how many of her people knew the organization, would it remind her of what happened at the Cupido Hotel?

Based on their operation of Xiao Ai's gin in the hotel, Belmod could definitely think that several of them had a close connection with [Sherry].

If you follow the clues like this, especially if Sister Bei knows about Drug A, Xiao Ai will be exposed in a very short time.

However, a few people have an advantage.

Sister Bei still doesn't know how many of her people know her identity.

Now that she has proposed a [deal] to a few people, they might as well listen to what kind of deal she wants to discuss. Maybe they can actually get some information...

After pondering for a while, Yu Gongming said: "Continue talking about your deal."

"Oh? It seems you are interested?"

"Please don't waste each other's time." Yu Gongming said coldly.

"Okay, I'll continue." Belmod smiled:

"I have provided some important information to your organization, how about you let me go?" Belmode said with a smile.

"Do you have information about that organization?" Yu Gongming raised his eyebrows.

"That's right." Belmode nodded.

"Does this transaction really make sense?" Yu Gongming said calmly:

"Based on our current level of trust, I can't confirm whether the information you said is true or false."

"Besides, which one will provide information first, or will we let you go first?"

"No matter what it is, one of us will be dissatisfied, right?"

Belmod gently stroked the hair beside his ear and said with a smile: "I have always been very accurate in judging people. I believe that a person who can take the risk of bringing a suspicious person like me to a friend's house for treatment will not do anything like this." Something about breaking the contract.”

"So, I am willing to provide information first, and then you will let me go."

Yu Gongming looked suspicious: "You said that...I think the information you said is unreliable."

"Moreover, if the information you provided is true, then I am very curious. If your information is just broad information, we may not be able to use it, but if it is detailed and confidential information, then..."

He narrowed his eyes slightly and said coldly: "From what channel did you get this information?"

"Did you buy it from the intelligence market? Or did you get it by chance? Or... are you actually a member of that organization?"

"Is it possible that you provide us with information, then we let you go, and then you report the matter to that organization?"

"Also, why did you make the test just now? Why did you think we were interested in that organization before the test?"

Yu Gongming moved slightly closer to Belmode, slowly clenched his fists, and said indifferently: "Please answer my question seriously."

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