Belmod looked at Yu Gongming's solemn expression and said leisurely: "How is it? This appetizer is not bad, isn't it?"

After Yu Gongming was stunned for a moment, his expression returned to calm: "It's really just an appetizer."

"Although this news is indeed surprising, strictly speaking it still has no practical value to us."

"Rather than what they have done in the past, I want to know what they want to do now and who is doing it."

"Well..." Belmode smiled mysteriously:

"I also have some information in this area, but I'm afraid this is not a good place to share information. How about we find a place to live and settle down first?"

Yu Gongming glanced at her lightly: "You don't want to delay time and wait for an opportunity to escape, do you?"

"How could it be?" Belmode raised his empty hands: "Didn't you already collect my belongings?"

"How could I run away while injured in the hands of you two fighting masters?"

Meng Yu snorted softly: "Can't you still take hostages?"

Belmode glanced at Conan, who was sitting next to Mengyu, two people away from him, and suddenly felt dumbfounded:

"Are you talking about Conan? Let's not say that I never had such thoughts. When did you give me such a chance along the way?"

"However, I'm curious, why are you still carrying Conan with you until now?" Belmod said with a puzzled expression:

"If you came to investigate the people who sneaked into Kudo's house in the first place, it would be reasonable to bring Conan to see the world."

"But after you caught the sniper and knew he had companions, you should have realized the danger. Why didn't you let Conan go back?"

"With Conan's intelligence, it shouldn't be difficult to go home by yourself, right?"

Yu Gongming replied calmly: "The fact that you can ask this question means that you don't know Conan well enough."

"As for him, if you really let him go back by himself, he will definitely follow you secretly. And given the situation at that time, I couldn't let other people get involved in this matter, so I just kept bringing him with me. Watching Conan."

"In fact, he didn't cause any trouble for us along the way, right?"

"That's it!" Belmode nodded slightly, not sure whether he believed it or not.

The carriage fell into silence for a while.

Belmode leaned lightly against the back of the chair, closed his eyes slightly, and seemed to be taking a nap, looking completely unguarded against Hanomiya Akira and the others.

After Yu Gongming and others exchanged vague glances, they didn't say anything more.

Along the way, everyone understood that the woman in front of them was very shrewd, and they had to be careful when communicating with her, otherwise you would never know what she would notice with any of your words.

Simply say less and make fewer mistakes, and wait until you find a private place again to have a good chat with her.

Although they remained silent, Yu Gongming and others did not just sit there.

They put some camouflage on the car.

Akira Hanomiya wore a knitted hat, a pair of glasses on the bridge of his nose, and a fake beard around his lips.

Mengyu tied up her hair, then put on a silver wig and a mask.

Conan, on the other hand, wears a blonde wig and a peaked cap.

Bellmode was alarmed by their movements and raised his eyes slightly to glance at them: "Would you like me to help you put on your makeup? Your disguise is really not very good."

Yu Gongming shook his head: "No need, and I suggest you also pretend to be a little bit."

"But I don't have any tools now!" Belmod spread his hands.

"Whatever you need, we can selectively give you some disguise props." Yu Gongming said.

"That's it... Then I won't be polite!"

Belmod asked Akira and Hanomiya for a wig and some cosmetics.

Some of these cosmetics belong to Mengyan and Yu Gongming, and some are Belmod's own personal belongings.

Akira and Hanomiya watched Belmod's movements throughout the whole process, ensuring that she only had one thing in her hand every time to prevent her from using cosmetics with unknown ingredients to cause trouble secretly.

This also allowed them to witness Belmode's superb makeup skills throughout the process.

In just ten minutes, the original blonde beauty had turned into an ordinary-looking oriental woman, about thirty years old.

The skin tone and the right hairstyle hide the three-dimensional look of a Western female face.

Of course, perhaps because of limited conditions, if you observe carefully, you can still find some clues.

However, this kind of disguise can already deal with most situations.

After a few people disguised themselves, the tram passed several stops without even realizing it.

It was indeed late enough that no one got on the bus at several stops.

After riding the tram for about ten minutes, a few people chose a stop near many hotels and hotels and got off.

After getting off the tram and walking into the somewhat deserted station, a few people walked all the way to the exit.

However, when he was about to reach the last corner of the exit, Yu Miyazaki's ears suddenly twitched.

"Huh? Footsteps? It sounds like it's still rushing? Are you going to the station to take the bus at this time? It seems like you can't make it in time?"

Yu Gongming made a judgment in his mind and continued to move forward without thinking too much.

However, the sound of footsteps suddenly disappeared the next moment.


Yu Gongming was surprised and raised his hand to stop everyone in their tracks.

He listened carefully, and the footsteps that had disappeared appeared again.

No, or in fact, the sound of footsteps just now did not disappear, but became extremely soft.

Slight enough to be covered up by the footsteps of Yumiya Akira and others.

At this time, Belmod's expression also changed. She touched Yu Gongming lightly and pointed in a direction.

Yu Gongming was stunned and looked in the direction pointed by Bermod.

I saw that the place Belmod was pointing to was a standing sign, which marked the stations that the tram station could go to.

Yu Gongming stared at the standing sign for a moment, and for a moment he was a little confused as to why Belmode suddenly pointed at the standing sign.

The next moment, his eyes suddenly solidified.

The edge of this standing sign is a circle of stainless steel metal, which reflects the lights of the station.

In the reflected light and shadow, Yu Gongming seemed to have seen a blurry figure flash past!

He looked at Belmod, took out a mirror from his arms, and pointed at the mirror surface.

Belmode nodded slightly, indicating that Yu Gongming had understood correctly.

Yu Gongming's expression was slightly condensed, and he gestured to several people, indicating that they should not act rashly for the time being.

He listened attentively, and the slight footsteps in his ears gradually came closer.

Yu Gongming narrowed his eyes slightly and mouthed to Mengyu and Belmode: "Back off."

The two people who received the signal looked more solemn and did not turn around. They just slowly retreated step by step.

Conan, who was following behind, seemed to realize that something was wrong when he saw this, and began to retreat.

A few people just returned to the tram station step by step.

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