Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 664 The so-called

Following the movement of Belmod's hand, the Mercedes suddenly made a 90-degree sideways turn!

The next moment, the Mercedes-Benz rushed into a construction site full of construction debris!

As soon as I entered the construction site, I was faced with a pile of gravel about two meters high.

Seeing that the car was about to collide, the Mercedes swung its tail again, and then the entire car body moved sideways against the gravel!

After bypassing the gravel, a new obstacle appeared in front of the Mercedes.

It was a row of barriers specially set up on the construction site to prevent stray people from entering.

The baffles that are tens of meters long are connected together. Even if a Mercedes-Benz rushes up at such a high speed, it is unknown whether it can pass.

Not to mention that there is no way to know what is going on behind the fender. If there is a big pit behind, or there are other building materials piled up, it is hard to say whether the Mercedes-Benz and everyone in the car will be safe and sound.

Belmode also knew this very well, so she had no intention of breaking through the barrier directly.

In fact, she didn't expect this.

When going around the gravel, she used the gravel and her own fine-tuning to make the car body reach a tilted angle, with one tire already hanging in the air!

This angle of inclination is not large, and it will not last long if there is no external interference.

In less than two seconds, the car body will fall back to the ground again.

But Belmode only needs these two seconds.

The Mercedes car completed another direction change with one tire hanging in the air, and the car body just hit the fender diagonally!

Just before the tire was about to contact the fender, Belmode turned the steering wheel slightly and adjusted the angle of the tire.

The next moment, the car continued to move forward at a weird angle with one tire against the fender and the other side against the ground.

Two seconds later, the Mercedes-Benz had already reached the end of the fender, and a ninety-degree bend appeared in front of it.

Belmode was well prepared. The moment the front wheels came off the fender, he turned the steering wheel again and completed a beautiful corner again!

Compared to before, the road ahead was a little more reassuring.

Although under the illumination of the car lights, you can still see the piles of construction debris and some equipment placed in the construction site in the distance, but compared to the terrain that is almost equivalent to a kill, it is really much friendlier.

As a result, Belmod barely slowed down at all, and the Mercedes avoided obstacles one after another like a flexible snake, and finally rushed out from another exit of the construction site and re-entered the highway.

Yu Gongming, who came to see this all the way, felt trembling with fear. Several times he thought that he and the others were going to be doomed!

The speed on the dashboard was stable at over 160 kilometers per hour from beginning to end, and there was no sign of slowing down!

What a damn fast reaction speed and rich experience you have to have to pass through the construction site just now so smoothly! ?

Sister Bei is indeed Sister Bei, her driving skills are simply amazing!

Yu Gongming turned his head and looked in the direction of the construction site, and a faint light from the car lights came into view.

"I'm going! There is still someone who can follow me!?" Yu Gongming was secretly shocked.

When the blue Mercedes-Benz that initially followed them appeared in the rearview mirror again a few seconds later, Akira Hanomiya couldn't help grinding his teeth: He couldn't help but say:

"Are all the driving skills in the underground world so outrageous?"

"Of course not!"

It was just a simple complaint, but I didn't expect that Belmode, who was concentrating on driving, would still have time to respond to him:

"It is very rare in the entire dark world for people with driving skills that reach my level."

"Although the guy behind has followed us, you should have noticed that the distance between him and us is obviously much wider than before?"

"It's not difficult to get rid of a guy who needs to slow down just to pass the construction site."

"Although I really want to praise Miss Chrissy's driving skills, but..."

Meng Yu rubbed her forehead, looking a little uncomfortable: "This is too exciting..."

"Be patient, the performance of our Mercedes cannot be compared to those guys behind, so we can only resort to extreme measures." Belmod comforted.

"Then get rid of them as soon as possible." Meng Yu could only nodded and shrank back in her seat.

"Don't worry, you'll be fine soon." Belmode said, swerving again and turning into an alleyway that could barely accommodate a car.

The blue Mercedes-Benz behind them also followed closely behind.

After all, he was a guy who could keep up with Belmod after passing through the construction site at extremely high speeds. It was not beyond Akira Hanamiya's expectation that he could do so.

However, although according to Belmode, the opponent's level is not as good as hers, on such a road, the room for everyone to play is actually about the same.

The difference in level is more reflected in the response to complex road conditions. Now if you want to get rid of the opponent, you may have to have some excitement...

Just as Yu Gongming's thoughts changed, Belmode turned again.

"Eh? This is...Mihua Park? Are you already here?"

Through the scenery reflected by the headlights, Yu Gongming immediately realized where the Mercedes-Benz had rushed in.

Mihua Park is a place where residents of Mihua Town, especially children, often come to rest.

Of course, the park is naturally deserted at the moment.

The roads in the park are designed to facilitate pedestrians.

Even for the sake of a certain "artistic sense" of the whole, the roads in many places not only have steps, but are also very narrow.

Such a place is obviously not suitable for driving by car.

But for experts like Belmod and the driver of the blue Mercedes-Benz behind him, these are not problems.

Two cars rushed into the park one after the other.

After walking through the forest path and arriving at the rockery in the center of the park, Belmode still did not get rid of the Mercedes-Benz.

Akira Yumiya looked at Belmode curiously, wondering how he was going to shake off the tail behind him.

He believed that Belmode had a purpose for abandoning the road and turning into the park.

The next moment, the Mercedes swung its body suddenly, and a corner of the front of the car lightly rubbed against an extinguished lamppost.

Then Belmode changed direction again, and the rear of the car hit a lamppost again.

"What is she doing? A mistake? Or is it intentional?"

Yu Gongming was confused when he saw in the rearview mirror that the nearly ten-meter street lamp pole fell down at an extremely fast speed!


There was a muffled sound outside the car window, and Yu Gongming's eyes suddenly froze, staring at the rearview mirror.

The fallen street lamp pole hit the front of the blue Mercedes-Benz!

The Mercedes-Benz crashed directly into the fallen lamppost with its high-speed kinetic energy, taking the lamppost with it.

Belmode curled his lips, looked at a fork in the road ahead, and decisively chose the smaller angle!

The Mercedes-Benz passed perfectly, but the Mercedes-Benz couldn't make the turn smoothly because of the obstruction of the lamppost!

Moreover, the road Belmod chose had many thick trees planted on both sides. If the Mercedes-Benz forced the corner, the lamppost would definitely be stuck by the trees.

If you rush forward forcefully, the person waiting for the Mercedes-Benz may be in a car accident!

The Mercedes-Benz seemed to be aware of this and had started to brake suddenly.

But if it brakes, how can it catch up with the Mercedes?

In the end, only the Mercedes car rushed out of Mihua Park again!

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