Two o'clock in the morning.

Tokyo, on the top floor of a five-star hotel, in the presidential suite.

Xue Ying leaned lazily on the sofa, shaking the red wine in the glass gracefully.

In front of him, a lean man was standing with his head lowered and his hands lowered, feeling extremely uneasy in his heart.

Just now, he had reported the course of his actions not long ago to the man in front of him who had both status and reputation in Black Sakura.

Although he tried his best to beautify the process, he could not hide the fact that the operation failed.

Xue Ying glanced at the lean man deeply, took a sip of red wine, then put down the cup and said calmly:

"Can you guarantee that everything you said is true, that there is nothing omitted? There is no lie?"

The lean man nodded immediately: "I would never dare to deceive you! What I just said is true! From the beginning of the action to every step of our actions, there will be no omissions!"

"Hmm..." Xue Ying nodded slightly, without much change in his expression.

Seeing this, instead of relaxing, the lean man became even more nervous.

He knows very well that the person in front of him is emotionless and angry in most situations. You think his mood does not fluctuate much, but the next moment he may suddenly shoot you in the head!

Amidst the anxiety of the lean man, Xueying said calmly:

"Use the fastest speed to erase all traces of tonight's actions."

"Go ahead and ask the various strongholds in Tokyo to be more vigilant. If you find a suspicious person, report it immediately!"

"All teams must be more careful when operating and beware of traps."

"At the same time, inform the task force that the review level of all tasks in Tokyo will be raised by one level."

"The guy who was caught by the police should be dealt with as soon as possible. The missing killer... his name is Fujita, right? He wants to be seen alive and dead!"

"Also, continue to search for the target's whereabouts and find out who is secretly helping the target escape!"

When Xue Ying said this, a fierce momentum suddenly broke out: "If you can handle these things well, I will save you from death! Do you understand?"

The lean man trembled all over and immediately said loudly: "Understood! This subordinate will definitely complete the task!"

Xue Ying nodded and waved her hand, indicating that the lean man could leave.

The lean man immediately exited the presidential suite as if he had been granted amnesty.

After the lean man left, Xue Ying narrowed her eyes slightly, with a cold light flashing in her eyes.

After learning the news of the failure of the operation, his mood was not as calm as it seemed.


There is no doubt about it.

Just now, he even had the urge to directly execute the capable subordinate in front of him who had been with him for many years!

However, he knew one thing very well about being able to sit in this position.

More than 90% of the decisions people make in anger will be regretted.

He had long since learned to suppress his anger.

The failure of the operation has become an established fact. Those who participated in the operation will be punished as they should be, but the most important thing now is to stop the losses as much as possible.

Judging from the description of the lean man, one of the killers has already fallen into the hands of the target, and the target probably already knows that the one who did it is Black Sakura.

With her special status among the crows, the black organization will definitely find Black Sakura to settle accounts for today's actions.

Therefore, manpower at each stronghold must be immediately prepared to deal with possible retaliation.

Also, if the sniper falls into the hands of the police, the police will probably also look at Kuro Sakura.

Ordinary police officers Kuro Sakura don't need to take it seriously, but if they report the matter and involve the police guys, it will be troublesome.

The sniper must be dealt with as soon as possible to prevent him from revealing more information.

Xue Ying looked deeply ahead and murmured in her heart: "The Thousand-faced Witch... is indeed not that easy to catch..."

At this time, a cell phone ringtone suddenly rang.

Xue Ying took out her mobile phone and looked at the caller ID. The corners of her mouth twitched and she smiled bitterly: "Sure enough, it's here..."


The next morning.

Mihua Town, the home of Dr. Ali.

Yu Gongming and Meng Yu knocked on the door of the doctor's house early in the morning.

They need to tell the doctor and Xiao Ai what happened last night.

"That's probably what happened." Yu Gongming recounted the story.

Xiao Ai pursed her lips slightly, and in her ice-blue eyes, it was as if a stone had been dropped on the calm lake, causing ripples.

After two seconds of silence, she said softly: "Honestly, if I were in your position, I would never allow Belmode to enter the car."

"Then we only had two choices at that time." Yu Gongming said with a smile:

"First, accelerate directly, ignoring Belmode on the roof of the car, and then be chased by Black Sakura all the way."

"With luck, Belmode was thrown off the car by us at high speed. Black Sakura may not waste time and continue to chase us."

"Unlucky, our car will be stopped by the firepower of Black Sakura before Belmod is thrown out of the car. Then, after running away with Black Sakura all the way, we will probably be caught together as accomplices, or even Killed on the spot."

"Second, we parked directly and let Black Sakura's killers surround our car. After they got Belmod out of our car, no one knows whether they will let us go."

"Both of these choices are to leave your destiny to a group of killers. Xiao Ai, you should understand that we are not such people."

"That's why we connected Belmod directly into the car. It turns out that she really helped us successfully escape from Black Sakura's pursuit."

"However, this also made her suspicious of you. Once she reports your matter to the organization..." Xiao Ai's face was full of worry.

"Don't worry, she won't." Yu Gongming said with a faint smile.

"Why?" Xiao Ai was confused.

"From my brief contact with her, I think she is not as loyal to the organization as I thought. It can even be said that she is full of some kind of hatred for the organization."

"My gut tells me that she would even be happy to see us versus the organization."

"Intuition?" Xiao Ai looked at Yu Gongming with some confusion:

"Yes, it's just like the incomprehensible fear you would feel when you find out that members of the organization are nearby." Hanemiya Akira said with a smile:

"My intuition tells me that what happened last night will not bring us any danger, but will instead allow us to gain unexpected gains in the future against the organization!"

Xiao Ai was silent for a while, then shook her head slightly: "Forget it, since it is your decision, then I am willing to believe you, so do you come to me and the doctor this time just to talk about what happened last night?"

"Ah! Of course it's not just that. Regarding what happened last night, we also need to ask the doctor for a favor." Yu Gongming said with a smile.

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