Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 683 Yumi Miyamoto’s request

"What? Are you saying that the gentleman who went on a blind date with Officer Sato is named Shiratori?" Xiaolan's eyes widened slightly, with a look of surprise on her face.

"Yes!" A waitress at Shuidu Tower nodded slightly: "The gentleman who met Miss Sato is indeed surnamed Shiratori. They are having dinner at Baihexuan now."

"So..." Xiaolan's expression gradually became weird.

"The person who went on a blind date with Officer Sato could really be Officer Shiratori!?" Sonoko also expressed great surprise at this.

"Um... may I ask where you guys are here..." the waitress asked doubtfully.

"Um..." Xiaolan suddenly felt a little embarrassed. She didn't know how to respond. She couldn't say that she was here to see someone on a blind date, right?

"We are entrusted by both parents to come here to give you a special gift!" Conan's voice rang out.

Several people looked at Conan one after another. Xiaolan's eyes flashed with curiosity on her face.

Now she can see that her sweetheart is very good at deceiving others!

Just listen to Conan continue: "However, it will take some time to prepare this gift. Could you please borrow the room next to Baihe Pavilion?"

"Well... the room next to Baihexuan is indeed vacant. It's okay to borrow it," the waitress replied.

"Great! Thank you then!" Conan immediately showed a cute smile.

"I'm really sorry to trouble you!" Xiaolan also bowed slightly.

"Well, please wait a moment." The waitress nodded gently to a few people, then turned and walked inside, obviously to make arrangements.

Yuanzi turned his head, looked at Conan with strange eyes, and muttered: "This kid is quite good at it!"

"Hehe! Just so so!" Conan scratched his head and laughed.

When Xiaolan saw Conan's reaction, she couldn't help but laugh: "He, he always does the same thing in movies."

"Huh?" Yuanzi suddenly looked at Xiaolan and raised his eyebrows slightly: "Eh? Why do you feel that your tone of voice is weird when you talk to this kid?"

"Ah?" Xiaolan pointed to herself in confusion, and then made a resentful expression: "Because Shinichi came back once before to meet with Hanomiya-senpai and Conan, but Conan didn't tell me when he came back. "

"And I recently discovered that Conan talks to Shinichi on the phone from time to time. I feel like Conan is Shinichi's little investigator in the agency!"

"Hey! Are you really sent by that guy Shinichi to monitor Xiaolan?" Suzuki Sonoko looked at Conan with interest.

"Uh... Well... I have confessed to Sister Xiaolan! I am now on Sister Xiaolan's side!" Conan looked upright and awe-inspiring.

"Oh? Is that so? You're not going to be a [Mission: Impossible], are you?" Sonoko stared at Conan jokingly.

"What is Mission Impossible?" Conan looked confused.

Yuanzi was stunned for a moment, then waved his hand: "Forget it, you little brat doesn't look like you've seen this kind of movie."

"Guys, the room next to Baihe Pavilion has been tidied up. Please come with me." The waitress walked out of the room.

"Okay! Let's go in!" Yuanzi said, taking the lead in following the waitress.

Xiaolan pulled Conan and followed, and finally Yu Gongming and Meng Yu.

Conan gently shook Xiaolan's hand, and when Xiaolan looked over, he silently gave her a thumbs up.

Xiaolan winked playfully and returned a "mutual" look.

Behind them, Yu Gongming and Meng Yu had a panoramic view of this scene.

Yu Gongming silently held Meng Yu's hand and said in Morse code: [Eat enough dog food, comfort me]

Mengyu interpreted the information given by Yu Gongming, raised the corners of her mouth slightly, and held Yu Gongming's hand: [Well! each other]

Poor Sonoko, the only single dog (Kyogoku has never officially established a relationship), has no idea that the two couples behind him are secretly distributing dog food here.

If he knew the truth, he would probably faint in the toilet from crying.

After several people entered the room next to Baihexuan, the waiter asked if they wanted refreshments. Neither Yu Gongming nor Meng Yu had eaten, so they asked for some snacks.

After the waiter left, Yuanzi immediately shouted impatiently: "Let's go! Let's go to the entrance of Baihexuan and eavesdrop!"

"Isn't this...not good?" Xiaolan hesitated.

"What does it matter! We won't disturb them anyway. We came here to hear about their blind date! Besides, aren't you curious if the person who went on a blind date with Officer Sato is Officer Shiratori?" Sonoko continued Enchanted.

"Well... I'm indeed quite curious, okay then." Xiaolan finally agreed without resisting the spirit of gossip in her body.

"It's fine if I'm here. I can hear what they say from here." Yu Gongming said with a smile.

"Wow! This is so awesome! Is this the strength of a famous detective?" Sonoko exclaimed.

"It has nothing to do with the famous detective! It's just that his ears are naturally better." Meng Yu said with a smile.

While several people were chatting, the mobile phone in Yu Gongming's pocket suddenly rang.

Yu Gongming took out his mobile phone and saw that it was an unfamiliar number. He hesitated and picked up the call.

"Hey! Is this Detective Hanomiya?" A clear female voice sounded from the other side.

Akira Hanomiya was stunned for a second before he recognized the voice on the other side: "Are you...Police Officer Yumi Miyamoto?"

"That's right! It's me!" Miyamoto Yumi smiled.

"Excuse me, what's the matter? I don't seem to have violated traffic rules, right? I didn't speed all the way here!" Akira Hanamiya asked doubtfully.

"No, no! Detective Hanomiya, you misunderstood!" Miyamoto Yumi said quickly:

"I'm calling you to ask you a favor."

Before Hanamiya Akira could reply, Miyamoto Yumi continued: "I originally arranged for Officer Takagi to pull Miwako out of the blind date quagmire, but something seemed to have happened to him, and he dropped me before I finished speaking. The phone got away."

"You should also know about Officer Takagi and Officer Sato, right? Can you do me a favor and find Officer Takagi and bring him to Shuidu Building?"

"Tell me to find Officer Takagi? Where is he now?" Akira Hanomiya asked.

"The area where Officer Takagi is on duty is near Shuidu Building. I believe that Detective Hanomiya will be able to find it!"

"If you can help, I'll treat you to dinner next time!"

"This..." Yu Gongming thought about it for two seconds, and finally nodded: "Okay, but this time you owe me a favor!"

"Okay, okay! Next time if you ask me for help with anything, I will not speculate as much as I can!" Miyamoto Yumi said cheerfully.

"Okay, I'll go over right now." After Yu Gongming finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

"What's wrong? What does Officer Yumi want to do with you?" Sonoko asked in confusion.

Yu Gongming explained the matter roughly and said: "You guys keep an eye on it here. I'm going to find Officer Takagi. I should be back soon."

"Hey! I want to go too!" Conan shouted.

"No, I'm enough on my own." Yu Gongming said with a smile.

After winking at Chao Mengyu, Yu Gongming left the room.

Conan was about to follow, but was held back by Mengyu.

She looked at Conan with a smile: "Conan, be obedient!"

Conan was so depressed, but because Sonoko was there, he didn't say anything else.

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