Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 688 Training Preparations

in the car.

"It seems like Officer Sato really has a crush on Officer Takagi!" Sonoko said with bright eyes.

"Yes, compared to Officer Shiratori, I also think Officer Sato is more suitable for Officer Takagi." Mengyu commented.

Yu Gongming also agreed: "How can I put it this way? Officer Shiratori is an out-and-out wealthy family. The family relationship is complicated and there are probably many rules and taboos."

"With Officer Sato's character, who can't tolerate sand in his eyes, I'm afraid he is not suitable to marry into the Shiratori family."

Yuanzi was stunned for a moment, and then understood what Yu Gongming meant.

Although he didn't point it out, Yu Gongming was obviously saying that these consortiums would be involved in some gray or even black areas.

There won't be any big consortium that is a white lotus flower that doesn't touch the spring water. Otherwise, before it becomes a big consortium, it may be eaten by others and no bones will be left.

When Officer Sato marries into the Shiratori family, he will be exposed to these things to some extent.

With her jealous character, it is still unclear whether she will be able to accept it when the time comes.

Compared to Officer Shiratori, Officer Takagi is indeed more suitable.

He comes from an ordinary family, and if he can become a police officer, he must have a clean family background, and he is diligent and down-to-earth. He can get into the position of inspection director at a young age, so becoming a police officer in the future will not be a problem.

And after several contacts, although most of the time he is just a tool reporting clues, his ability when handling cases independently is also remarkable, especially when it comes to Officer Sato. Officer Takagi's various abilities are directly to the MAX. !

And judging from the original work, he is also one of the people who is suspected of realizing that there is a problem with Conan's identity, and he has a rather wise and foolish demeanor.

If Officer Sato can end up with Officer Takagi, at least in the eyes of Akira Hanomiya, it will be a pretty good outcome.

"No matter what, I still hope that Officer Sato will be happy in the end." Sonoko laughed and ended the topic as if nothing had happened.

After that, because Xiaolan and the others still wanted to go shopping, Yu Gongming sent them to a nearby business district first.

Before getting off the bus, Yuanzi warmly invited Mengyu to go shopping together.

"This..." Meng Yu showed hesitation.

"Anyway, our things are done, why not stay with Xiaolan and the others, and I will help you carry your things." Yu Gongming said with a smile.

"Hey! You see your boyfriend is so proactive, why are you hesitating?" Yuanzi immediately took the opportunity to encourage.

Seeing this, Meng Yu did not refuse and joined the shopping team. Yu Gongming also willingly became a bag carrier.


In the evening, Yu Gongming drove back to the office.

Conan Xiaolan and others had already gotten out of the car and left, and only he and Mengyu were left in the car again.

"Phew! I'm finally home. I might as well just walk around when I see Conan when I go out!" Akira Hanamiya couldn't help but complain.

Meng Yu curled her lips: "Tsk~ If we really meet Conan, doesn't that mean there will be a case? I don't believe you will turn a blind eye!"

Yu Gongming was stunned for a moment, then laughed and shook his head: "It seems so."

"Don't sigh in a hurry, just move the things in quickly." Meng Yu said, already opening the door and getting out of the car, and walked towards the trunk.

Yu Gongming followed closely behind, and the two came to the back of the car. Yu Gongming opened the trunk, and Meng Yu moved the contents out.

There were two table tennis servers, a large basket of table tennis balls, and some targets of different sizes for shooting.

This is what Akira Hanomiya purchased today for shooting training.

There were a lot of things, and neither of them were mother-in-law personalities, so they immediately started moving things into the basement.

Akira Hagong has not yet paid for the purchase of this store, and the property rights delivery has naturally not been completed.

However, the store manager was very relieved about Yu Gongming. He had already given the keys to the store and basement to Yu Gongming, so that Yu Gongming could decorate the interior according to his own wishes.

Therefore, the two planned to buy training equipment today to turn the basement into a training ground as soon as possible.

The two came to the basement. Mengyu turned on the light and glanced at the socket on the wall: "Go upstairs and get a socket."

"Understood." Yu Gongming agreed and quickly brought a power strip.

The two people put the table tennis balls into a ball server according to the instructions and then connected it to the power supply.

Mengyu pressed the switch.

boom! boom! boom!

The ball server immediately started working, and the table tennis balls were shot out at a frequency of about one every two seconds. The machine head also swung from time to time, causing the ball's direction and landing point to constantly change.

Mengyu nodded slightly and turned the firing rate of the ball machine to the maximum setting!

In an instant, the firing rate of the ball machine immediately soared, from the original rate of one shot every two seconds to almost two shots per second. The firing port swayed more frequently and the ball path became more erratic.

Bang bang bang!

For a moment, ball shadows were flying in the basement, and Han Gongming's dynamic vision felt dazzled.

Seeing this, Mengyu turned off the ball machine with satisfaction.

"Well, that should be enough for your training."

Akira Hanamiya's eyebrows twitched: "Am I going to play these balls..."

"This is a later training." Mengyu explained:

"Beginners like you must first learn to hold a gun and become familiar with some basic knowledge of firearms. The initial shooting training is mainly about shooting fixed targets."

"Wait until you are familiar with the fixed target, then slowly move to the moving target."

"That's it." Yu Gongming nodded clearly.

"I called the doctor just now and he said those bullets can be made tomorrow, with the first batch of 500 rounds."

"I asked, these 500 rounds of ammunition cost the doctor about 300,000 yuan. We asked the doctor to help us, so we can't lose money to him. How much do you think we should give as the cost?"

"Then let's give it double the price, six hundred thousand. If it's more, I'm afraid the doctor won't be too embarrassed to accept it." Yu Gongming said.

"Yeah." Meng Yu nodded slightly and said nothing more.

Anyway, it is Yu Gongming who has to train, and he also pays for it. It doesn't matter how much the price is.

"Then, you will officially start training tomorrow, so be prepared, I am very strict!" Meng Yu said with a smile.

Yu Gongming looked calm and clenched his fist gently: "I can't get what I ask for. As the saying goes, a strict master produces a good disciple!"

Meng Yu glanced at Yu Gongming: "Haha, I hope you can still have such momentum by then. Okay, the things are almost moved, let's go up first."


Yu Gongming's Wu Zang Temple expressed dissatisfaction at this moment.

When Yu Gongming heard this voice, his face suddenly became embarrassed.

Meng Yu covered her mouth and chuckled: "Oh! I forgot that our great detective barely had anything to eat at noon, and his stomach protested!"

"Then, please!" Yu Gongming clasped his hands together and begged Meng Yu sincerely.

Meng Yu smiled and snorted softly: "For the sake of your sincerity, I will reluctantly help you cook a delicious dinner!"

"I'm looking forward to Meng Yu's craftsmanship!" Yu Gongming said with a smile.

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