Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 694 Exchange of Information

"We came here to pick up a friend." The thin man, the FBI's ace investigator Shuichi Akai, replied.

"A from your FBI?" Yu Gongming asked with a frown.

"Yes, he is my superior." Akai Shuichi replied.

"Your superior..." Yu Gongming was silent for a while, seeming to be thinking about something. After a moment, he suddenly asked:

"Is your superior named James Blake?"

Akai Shuichi turned around and took a deep look at Hanomiya Akira, and said calmly: "I really can't hide it from you."

"Actually, it's not hard to guess, isn't it? That Mr. Black told me that he made an appointment with a friend, and you happened to show up here, claiming to be here to pick up your superior."

"It's hard for me not to think about such a coincidence, right?"

"Yeah, that's a very keen judgment." Akai Shuichi said with a smile.

"Did he come here this time to deal with that organization? Or did he have another mission?" Yu Gongming asked.

"At least as far as I know, he came here this time to lead our attack on Japan's black organizations. As for whether he has other tasks, I don't know." Akai Shuichi replied.

After a pause, Akai Shuichi continued: "We will talk about my superior's matters later. Let's talk about the organization's matters first. You should understand the information from the last contact, right?"

"Are you referring to the American female star Chrissy Wynyard, or possibly Sharon Wynyard, the organization's senior cadre Belmode?" Akira Hanomiya didn't mince words and got straight to the point.

"It seems that you have noticed it before." Akai Shuichi nodded slightly.

Yu Gongming chuckled: "Xiao Ai is very sensitive to the members of that organization, and we already had suspicions on that bus."

"Finally, we found the problem - the new doctor who is now the school doctor at Didan High School."

"Oh, by the way, is that Judy one of yours?"

"She is our person who monitors Belmode openly." Akai Shuichi replied.

"I see, I just said that woman is not simple." Yu Gongming looked as expected.

Akai Shuichi sighed: "Yes, just because she behaved too [not simply], not only you, but also Belmod also noticed her problem."

"Belmode has even started counter-tracking Judy, but Judy didn't notice at all."

Akira Hanomiya raised his eyebrows: "It sounds like you didn't tell Judy about this situation?"

"Telling Judy the situation may not be a good thing." Akai Shuichi said calmly.

His words were vague, but Yu Gongming also understood what he meant.

If you tell Teacher Judy the situation, then as the person who openly monitors Belmode, Teacher Judy may act abnormally in some ways.

These anomalies may not be noticed by ordinary people, but they can never be hidden from Belmode.

If Belmode realized that her anti-tracking had been discovered, she would probably change her plan immediately and start a new round of the game again.

This is obviously not what Akai Shuichi wants to see.

"It seems you have your own plan." Yu Gongming said with a half-smile.

"Yes, maybe your cooperation will be needed then." Akai Shuichi readily admitted and extended an invitation to cooperate.

"That depends on how you want us to cooperate." Yu Gongming said with a smile.

"I will contact you when the time comes." Akai Shuichi said.

Yu Gongming nodded slightly, hesitated for a while, and then said:

"By the way, we met [students from other classes] a few days ago."

"Huh?" Akai Shuichi's face immediately became serious: "Sure enough, there are other forces eyeing Belmod?"

"Ha! Yes, and this force is quite amazing in Japan!"

Akai Shuichi stared at Hanomiya Akira, waiting for his next words.

Yu Gongming didn't show off any more, and softly uttered three words: "Black Sakura."

"Are you sure?" Akai Shuichi's eyes immediately became solemn.

"Of course, I monitored their internal communication channel and captured one of their members for interrogation. The credibility of this information can be guaranteed." Yu Gongming said firmly.

"Have they already taken some action?" Akai Shuichi immediately heard something unusual in Hanomiya Akira's words.

"Yes, Black Sakura sent several elite killers to raid Belmod's apartment in Cupido Town. I heard that guns were used."

"Belmode seemed to have escaped after that, but Black Sakura did not give up easily. On the night of the operation, a car chase took place on several streets in Yoneka Town, and one of the parties used firearms again."

"According to my speculation, Black Sakura should have sent more men to hunt down the escaped Belmode."

Akai Shuichi listened quietly to Hanomiya Akira's narration. When Hanomiya Akira stopped talking, a look of surprise appeared on his face:

"It turns out that this is what happened late at night a few days ago. It's really interesting!"

Akira Hanomiya snorted coldly: "I don't think so. Things with the FBI and the black organization are already a headache. Now that you add Japan's top killer organization to the mix, the situation will probably be even more chaotic!"

"A chaotic situation may not be a bad thing." Akai Shuichi smiled, then frowned:

"But why did Black Sakura deal with Belmod? As far as I know, those crows and Black Sakura didn't have much interaction before..."

"This may be related to our last operation to rescue Miss Mingmei." Yu Gongming said calmly:

"After that operation, Director White Horse personally took action and carried out a thunderous blow to the organizational power in Tokyo. The organization's power in Tokyo was severely weakened, and related industries also suffered a devastating blow."

"Then, Black Sakura's forces took advantage of the situation and took the place of the original black organization. Perhaps the two sides have fought openly and secretly many times."

This information is an inference obtained by Akira Hanamiya after integrating the information provided by the Black Sakura sniper and killer Fujita.

Although there was no direct evidence, Yu Gongming judged that such an inference would probably be correct.

"Are you saying that they targeted Belmode because of the grudge between the two forces in Tokyo?" Akai Shuichi hesitated, always feeling that things would not be that simple.

"I'm not sure." Yu Gongming shook his head.

The number of people Black Sakura sent out to arrest Belmod probably reached a hundred people. If it was just Tokyo's interests, was it really worth sending out so many people?

Akai Shuichi thought for a while and looked at Hanomiya Akira: "Thank you for the news. We will be more cautious in monitoring Belmod in the future."

"This is what I hope too." Yu Gongming smiled and nodded.

At this time, a cell phone ringtone suddenly rang.

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