The next day, on the Shinkansen train.

"Hey! Conan, are you really sure that all the food and accommodation this time will be provided by Hattori-boy?" Mouri Kogoro confirmed again.

"Yes! He is indeed right!" Conan smiled and nodded, but there was a burst of curse in his heart:

"You old man just came here to take advantage, right?"

Xiaolan also stared at her father with some dissatisfaction: "Dad! Don't say such rude words in front of others!"

"I know, I know! Don't I, the famous detective, even understand this?" Mouri Kogoro waved his hand nonchalantly.

Xiaolan glanced at Mouri Kogoro helplessly, if she had known better, she would not have told him about going to Osaka...

At this time, Conan's cell phone suddenly rang.

Conan took out his cell phone, took a look at it, and said with a smile, "It's a call from Brother Heiji. I'll answer it."

With that said, Conan left his seat and ran to the car connection to listen to the phone.

"Hey! What's the matter?" Conan asked calmly.

Hattori Heiji's voice came from the other end of the phone: "Nothing, I just asked if you guys have set off."

"I just left Tokyo. If there are no accidents, I should be at your place around 12 noon." Conan replied.

"That's great, you can definitely catch up with my competition!" Hattori Heiji said with a smile:

"Hey! By the way, you should still remember where I competed, right?"

"I know, I know!" Conan said with a hint of impatience in his tone: "Nanghua Central Gymnasium, get out of Shin-Osaka Station and take the bus to Higashijiri for 7 stops, right?"

"That's right! You have a good memory!" Hattori Heiji said with a smile.

"Please! You've said it four times since yesterday! I'm not really a child!" Conan said angrily.

"Sorry, sorry, because you look like a child, I couldn't help but be verbose." Hattori Heiji apologized.

Conan snorted, but didn't care about it any more: "Okay, now you know that we are setting off. If nothing happens, I will hang up first."

"Okay, see you later!" Hattori Heiji replied, and then hung up the phone.

Conan took back the phone and returned to his seat.

"Then why did that kid call you?" Mouri Kogoro asked.

"Nothing, just asking where we are." Conan replied.

Akira Hanomiya put down the newspaper he bought at the station and asked, "When will Hattori's competition start?"

"It seems to be after two o'clock. Anyway, the game will definitely not start when we arrive in Osaka." Conan replied.

"Hmph! You guys too, why are you going so early! You guys woke me up before seven o'clock. Do you know that I did a commission last night and didn't come back until almost twelve o'clock?"

Xiaolan's expression immediately darkened: "Oh? A commission? I don't remember the scope of your famous detective's commission, including playing mahjong with others!"

Mouri Kogoro's expression froze, and then he shouted: "What are you talking about! What mahjong?"

Xiaolan crossed her arms and stared at Moori Kogoro with a faint gaze: "When Conan and I went for a walk last night, we passed by a mahjong parlor called Springfield."

"Conan's ears are very good. Just when he was passing by the mahjong parlor, he heard a very familiar voice..."

Xiaolan glanced at Mouri Kogoro and said calmly: "Do you want me to continue?"

Mouri Kogoro's face suddenly turned bitter.

The moment Ran said "Springfield Mahjong Parlor", Mouri Kogoro realized that he had been completely exposed!

I did play mahjong there last night!

Ever since he came back from the hospital last time, Mouri Kogoro has been closely watched by Xiaolan, and the alcohol ban has not been lifted.

For Mouri Kogoro, an old drunkard, this is simply a kind of torture!

Simply, in addition to drinking, he can also play mahjong.

However, her daughter has always been quite critical of her hobby. When she goes to play mahjong with her poker friends, she goes there secretly, often using the excuse of handling commissions.

Unexpectedly, I was discovered last night!

Although Xiaolan did not prohibit him from playing mahjong, Mouri Kogoro was a little embarrassed when he just said that he was tired of handling the commission and was slapped in the face by his own daughter in the blink of an eye.

He coughed lightly, then suddenly laughed and said, "Hey! After finishing the commission, isn't it normal to go play mahjong to relax?"

Xiaolan snorted softly: "It's really nothing. It's just that I obviously went to play mahjong and came back late, but now I'm complaining in front of Hanomiya-senpai and the others on the train. Dad, you've really had enough!"

"I can't help it. As we get older, we won't have as much energy as you young people!" Mouri Kogoro laughed.

Yu Gongming smiled: "Uncle Maori, don't worry, we bought the tickets too early, we should have discussed it with you in advance."

"It's okay, it's okay." Mouri Kogoro waved his hand: "Originally, this was supposed to be a trip for you young people. I just haven't met with the Hattori Headquarters for a long time, so I wanted to get together for a while, so I came with you."

Yu Gongming understood clearly.

It seems that Mouri Kogoro wants to have a good relationship with Hattori Heiji's father. Also, as a former policeman, he can have a relationship with a big shot in the police world second only to the police chief. Moori Kogoro is not interested at all. strangeness.

A few people chatted along the way, and before they knew it, the train arrived in Osaka.

According to the route Conan pointed out. Several people took the bus and headed straight to their destination.

At about 12:30 noon, a group of people arrived at the Langhua Central Stadium.

"Xiaolan! Mengyu! This way!" Heye's melodious and sweet voice came from afar. Several people turned their heads and saw Heye in school uniform running towards them.

He Ye stopped in front of a few people, took a few breaths, smiled and said: "I didn't expect you to arrive so early!"

"It's you girl, where is that boy?" Mouri Kogoro looked around.

"You're talking about Heiji! Actually, I don't know where he went... It's obvious that the competition is about to start, but he's still wandering around!" Kazuye complained for a while.

"You're just wandering around! I've been following you!" Hattori Heiji's voice sounded from behind Kazuha.

Kazuha was startled and immediately turned around to see Hattori Heiji walking over in his kendo competition uniform.

"Heiji! Where were you just now! Auntie has been looking forward to your appearance!" Kazuha complained.

"Didn't I already say that I won't appear in the first or second round?" Hattori Heiji shouted:

"I have to recharge my batteries and severely defeat Souji Okita in the finals!"

"It seems that Hattori is very confident!" Akira Hanamiya stepped forward and said hello.

Hattori Heiji raised his chin slightly: "Of course, no one in the high school group can be my opponent!"

"Since you are all here, would you like to visit the stadium with me? I remember you haven't been here before."

"Yeah, that's fine." Yu Gongming smiled, and the others had no objections.

So, the group entered the gymnasium under the guidance of Hattori Heiji.

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