Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 706 Taikaku Hideyoshi Tour Group

The next day.

As agreed, Heihe and his team took Akira Hanomiya and his party to visit Osaka Castle.

Although I have been here several times, it has not lasted more than half a month in total. It is obviously impossible to fully visit a large city.

Even one of the attractions may not be able to taste the three flavors.

Today, several people came to the vicinity of Osaka Castle again, admiring the surrounding scenery from an observation deck with a good view.

"I didn't expect that looking at Osaka Castle from this direction would give people a different feeling! It's really great!" Xiaolan's eyes lit up.

"This is our famous tourist attraction in Osaka. Of course we will never tire of seeing it!" Kazuye said with pride.

"But, it seems that I have already shown them these two times when I was a tour guide. It seems superfluous for you to take them here again." Hattori Heiji laughed.

"What! Then where do you think we should go?" Kazuha put his hands on his hips and stared at Hattori Heiji dissatisfied.

"If it were me..." Hattori Heiji came to the observation deck, leaning on the railing with his elbows, pointing to a building opposite Osaka Castle and said:

"I will take them to the Osaka Prefectural Police Headquarters building opposite Osaka Castle, where they will have a good internship from the inside out, and then they will visit the new building. What do you think?"

"Hmph! Let me see! Only a fool like you would find that interesting!" Kazuya said with a look of disgust.

Hearing this, Yu Gongming unconsciously glanced at Conan.

I saw Conan showing an expectant expression, and seemed to be interested in Hattori Heiji's proposal.

Yes, you are indeed a good friend.

Akira Hanomiya muttered in his heart and said with a smile: "I persuaded the Ministry. When I was in Tokyo, I was already a regular visitor to the Metropolitan Police Department. After finally coming to Osaka, you still take us to the police station?"

"That's right! Do you have any objections to us, kid? You even let us ride in a police car last time!" Mouri Kogoro also said angrily.

"Well, I thought you would be interested in these. After all, Hanomiya, Uncle Mouri, and Conan are all detectives!" Hattori Heiji chuckled.

"Going to the police station is just for work, not my hobby!" Hanamiya Akira said speechlessly.

"Look! It's really better to go to Osaka Castle!" Kazuha immediately showed a winner's expression to Hattori Heiji:

"You know, Osaka Castle has taken on a completely new look after being renovated!"

"Since the castle tower was rebuilt sixty years ago, there has been no update!"

"No, it was seventy years ago." A slightly older male voice suddenly sounded.

When everyone turned around, they saw an old man who was short, fat, with sparse hair and looked to be over sixty years old standing next to them at some point.

The old man smiled at them and continued: "The Taishou Pavilion was first built in 1599, and was later rebuilt by Tokugawa Ieyasu in 1629."

"When the people of Osaka later wanted to start building the third-generation castle tower again, it was in 1931."

"Eh? Uncle, remember to listen clearly then!" Hattori Heiji said in surprise.

"Of course!" the old man chuckled:

"After all, Taikaku Hideyoshi (Toyotomi Hideyoshi) is the craftsman I admire most!"

"Hmm..." Hattori Heiji looked down and suddenly found a badge hanging on the old man's chest.

Hattori Heiji raised his eyebrows and couldn't help but ask: "This badge you pinned on your chest, this three-leaf sunflower pattern... is Tokugawa Ieyasu's family crest?"

"Ah! Speaking of this..." The old man seemed to be interested and looked like he wanted to talk properly, but a man behind him ran over quickly, shouting as he ran:

"Brother Ieyasu, what are you doing? My lord has been waiting for a long time!"

The old man turned his head and showed an apologetic smile: "I'll be there right away. I'm sorry, brother Mitsuhide."

Yu Gongming and others looked at each other in shock when they heard such a title.

"Tokugawa Ieyasu?" Hattori Heiji looked confused.

"Mitsuhide... Akechi Mitsuhide?" Mouri Kogoro also looked strange.

"Lord?" He Ye was even more confused.

"Uh! Sorry, that's what happened..." The old man quickly began to explain.


"Oh! It turns out that it was Taikaku Hideyoshi's eight-day trip!" Mouri Kogoro suddenly said.

"Ah! In fact, this is the name of our tour group! Because the members are all fans of Toyotomi Hideyoshi!" The man who appeared later laughed and called himself Fukushima Toshiaki.

Toshiaki Fukushima continued: "We roped in a few friends on the Internet and started from Nagoya, where Toyotomi Hideyoshi first made his fortune, then went around Kyoto and then went around Osaka."

"What are your titles and the badges on your chests..." Mouri Kogoro asked.

"Oh! That's just a little game we played." Fukushima Toshiaki said with a smile:

"Every morning after breakfast, we draw lots to decide the roles we play, and then pin the corresponding badges."

"Including the family crests of Oda Nobunaga, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, Tokugawa Ieyasu, and Akechi Mitsuhide. Then the person who draws Toyotomi Hideyoshi, Tokugawa Ieyasu, and Akechi Mitsuhide will call each other by this name."

"As for the person who draws Oda Nobunaga, he will be treated politely by everyone. Everyone will help him buy juice. Take photos and so on to please him."

"However, Oda Nobunaga must also treat Toyotomi Hideyoshi and Tokugawa Ieyasu to dinner accordingly." A woman wearing glasses walked over.

"That's right?" She looked at Fukushima Toshiaki.

"Uh, that's right, nanny." Fukushima Toshiaki said with a smile.

"Eh? There is also the role of nanny?" Xiaolan said in surprise.

"Yes." The woman nodded lightly: "The person who draws the blank lottery will take on the role of wet nurse and look at everyone's behavior with a tolerant attitude."

"Wouldn't it be too pitiful for the person who got Mitsuhide in this way?" Kazuye said with some confusion:

"Since I have to please Nobunaga, I have to pay for dinner myself."

Fukushima Toshiaki chuckled: "Mitsuhide also has privileges!"

"He could choose any day for three minutes to assume the role of Oda Nobunaga."

"The original three-day world has become a three-minute world." Mouri Kogoro suddenly realized.

"It's really boring." Hattori Heiji muttered quietly.

He Ye found it quite interesting, with a strong curiosity on his face.

"Hey! I found you! I haven't seen you just now, but I finally found you here!" A man wearing brown short-sleeves came over.

The old man who played Tokugawa Ieyasu, Arihiro Azaya, immediately made a flattering expression and said with a smile: "It's Mr. Nobunaga, I'm sorry!"

He took out a can of drink and handed it over: "This is the oolong tea you requested."

"I also bought the star movie of Osaka Castle!" Toshiaki Fukushima said with a smile.

"Ah! I'm really troubling you!" Oda Nobunaga seemed to have no airs at all.

Xiaolan looked around and said with some confusion: "Strange, why didn't I see the most important Toyotomi Hideyoshi?"

"Three Days of the World", that is, Akechi Mitsuhide launched the Honnoji Temple change due to Oda Nobunaga's long-term plan (to entrust the Japanese mainland to his own clan, let his retainers expedition to China and Korea, and already obtained fiefdoms), and then he was under the control of General Zhengyi. However, on the twelfth day after that, Hashiba Hideyoshi led his troops to fight against Akechi Mitsuhide in the desperate battle of Yamazaki (also known as the Battle of Tennoyama). After his defeat, he was attacked by native people in Yamashina Ogurisu, Kyoto. He died and his short-lived regime was called "Three Days Under Heaven".

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