Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 708 Uncle Maori always commits suicide

Soon, a group of people came closer.

Akira Hanomiya and Heiji Hattori quickly took off their coats and patted out the flames on the man.

"Hey! Are you okay? Cheer up!" Hattori Heiji shook the man gently, his expression extremely ugly1

"Uncle, call an ambulance! Mengyu, call the police!" Yu Gongming turned his head and said in a deep voice.

"Okay!" Maori Kogoro and Mengyu immediately took out their mobile phones.

"Hey! What happened!?" Hattori Heiji shouted looking at the charred and dying man in front of him.

The man's lips trembled as he uttered a few syllables of unknown meaning, and then with trembling hands, he grasped the umbrella held by Hattori Heiji.

When Hattori Heiji was confused, the man's hand suddenly loosened, and then hung down weakly.

"Hey! Hey! Cheer up! Hey!" Hattori Heiji tried to help the man regain his consciousness, but the man closed his eyes tightly and did not give any response.

Yu Gongming put his hand to the man's nose, tested his heartbeat and pulse again, and finally shook his head helplessly: "We don't have professional doctors here, and we don't have the conditions for rescue at all. He... must be hopeless."

"Damn it! Just in front of me..." Hattori Heiji hammered the floor hard, his face full of anger and unwillingness.

Although he had experienced many cases and seen many corpses, this was the first time he watched a person take his last breath in front of him.

This had a huge impact on his heart!

On the side, Yu Gongming's face didn't look good either.

"Such a way of death... It feels very familiar. It should be a case in the original Conan book... However, I still can't remember which one it is... But..."

Akira Hanomiya turned his head slightly and looked at the people from Taikaku Hideyoshi's tour group who were approaching:

"This matter must have something to do with them!"

"Hey! Look! This is... Toyotomi Hideyoshi's family crest!" Conan suddenly pointed at the man's chest and said.

There was a badge pinned there.

"Could it be that he is the Toyotomi Hideyoshi who has been missing all this time?" Hattori Heiji frowned.

"It's hard to say now. Let's continue the investigation when the police arrive. Now we'll protect the scene... although we seem to have almost destroyed the place." Hanemiya Ming said.

"It's not a big problem. After all, the real first place should be the top of the castle tower." Conan looked up.

"Asshole! I must find out the matter!" Hattori Heiji said harshly.


Officer Otaki led the team to the scene.

"This is what happened." Mengyu explained the cause and effect to Officer Otaki.

"I see, but how did you know the deceased's name was Kato Yuji?" Officer Otaki asked.

"Because of the emblem of the sycamore flower on his chest." Mengyu explained: "That is the family emblem of Toyotomi Hideyoshi, and it involves a little game among the people next to him."

Mengyu recounted the playful identity game among the tour group members again.

"I see, that's a bit interesting." Officer Otaki nodded slightly, then looked around for a while: "By the way, where are Detective Hanomiya and Heiji and the others?"

"They went to the top of the castle tower to investigate." Mengyu replied.


On the top of the castle tower, three famous detectives including Akira Hanomiya came to the roof of the castle tower together.

Akira Hanomiya and Conan stepped over the railing of the castle tower and came to the roof full of rubble. As for Hattori Heiji, because the roof itself was not spacious, the two people on it were already the limit, so they waited at the nearby guardrail.

"It's raining and the road is slippery! You two should be careful!" Hattori Heiji reminded.

"Got it!" Yu Gongming and Conan replied casually, and continued to investigate.

"Hey, Yumiya, look here, there are a lot of tiny tiles..." Conan swept his flashlight around the roof.

Akira Yu's flashlight also followed the light of Conan's flashlight, and then zoomed out slightly: "These scattered tiles are from here to the edge. They should be caused by the struggle and trampling of the deceased when they were burned by the fire."

"Yes." Conan nodded, agreeing with Yu Gongming's statement.

They continued to move forward, and a square object appeared in the light of Yu Gongming's flashlight.

"This is..." Conan immediately ran over and picked up the square object with a handkerchief.

"Is it a lighter?" Yu Gongming also came over.

"Did he use this to light the fire?" Conan frowned slightly.

"It doesn't seem right...and look at this mark..." Akira Hanomiya pointed to the place where the lighter was originally.

After the lighter was removed, a roughly ninety-degree fan-shaped mark appeared.

Conan's pupils shrank and he touched it lightly with his hand: "It's done...that is to say..."

"There were other things placed here before." Yu Gongming said, taking a picture of this trace with his body camera.

"Hey! Did you find anything?" Hattori Heiji shouted.

"There are some discoveries!" Akira Hanomiya replied, and he and Conan searched nearby for a while. After seeing that there were no other valuable clues, they met up with Hattori Heiji.

"How is it? What did you find?" Hattori Heiji asked.

Akira Hanomiya and Conan talked about what was found on the roof, and showed Hattori Heiji the lighter and the photo of the traces.

"This matter is indeed not simple!" Hattori Heiji's expression became more solemn.

"The police should have arrived. Let's go back down and have a look. Maybe the police can find any valuable clues from the body of the deceased." Akira Yunomiya suggested.

The other two nodded slightly, and the three of them went all the way down to the castle tower and rushed back to the place where Kato Yuji left.

As soon as they came closer, they saw Officer Otaki and Mouri Kogoro talking.

"Now we still need to figure out why Mr. Kato committed suicide." Mouri Kogoro whispered.

Officer Otaki nodded slightly: "Indeed, as long as the cause of the suicide is known, the case can be closed."

The corners of Yu Gongming's mouth twitched.

As expected of Uncle Maori, he always commits suicide as soon as he opens his mouth.

"Eh? Are you back?" Meng Yu noticed the return of several people.

Mori and Otaki also looked over.

"Well! We went to the top of the castle tower to have a look, and we made some discoveries." Akira Hanomiya took out the lighter wrapped in a handkerchief, asked Officer Otaki for an evidence bag, put the lighter inside, and then showed it:

"No! It's this lighter."

"So, he committed suicide with this lighter?" Mouri Kogoro said, staring at the lighter.

"No, it's hard to say whether he committed suicide now." Hattori Heiji shook his head slightly:

"We found that the lid of the lighter was closed when the lighter was used. Would a person who was about to commit suicide have the time to close the lighter?"

"Did it happen to close due to the impact when it fell?" Mouri Kogoro was still trying to defend his "suicide theory."

This time it was Hanamiya Akira's turn to pour cold water: "No, if the lid was closed by a collision, then the lighter should have slipped to a lower place on the roof."

"But the place where we found the lighter obviously did not meet this requirement, and it seemed that there were other things placed in that place."

"Other things?" Officer Otaki asked doubtfully.

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