Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 716 You are already surrounded!

"Explosion!?" Yuhiro Zaiya and Toshiaki Fukushima both stared with horror on their faces.

" Kato suddenly caught fire on the roof because..." Fukushima Toshiaki said tremblingly.

"Yes! That's right." Akira Hanomiya confirmed Fukushima Toshiaki's guess:

"Wakisaka used the whereabouts of the Toranomaki as bait to lure Kato to the roof of the castle tower, and placed a tampered lighting flashlight there."

"In order to find the scroll, Kato pressed the flashlight switch without thinking much, and that's when he was burned to death."

"So that's the case, but why did he want to kill us?" Yuhiro Zaiya asked.

"Haha..." A deep laughter suddenly sounded, and both Zaoya Fukushima's expressions changed and they looked towards the corner of the second floor.

I saw that Wakisaka, who had his head down and closed his head, had woken up at some point and was staring here, with undisguised unwillingness and hatred in his eyes!

"Hey! You...why do you want to kill us?" Fukushima Toshiaki asked.

"Hmph! I'm just trying to repay the blood debt of thirteen years ago!" Wakisaka said coldly.

The expressions of Fukushima and Fukushima changed again. Fukushima didn’t know if it was because of a guilty conscience, but he even took two steps back:

Then, his face became extremely gloomy and he asked loudly: "You...who are you!?"

"I..." Wakisaka's voice was extremely low and gloomy: "I am the grandson of the old man who was brutally killed by you thirteen years ago!"


"It's actually you!?"

The two people in Fukushima House screamed at the same time.

"Oh? So that's it. Was the charred corpse on the flood channel thirteen years ago turned out to be your masterpiece?" Hattori Heiji said with a smile, but there was a faint chill in his smile.

"No...what are you talking about? Thirteen years ago, I have no idea what you are talking about!" Toshiaki Fukushima immediately denied it.

"It's not wrong. I investigated it very clearly." Wakisaka said coldly:

"Thirteen years ago, my grandfather had planned to donate the scroll to the museum and invited several of your partners to go to Osaka."

"As a result, he left and never came back."

"I knew before that he had differences with you greedy guys. You must have killed grandpa!"

"Wait a minute! I just met you guys online some time ago! This has nothing to do with me!" Yu Hongdai shouted.

"Hmph! Do you think I can't recognize you after you've had plastic surgery?" Wakisaka sneered.

"Well, Wakisaka has indeed recognized you." Hattori Heiji said as he took out the group photo from his arms, showed the front side to the two people from Fukushima and Zaiya, pointed at it and said:

"This guy standing on the left side of his grandfather must be you, Mr. Chaoshu, right?"

"Huh? Is it you?" Toshiaki Fukushima suddenly looked at Yuhiro Koshiya, his face full of disbelief.

Wakisaka Yuhiro was silent for a moment, then nodded slightly and said calmly: "I didn't expect that I could be recognized like this. It seems that this trip was planned by you Wakisaka from the beginning, right?"

"Yes, originally I wanted this trip to be the end of your life, but I didn't expect that two brats ruined the good thing." Wakisaka's tone was full of unwillingness.

"Hey! Although I did go to Osaka with your grandfather thirteen years ago, his death had nothing to do with me!" Toshiaki Fukushima was still defending, trying to clear up the relationship.

However, Zaiya Yuhiro snorted coldly: "Okay Fukushima, now that we have reached this point, what does it matter if we talk about it?"

"It's true that you didn't do anything directly at the time, but you had a share in carrying the body and throwing it into the flood channel!"

"Don't be slanderous!" Toshiaki Fukushima immediately glared at Arihiro Zaiya.

"Haha!" Yuhiro Zaiya sneered. The next moment, he suddenly took out a pistol and pointed it at Toshiaki Fukushima!

"You...what are you going to do!?" Toshiaki Fukushima suddenly looked horrified, and the faces of Akira Hanamiya and Heiji Hattori also changed slightly!

"Hmph! Go to those two brats right now!" Yuhiro Zaiya ordered Fukushima, pointing in the direction of the two famous detectives.

With a pistol pointed at him like this, how could Toshiaki Fukushima dare to say no? Obediently came to Yu Gongming and his two companions.

"Hey! Let me tell you, what he just said is true? Are you really involved in transporting the corpse?" Hattori Heiji asked.

Fukushima Toshiaki looked sad at this moment and sighed: "Yes, he is right. I did participate in transporting the corpse. I personally threw his grandfather's corpse into the flood channel..."

"I see." Hattori Heiji said clearly, and then looked at Yuhiro Zaiya:

"I said, Mr. Chaowu, there are three of us here. You are alone and have a gun. It is impossible to keep us all!"

Zaowu Youhong sneered: "Who said I'm the only one?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a burst of noisy footsteps came.

Immediately afterwards, several men with guns and fierce faces came to the second floor and completely blocked the way downstairs!

Zaoya Yuhiro looked around and sneered at Hanomiya Akira and the others: "Since you already know so many secrets, you can only stay here forever!"

"Oh?" There was no panic on Hattori Heiji's face, and he smiled: "We don't care, but do you want to silence him too?"

He pointed at Wakisaka: "You know, he may be the only person in the world who knows the whereabouts of the Tiger Scroll!"

Zaiya Yuhiro showed an expected smile: "I think, since he wants to kill us, he will definitely not take the Tiger Scroll with him."

"I have already found out where he lives. After I finish dealing with you, I will just go to his house to search."

"I see, is this all your plan?" Yu Gongming nodded lightly.

"That's right, now, you two brats, go over and turn on those two flashlights!" Yuhiro Zaiya ordered.

"Oh? Do you want to kill us in this way?" Hattori Heiji asked.

"Yes, if you two are killed by a flashlight, we will take Wakisaka away. This will create the illusion that you two were plotted by the murderer and the murderer escaped." Yuhiro Zaiya said coldly.

When Yu Gongming heard this, instead of showing fear, he shook his head boredly: "I overestimated this guy. He is much stupider than I thought. Let's end it."

"That's fine." Hattori Heiji nodded slightly, raised his hand slightly, and snapped his fingers.

Da da da!

Several spotlights suddenly fell on Zaoya Yuhiro and others!

"What...what's going on?" Zaowu Youhong and others couldn't help but cover their eyes under the stimulation of the bright light.

After they adapted to the bright light and moved their hands away, everyone's expressions changed!

On both sides of them, there was a row of Osaka Prefectural police holding mobile shields standing impressively!

"Isn't the situation obvious?" Yu Gongming chuckled and said, "You...are already surrounded!"

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