Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 721 Fei Yingli’s case

The woman known as Miss Kujo slowly came to a halt in front of Fei Yingli, with the corner of her mouth slightly raised:

"I heard that Lawyer Fei has taken over Usami Shinji's case, right?"

"Ah! That's right. I originally planned to find time to say hello to Miss Kujo!" Fei Yingli still had a decent smile on her lips, and her words were very humble and polite.

But everyone present had already vaguely felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere.

The woman raised her head slightly, looked directly at Fei Yingli, and said with a smile: "I really look forward to meeting you in court!"

Fei Yingli smiled and nodded, remaining calm under the sharp gaze of the woman;

"When the time comes, I ask Miss Kujo to show mercy."

"No matter what, I should ask the concubine's lawyer to show mercy." Miss Kujo said with a smile.

She looked at her watch, then bowed slightly to the man with glasses behind her and said, "Lawyer, let's take our leave now."

After saying that, the two turned and left.

The two gradually moved away. Yu Gongming's ears moved slightly and he faintly heard a conversation between the two.

Man with glasses: I heard that Lawyer Fei won another victory this time.

Miss Kujo: Really? But that’s it, I must let her taste defeat!

After the two of them finished speaking, they left in silence.

"Mom...that lady just now is..." Xiaolan asked softly. The strange atmosphere just now made her slightly uneasy.

"Oh! That one is the elite of the Tokyo District Prosecutor's Office." Midori Kuriyama explained:

"That is Miss Kujo Reiko, who is known as the most beautiful prosecutor."

"So, is she the famous beautiful prosecutor?" Meng Yu said suddenly.

"I heard that in the cases she prosecuted, all the charges have never been overturned. It can also be said that she has never failed." Akira Hanamiya added lightly.

As a detective, Hanemiya Akira often pays attention to the content of the legal columns in newspapers. Reiko Kujo is a frequent visitor to these columns.

Her outstanding appearance and gorgeous military record have made her the darling of many media.

"So! Is she your opponent in your next case, mom?" Xiaolan asked with a worried look on her face.

"It looks like this. When they left just now, Miss Kujo told her assistant that she wanted Aunt Eri to taste the taste of defeat!" Akira Hanomiya said calmly.

Feiyingli smiled slightly: "I don't care whether you lose or not. When I took this case, I just thought that Usami Shinji might be innocent."

"It's just that I didn't expect that the prosecutor this time would be Prosecutor Kujo."

"What kind of case is it?" Xiaolan asked.

"Ah! What I'm talking about is related to this case. Time is running out now, so I'll leave first. If you want to know more, just ask Kuriyama."

After Fei Yingli finished speaking, she greeted a few people and left quickly.


In a high-end Western restaurant near the court.

Hamamiya Akira's group and Kuriyama Midori were sitting at a table for six people.

In front of her eyes was French food with an alluring aroma, but Xiaolan was playing with the knife and fork in her hands, frowning slightly, looking preoccupied, and basically didn't touch the food.

"Sister Xiaolan, are you still thinking about Aunt Yingli's case?" Conan asked.

"Yeah! Yes..." Xiaolan replied to Conan, and then looked at Kuriyama Midori:

"Miss Kuriyama, may I ask what is going on in the case my mother took on?"

"Oh! That's it. A month ago, someone found the body of a man at a construction site near Abeido. Do you still remember it?"

"The deceased's name was Tsuyoshi Hirasawa, and he was an office worker."

"He was hit in the head by a nearby steel pipe and died."

"Police were able to identify the most likely suspect based on fingerprints found on a car key found near the body."

"That is, the person whom the concubine's lawyer is defending this time - Usami Shinji."

"What did the police say? What was his motive?" Conan asked.

Kuriyama Midori replied: "One day three years ago, Hirasawa got drunk and pushed Usami's son down the stairs of the station."

"His son Masaki was hit hard on the head, and after resuscitation failed, he finally passed away."

"Ah? So pitiful..." Xiaolan showed sympathy on her face.

Kuriyama Midoriya sighed and said: "Then, Mr. Hirasawa was also convicted of manslaughter. However, because he was drunk, the judge gave him a suspended sentence at his discretion."

"But Mr. Usami couldn't accept this. He kept saying that he obviously killed someone, why didn't he go to jail?"

Everyone was silent.

From a professional perspective, there is no procedural problem with the judge's decision.

Although he objectively killed someone, he was subjectively negligent, and because he was drunk, he could be considered a person with limited capacity for criminal responsibility.

Therefore, the judge's decision to impose a suspended sentence is not without legal basis.

Moreover, probation does not mean that you will not go to jail, but you will still be subject to certain supervision. If a new crime occurs during the probation process, the probation will be cancelled, and you will be punished together with the new crime.

Of course, if there are no new crimes and no other bad records, it can be deemed that the person has performed well after the probation period ends.

Even if he still has to go to jail, the term will be shorter than the original sentence.

From a simple moral and emotional point of view, bystanders like Akira Hanomiya felt that Hirasawa's punishment was a bit light, let alone Usami, the client who lost his own son.

Therefore, if this was the motive, then Usami did have a good reason to kill Tsuyoshi Hirasawa.

"So the police suspected that he was trying to avenge his dead son." Kuriyama Midori's words also confirmed Hanamiya Akira's guess.

"So, what did Mr. Usami say?" Conan asked again.

Kuriyama Midori replied: "He said he was drunk at the time and couldn't remember anything."

"No wonder the police would suspect him. He was also drunk and died of a heavy blow to the head. It looks like he was deliberately retaliating!" Meng Yu sighed.

"Wait a minute, Mr. Usami must have a wife, right? What about his wife? Isn't she included in the suspect list?" Akira Hanamiya asked.

"No, in fact, he and his wife divorced shortly after his son Masaki died."

"So, the police briefly questioned his wife and directly targeted him."

"I see. It seems that if Usami still doesn't remember anything, then if this case wants to make a breakthrough, it can only fall on his ex-wife." Akira Hanomiya said calmly.

"As expected of a famous detective, the concubine's lawyer thinks so too." Midori Kuriyama said with a smile:

"In fact, after you finish this meal, I will go look for the izakaya owned by his ex-wife."

"Then can we go together?" Xiaolan's eyes lit up!

Kuriyama hesitated for a while, then nodded and said: "No problem, with your help, maybe the case can turn around."

After that, the three of them quickly finished their lunch and left the western restaurant in a hurry.

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