Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 724 Mouri Kogoro was taken advantage of

"Information from the police shows that Pingtaek's estimated time of death is between 9:30 and 10:00," Fei Yingli replied.

Conan immediately laughed: "In other words, during the deceased's death time, he was always in Miki Noboru's snack bar and did not leave until at least 9:55."

"Then he won't have time to commit the crime!"

"Yes, that is indeed the case. The premise is that everything he said is true." Fei Yingli said softly.

"Hey! You still don't believe me after doing this for a long time!" Mouri Kogoro said angrily.

"Hmph! Isn't it normal for a drunk to be suspicious?" Fei Yingli snorted.

"What? You woman, say that again!?" Mouri Kogoro glared at Feiyingli fiercely, and Feiyingli also stared back tit for tat.

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel, Yu Gongming coughed suddenly, attracting their attention.

Looking at the two of them, he said seriously: "The information provided by Uncle Maoli can indeed be used as an alibi."

"However, this proof is actually not perfect."

"Not perfect?" Fei Yingli was stunned.

"Yes." Yu Gongming nodded slightly:

"First of all, according to Uncle Maoli, someone woke him up while he was sleeping and gave him his cell phone. In other words, his cell phone had passed through someone else's hands."

"Huh? You mean?" Conan's expression suddenly changed, and even Fei Yingli's originally bright expression gradually darkened, as if she had realized something.

"Yes, there is a situation..." Akira Hanamiya looked at Mouri Kogoro: "While uncle was asleep, someone tampered with the time on the phone."

" is this possible?" Mouri Kogoro retorted subconsciously.

"Is it possible? Uncle Maori, please answer my two questions." Yu Gongming said calmly:

"First of all, where do you put your phone when you're drinking?"

"Hmm... I remember that it was placed in the inner pocket of the coat, and the coat was placed on the hanger next to Miki Noboru's counter."

"What!? Why didn't you say such an important thing earlier!" Fei Yingli immediately exclaimed.

"It's been a month! It's normal for me to forget some things!" Mouri Kogoro argued.

"Don't worry, there is a second question." Yu Gongming continued:

"Who made that call?"

"Um... I don't know. The person on the other end didn't speak after I got through. I called out twice and no one answered, so I hung up and came back. I guess I dialed the wrong number, right?"

"What a coincidence..." Meng Yu murmured.

"Yes, it seems that the call was made just because Dad saw Mr. Usami." Xiaolan also noticed something was wrong.

"Are you sure that the time on your phone has not been touched?" Fei Yingli looked at Mouri Kogoro and asked.

Mouri Kogoro suddenly tilted his head guiltily and said weakly: "Well... I was drunk at the time! The phone was given to me by the boss's wife, so..."

Fei Yingli sighed.

If Kogoro Mouri's cell phone was not on him, then this alibi would not be so credible.

"Aunt Yingli, uncle, why don't you go to our place and have a look? I'll check uncle's cell phone to see if it has been tampered with." Mengyu suggested.

"Then I'll trouble you." Fei Yingli also acted resolutely and immediately agreed without asking Mouri Kogoro's opinion.

Although Mouri Kogoro was very dissatisfied with Fei Yingli's decision to help him without authorization, he also knew that the matter was important and did not sing against it at this time, acquiescing to Fei Yingli's decision.


"Huh..." Mengyu returned the phone to Mouri Kogoro and sighed:

-"Sure enough, on the day of the crime, someone changed the time on your phone and set it back thirty minutes. In other words, the time you woke up should be 9:55."

"This..." Mouri Kogoro held his mobile phone, the corners of his mouth twitched, and his face was a little confused.

I was being used as a gun!

"In other words, the alibi is invalid..." Xiaolan said with a frustrated look.

Fei Yingli was also a little silent.

I thought I had found a turning point, but I didn't expect that it was just an empty joy.

"Don't give up in a hurry, Aunt Yingli, can you let me see the information about the case in your hand tomorrow?" Akira Hanomiya asked.

"This... logically speaking, leaking case file information, especially case file information that is still under trial, is against the regulations. However, if it is you, it is not impossible." Fei Yingli replied.

"But after you read it, don't talk about it everywhere."

"I understand!" Yu Gongming smiled.


The next morning, Fei Law Firm.

Yu Gongming, Mengyu, Xiaolan, and Conan came here together and began to check the information on the Pingze case.

"Huh? Strange..." Conan frowned slightly:

"The deceased and Usami met at an izakaya, but they had an argument and were kicked out by the owner. It was half past eight."

"Then, according to the conclusion of Mengyu, Usami should have come to Miki Noboru at 9:55."

"What did they do for such a long time?"

Akira Hanomiya also noticed this: "According to the investigation, it only takes fifteen minutes to walk from the izakaya to Miki Noboru. So, what happened in the remaining hour or so is quite critical. ”

"However, I am more concerned about another point." Mengyu suddenly said:

"Based on the current clues, it is likely that Ms. Kameda Masako used her uncle to create an alibi."

"But, doesn't it mean that the relationship between the two of them is very bad?"

"And if she really made such an arrangement, it should be to help Mr. Usami get away with it."

"However, from Aunt Eiri's description, Usami has been claiming from the beginning that she does not remember anything and has no intention of using her alibi."

"Even if Auntie Yingli hadn't asked a few more questions yesterday, I'm afraid Miss Kameda might not have revealed this clue."

"This doesn't make sense..."

"Could it be like this..." Xiaolan put forward her guess:

"It turns out that Miss Kameda did forge an alibi, but because she was dissatisfied with Mr. Usami, she didn't tell him."

"But after my mother's questioning yesterday, she was shaken again, so she provided us with this clue and asked us to help Mr. Usami find an alibi."

Akira Hanomiya shook his head slightly: "It still doesn't make sense. If she was temporarily dissatisfied with Usami, then she wouldn't have spent time forging an alibi, and she wouldn't have waited until the eve of the trial to reveal clues to us."

"And if she had been dissatisfied, she would not have forged an alibi from the beginning."

Conan pushed up his glasses, looked at the crowd, and said with a smile: "Maybe we need to visit that Mimushi store again!"

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