Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 728 Fei Yingli’s counterattack!

Prosecutor Kujo left his seat again, came to Kameda Masako's side, and asked:

"Ms. Kameda Masako, on the night of the incident, did you adjust the time on Mr. Mori's mobile phone?"

Kameda Masako tilted her head slightly and looked at Usami Shinji sitting in the defendant's box. She bit her lip slightly, showing hesitation and was speechless for a moment.

"What's going on!?" A scolding suddenly rang in Kameda Masako's ears!

She suddenly raised her head and saw Reiko Kujo standing in front of her at some point, looking at her sharply and saying calmly:

"Ms. Masako, you have to know that giving false testimony is tantamount to fraud!"

"I..." Kameda Masako opened her mouth, still seeming hesitant.

"Ms. Masako!" Reiko Kujo shouted again, her tone becoming more severe.

Kameda Masako was silent for another moment and finally spoke:

"That's right... everything the prosecutor said is correct."

"Did she...still say it?" Xiaolan's eyes rippled slightly and she murmured.

Conan chuckled: "Isn't this normal? After all, if she doesn't tell her, she will still go to jail."

Xiaolan gave a soft "hmm" and looked at the ongoing court trial ahead with a complicated look.

On the other side, Prosecutor Kujo heard Kameda Masako's words and immediately showed a satisfied smile and asked, "So, you just admitted to adjusting the phone?"

"Yes." Kameda Masako admitted simply this time.

"So, what time did Mr. Mori really meet Usami Shinji in your store?" Kujo Reiko's proud smile became more and more uncontrollable.

Kameda Masako replied: "I set the time on Mr. Mori's cell phone back by 30 minutes. The time they met was actually 9:55."

Kujo Reiko nodded with satisfaction, looked at the presiding judge, and said solemnly: "President, it only takes ten minutes to walk from the construction site of the murder scene to Miki Noboru's snack bar. Usami Shinji has enough time to kill the deceased!"

"Well..." The presiding judge nodded slightly, then looked at the defense table: "Does the defense have any questions to ask?"

Fei Yingli stood up unhurriedly and looked at Kameda Masako: "Miss Masako, when I visited you, your attitude shows that you already hate Usami Shinji to the core, right?"

"Then why do you have to give him an alibi?"

Hearing this, Kameda Masako subconsciously glanced at her ex-husband sitting in the dock.

Usami Shinji was hanging his head slightly at this moment, with his eyes closed tightly, looking resigned to his fate.

Kameda Masako bit her lip gently and replied in a low voice: "I... don't know."

"Oh? You really don't know?" Fei Yingli had a half-smile on her face and continued to ask:

"Let me ask you, have you seen the deceased before the incident?"

Hearing this, Kameda Masako's eyelids immediately twitched slightly, and then replied: "No, if it weren't for this case, I wouldn't know the whereabouts of Hirasawa at all."

Kujo Reiko frowned slightly and looked at Fei Eri, what on earth did this woman want to do?

Fei Yingli ignored Kujo Reiko's gaze and picked up a piece of information with elegant movements:

"According to the police's autopsy report, a type of octopus called rice octopus was found in the stomach contents of the deceased. According to the examination results, it was eaten within an hour before the deceased's death."

Kameda Masako's expression changed instantly!

Fei Yingli's eyes gradually became sharper when she looked at Kameda Masako: "According to our investigation, only your snack bar nearby has this kind of ingredient."

"Now, Miss Masako, answer me, did the deceased come to your shop between the time he was kicked out of another izakaya at 8:30 and the time of the incident!?"

Kameda Masako couldn't help but clenched his fists slightly.

After hesitating for a moment, she finally admitted: "Yes, before the incident, around 8:50, Pingze did come to my store."

"Oh? I remember that Hirasawa had a dispute with Mr. Usami before, so Mr. Usami should also come here, right?" Feiyingli asked.

"...Yes." Kameda Masako nodded.

Kujo Reiko's expression changed, and she immediately refuted: "Even if the deceased came to the store before he was alive, what does that mean?"

Feiyingli smiled faintly: "Of course it shows that Mr. Usami is not the only one who has the motive to kill and also has the time to kill, but also Ms. Kameda Masako."

"I'm afraid her alibi was not made for Mr. Usami, right?"

After Fei Yingli finished speaking, there was a burst of whispers in the auditorium again. The presiding judge seemed to be unable to stand it anymore and knocked his gavel twice to keep the auditorium silent.

"Does the defense have any questions?" the presiding judge asked.

Fei Yingli said calmly: "Excuse me, how long did the deceased stay in your store?"

Kameda Masako gritted his teeth: "About... half an hour."

It was useless for her to lie. After all, rice octopuses had been found in the stomach contents, which meant that the other party must have been in her store for a long time, and the sophistry would be exposed immediately.

Fei Yingli heard Kameda Masako's answer and nodded slightly: "I'm done asking."

"Okay, are there any other witnesses from both sides that need to be summoned?" the presiding judge asked.

Kujo Reiko also summoned the owner of an izakaya, who confirmed that around 8:30 on the night of the incident, Usami Shinji and Hirasawa Tsuyoshi did have a quarrel in his store and was kicked out by him.

So, the presiding judge continued: "Then, the two sides will debate on the facts of the case. First, let the prosecutor speak."

Kujo Reiko also returned to her seat at this moment, staring at Fei Eri: "I would like to ask Fei's lawyer, in your opinion, if it is not the person Usami Shinji killed, then who is the murderer?"

Fei Yingli calmly replied: "Based on the clues we have, I have sorted out the events before and after the case."

"First of all, there is a doubt in this case, which is whether the relationship between Usami Shinji and Miss Masako is good or bad?"

"From the surface, the relationship between them has become extremely bad, and they have even reached the point of divorce. The culprit who broke them up is undoubtedly Hirasawa Tsuyoshi who killed their son."

"On the night of the incident, Mr. Usami met Hirasawa, the culprit who caused the breakdown of his family, and the two of them started to quarrel."

"In the middle of the quarrel, they were kicked out by the owner of the izakaya."

"Mr. Usami didn't know what to do, so he forcefully dragged Hirasawa into his ex-wife's shop."

"When Miss Masako saw her son-killing enemy standing in front of her, her previously dormant hatred suddenly came to life, and he had murderous intentions towards Hirasawa!"

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