Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 738 Xiaolan who is afraid of ghosts

Yuanzi looked at Xiaolan suddenly grabbing his hand, and was stunned for a moment, wondering: "What's wrong, Xiaolan? Such a big reaction?"

The expression on Xiaolan's face was a little subtle. After hesitating for a while, she said: "'s nothing. I just feel a little scary staying at home alone. I always feel like...someone is watching me."

Yuanzi was shocked when he heard this: "What? Are you being targeted by some nymphomaniac?"

Yu Gongming and Meng Yu also frowned at the same time. Meng Yu came to the window, opened it and looked down.

Below is an ordinary street, with cars and people coming and going from time to time, and everything seems normal.

Yu Gongmingze went directly to Xiaolan's wardrobe, opened it and took a look.

Nothing but a closet of clothes.

Meng Yu closed the window, and Yu Gongming also closed the cupboard door.

The two of them walked around the room again under the dull gazes of Xiaolan and Yuanzi, staring at something from time to time.

After a while, the two came to Xiaolan's bedside again. Yu Gongming smiled and said: "I didn't find anything that looked like a pinhole camera, and there was no suspicious person wandering around, so don't worry."

The corner of Yuanzi's mouth twitched: "I said, are you guys exaggerating?"

"Sorry, professional habit." Yu Gongming spread his hands.

"Sorry, I was infected." Meng Yu said with a smile.

Xiaolan was also a little dumbfounded: "Senior Yumiya, Mengyu, you misunderstood. When I said someone was staring at me, you didn't mean what you understood..."

"That's it?" Yuanzi looked at Xiaolan with some worry.

Xiaolan lowered her head slightly, a blush gradually appeared on her face: "I just wonder if my family will..."

"Could it be something?" Yuanzi asked.

The next moment, Xiaolan suddenly raised her head and raised her voice: "Is there a naughty guy hiding ready to scare me?"

Garden: (⊙o⊙)

Yu Gong’s Name \u0026 Dream Language: O__O “…

"Pfft! Hahahaha!" Yuanzi covered his stomach and laughed loudly: "Xiaolan! Don't be stupid, there are no ghosts in this world!"

"No!" Xiaolan argued: "Just when I was speaking, there was a rustling sound coming from behind the door!"

"The naughty boy must be behind that door!"

"Huh?" The other three people looked at the door of the room at the same time.

At this time, there was a "click" sound at the door.

"Ah! It's coming in!" Xiaolan immediately grabbed the quilt with a look of horror on her face. If it weren't for the presence of Yu Gongming and others, she might have put the quilt over her head...

"...Sister Xiaolan, it's me!" The door opened, and Conan walked in speechlessly carrying a schoolbag.

"Ah? How could it be Conan?" Xiaolan instantly turned into beet-eyed.

Conan's eyes twitched, and he smiled helplessly: "I'm sorry, Sister Xiaolan, I'm not a naughty person, I let you down..."

Xiaolan's pretty face turned red instantly, and her head lowered again.

"Hahaha! Xiaolan, your reaction just now was so funny... Hahaha!" Yuanzi laughed again when he saw Xiaolan's reaction.

"Yuanzi!" Xiaolan couldn't stand it any longer, so she hit her best friend moderately.

Meng Yu also couldn't help laughing: "No, Xiaolan, you are a majestic karate champion, why are you afraid of ghosts?"

"That's it, and there are no ghosts in this world!" Conan also said.

"Even if there are rumors of ghosts, most of them are rumors, and a few are people pretending to be gods. Compared with ghosts, people's hearts are more terrifying, right?" Yu Gongming said.

"But, so many ghost legends are not all groundless, right? What if there really are ghosts in this world?" Xiaolan asked doubtfully.

"With so many legends circulating, have you really seen ghosts since you were a child?" Yu Gongming asked.

Xiaolan actually recalled it carefully for a while, and then shook her head uncertainly: "It seems not, right?"

Yu Gongming smiled and said: "From a materialistic point of view, these so-called ghosts are just a fear of the unknown that you have gradually formed due to being exposed to certain ghost legends."

"From an idealistic point of view, there have never been any ghost legends from the Maori Detective Agency, and there are no similar rumors nearby, indicating that there are no ghosts entrenched nearby."

"So Xiaolan, you don't have to worry at all."

"Is that so?" Xiaolan blinked.

"Of course! And I'm back now, sister Xiaolan, don't be afraid!" Conan said with a smile.

"Yo? You kid, you still want to be a knight who protects the princess? That guy Shinichi is keeping an eye on this position!" Sonoko said with a joking smile.

"Yuanzi!" The blush that had faded from Xiaolan's face appeared on her cheeks again.

"Okay, okay! I won't tease you anymore!" Yuanzi waved his hand and said with a smile:

"Now that this brat is back and you are no longer alone at home, can we go?"

"Well! Thank you for coming to see me." Xiaolan smiled.

"You're welcome! Then you have a good rest, let's go first!" Yuanzi stood up and waved to Xiaolan, Yu Gongming and Meng Yu also said goodbye to Xiaolan.

When she was about to leave Xiaolan's room, Mengyu turned to Conan who was still in the room and said, "Conan, take good care of your sister Xiaolan!"

Not only Xiaolan but also Conan's face turned red this time.

He turned his head suddenly, turned his back to several people and waved back: "I understand, goodbye everyone!"

Meng Yu smiled softly and closed the door.

After hearing the footsteps walking away, Conan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Enough of these guys!" He muttered, came to Xiaolan's side, and naturally touched Xiaolan's forehead with his hand.

"Eh? Conan?" Xiaolan felt the touch on her forehead and her body froze slightly.

"Well... the fever seems to have subsided... How is sister Xiaolan feeling?" Conan seemed not to notice Xiaolan's reaction and asked with concern.

"...Yeah." Xiaolan nodded lightly: "I just took a temperature measurement not long ago, and my body temperature has returned to normal, but my body is still a little weak."

She showed an apologetic smile: "Sorry, I'm afraid I may not be able to make dinner today."

"It's okay, let's order a delivery box. Sister Xiaolan, what do you want to eat? How about ordering delivery from that Chinese restaurant? I heard that the black-bone chicken soup there is very helpful for weak bodies!" Conan suggested .

"Hmm..." Xiaolan thought for two seconds, then nodded slightly: "Okay, other dishes should not be so greasy, so I'll leave it to you, Conan!"

"Yeah! Leave it to me!" Conan smiled softly.

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and then came the voice of Kogoro Mori: "Xiaolan, can I come in?"

"Yeah! The door is unlocked!" Xiaolan responded.

Then, Kogoro Mouri opened the door and walked in. Although he was a little surprised when he saw Conan, he didn't pay much attention to it, and then began to ask about Xiaolan's situation.

"Oh? The fever has gone away, that's great! It seems that she should be almost fine tomorrow. I'll go see the doctor for a checkup tomorrow!" Mouri Kogoro also smiled when he heard that his daughter was getting better.

"Okay, then which hospital should we go to tomorrow?" Xiaolan asked.

"Hey! I'm pretty lucky today. I happened to meet Dr. Shinde on the road. After hearing about your situation, he said he could check you out for free! We'll go to Shinde Hospital tomorrow!" Mouri Kogoro said with a smile. .

Conan and Xiaolan's expressions gradually darkened.

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