Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 745 Gin is going to cause trouble

"Ah? The answer is half a bowl of rice?" The three little ones were immediately disappointed.

The doctor chuckled and said, "That's right! Forty-four is half of eighty-eight, and rice is rice in English, and rice means rice. So isn't forty-four just half a bowl of rice?"

"It's really... so boring..." Mitsuhiko complained helplessly.

Conan held his forehead, he already knew this would be the result.

When the doctor saw the reaction of several people, he quickly said: "Oh! Don't use this expression! Will half a bowl of rice turn into sunshine soon after being refilled three times? (Japanese translation)."

While talking, the doctor had already paid for himself three tablespoons of rice.

"Doctor, you can't lose weight like this!" Xiao Ai frowned.

The doctor smiled coquettishly: "It's rare to go camping, so just let me eat more!"

Xiao Ai stared at the doctor for a long time, until cold sweat gradually broke out on the doctor's forehead, then he looked away and said calmly:

"It won't happen again."

As if he had been granted amnesty, the doctor ate the rice as if he had been hungry for several days.

Yu Gongming looked at this scene with amusement, Xiao Ai is really "severe"...


Night falls.

On a certain road in Tokyo.

A white Porsche was driving slowly on the road.

In the driver's seat, Vodka was driving steadily while Gin was on the phone with someone.

After a while, Gin put down the phone and showed his usual cold smile: "It's confirmed, the target is the Twin Towers skyscraper."

Vodka also laughed when he heard this: "Finally found that guy! If you dare to betray the organization, you must make him look good! I heard that the Twin Towers skyscraper is the closest place to the Kingdom of Heaven!"

Gin held a cigarette in his mouth, and a fierceness spread in his smile: "That's just right, I just use it as the guillotine closest to heaven!"

After saying that, Gin thought for a while, then looked at Vodka: "I'll give you a task. Find a way to reveal the target's information to the guys at Black Sakura."

"Huh? Brother, do you want to..." Vodka's face changed slightly.

Gin narrowed his eyes slightly, and a shuddering light erupted in his eyes: "During this period, Black Sakura has caused us a lot of trouble, we must prepare some rewards in return."

Vodka immediately showed a look of surprise: "Brother, I understand, I will arrange it! I will not let you down!"

Gin nodded lightly, closed his eyes slightly, enjoying the smell of tobacco, and couldn't help but think of the phone call that [the gentleman] personally called him some time ago:

"Call all the power in Tokyo to attack Black Sakura with all your strength! This is your highest priority task in the near future. I want to see the results within a month!"

Gin still remembered that there was a rare hint of emotion in [that gentleman's] tone.

It was a kind of anger that was suppressed with all one's strength!

Since his conversation with [that gentleman], this was the first time Gin had seen him behave like this.

Gin couldn't help but guess, what did Black Sakura do to make that gentleman so angry?

With the attitude of completing the task better, Gin checked it out.

This investigation did produce results.

Even with Gin's temperament, this result was a bit shocking.

Black Sakura dispatched nearly a hundred elite killers with the intention of capturing Belmode

Gin finally understood why the gentleman was so angry.

Belmod's status in that man's heart was quite extraordinary.

Black Sakura dared to attack her because she had undoubtedly touched that person's reverse scale.

However, what worries Gin even more is, why did Black Sakura use such a huge force to capture Belmod?

Nearly a hundred elite killers were dispatched. Gin could not take such a battle lightly.

Could it be because he asked Belmod to help spy on Black Sakura?

If this was the case, Black Sakura's reaction shouldn't be so violent. It is common for underground organizations like them to spy on each other's intelligence.

To deal with such spies, we usually arrest or execute them secretly, and we will never make such a big noise.

Gin also tried to ask Belmod, but the woman still had the mystical face and didn't give him any information at all.

"Hmph! One day I will find the answer I want, maybe this time..."

Muttering in his heart, Gin's plan gradually took shape.


The next afternoon.

Akira Hanomiya drove a 7-seater SUV on the road back to Tokyo.

In the front seat, Yu Miyazaki was concentrating on driving, while Meng Yu sat in the passenger seat and took a nap.

In the back row, the young detective team and the doctor are playing a game.

Count thirty seconds silently in your mind to see how far it differs from the stopwatch. The one with the smallest difference will be the final winner.

"28, 29, 30!" Conan opened his eyes and looked at the stopwatch:

"Eh? It's only 27 seconds, what a pity!"

On the other side, Genta twisted his butt in some discomfort: "Misuhiko, can you go over a little bit? I feel a little crowded..."

Mitsuhiko rolled his eyes: "Originally I wasn't allowed to squeeze in, it's all because you are too fat!"

"Yes, Yuanta, you ate three large bowls of rice for lunch!" Conan also said.

He was really curious how Yuanta managed to stuff so much food into his stomach.

In desperation, Conan had no choice but to move in the direction of Bumi: "Bumi, I'm sorry..."

"It's okay!" Ayumi felt Conan's body close to hers, tilted her head and replied with a happy smile on her lips.

"Eh? By the way, who's coming next?" Mitsuhiko asked.

"It seems we've arrived at Ayumi." Conan gave Ayumi the stopwatch.

"Okay! I'm going to start counting!"

Ayumi closed her eyes and started counting.

"28, 29*, 30!"

Ayumi opened her eyes and pressed the stopwatch at the same time.

The number on the stopwatch is exactly thirty seconds!

"Wow! Ayumi, you are so awesome! You actually counted to thirty seconds!" Mitsuhiko exclaimed.

"No! It's just a coincidence..." Ayumi said embarrassedly.

"Okay! It's my turn next!" Yuantai took the stopwatch from Mei's hand.

After a while...

"Ah? 58 seconds?" Genta looked in disbelief: "Misuhiko, is this stopwatch broken?"

Mitsuhiko looked at him with contempt: "Have you ever considered that it's your own problem?"

"Tah~ that's not true!" Yuantai immediately denied.

The doctor didn't need to drive, so he still tried to play with his childlike innocence, and the result was;

"Huh? 42 seconds? There's such a big difference... Am I really old?" The doctor looked disappointed.

Xiao Ai, who was sitting aside, said calmly: "So, you still don't pay attention to controlling your diet? Be careful of Alzheimer's disease in the future."

"I know..." the doctor sighed.

The people in the back row just played this game until Akira Hanomiya stopped the car.

They arrived at their destination - the Twin Towers skyscraper!

Several people got out of the car and walked towards the door of the building.

Yu Gongming glanced around and immediately saw several familiar figures.

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