Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 752 I want to make a deal with you

After joking about Conan and Xiaolan again, Yu Gongming and Meng Yu left first on the grounds of going to the movies, while Conan, Xiao Ai and Xiao Lan planned to go home together.

After separating from Xiaolan and the others, Yu Gongming looked at Mengyu: "You probably didn't tell Conan the results of the investigation, right?"

Meng Yu shook her head: "If you don't say anything, I will definitely not tell my brother. However, now that you know that Gin's target is Mr. Yuan, what are you going to do?"

Hanemiya Mingdao: "According to the original plot, a murder must first occur before Gin takes action. But now that we have arrived, many things have changed, and maybe there will be some variables this time."

"So, I plan to confirm Mr. Yuan's situation first, then nip the murder case in the bud, and concentrate on dealing with the winery."

"Then let's..." Mengyu asked.

Yu Gongming motioned for her to come over, and then began to talk about his plan.


Yuan Jiaming came to the Twin Towers skyscraper to start work as usual.

He needs to test every electronic device in the building and eliminate all bugs so that he can present the most perfect work to visitors after the opening.

In addition, he is also responsible for the maintenance of the Joban Group's main computer in the building. This kind of thing can only be done by an insider like him who is both technical and a director.

Because there is a lot of important information stored in the main computer of the Joban Group.

According to the previous time period, he came to the room where the main computer was stored, preparing for a routine inspection.

At this moment, the cell phone in his pocket suddenly rang.

Yuan Jiaming took out his cell phone and saw that the call was from an unknown number.

Frowning slightly, Yuan Jiaming hesitated for a while and finally answered the phone.

"Hey! Is this Mr. Yuan Jiaming?" A rich and magnetic male voice sounded.

"I am, who are you?" Yuan Jiaming recalled it in his mind for a while, but had no impression of this voice.

The voice on the other side replied: "You may not know me, but you will definitely be interested in what I am going to say next."

Yuan Jiaming's frown deepened: "Sorry, I'm very busy now and don't have time to listen to your mysteries here."

After saying that, he hung up the phone. In his opinion, the other party was just a liar at best.

However, just when his mobile phone had left his ear, two words came faintly from the mobile phone:


Yuan Jiaming froze immediately.

The next moment, he put the phone back to his ear and shouted in a low voice: "Who are you!?"

"Are you interested in hearing what I have to say next?" The magnetic male voice was still unhurried.

Yuan Jiaming's expression was uncertain for a while, and countless speculations flashed through his mind.

He looked around and then came to an inconspicuous corner.

"What do you want from me? Tell me!" He almost squeezed out these words through his teeth.

"I want to make a deal with you." The male voice said calmly.

"Deal?" Yuan Jiaming asked.

"Yes, deal. In order to express my sincerity, I will tell you a piece of news first. Gin has locked your whereabouts and has decided to attack you."

"Impossible! I clearly..." Yuan Jiaming immediately exclaimed, but mid-sentence, he suddenly stopped.

He originally wanted to say that he had clearly cleaned up the traces of intrusion, and it was impossible for Gin to find him.

But he suddenly thought, what if this phone call was the organization's test of him?

If you finish what you say, it’s probably because you’re not asking for it!

Therefore, he stopped talking and said, "I obviously didn't do anything, why did Gin want to kill me?"

"Haha! You just wanted to say that what you did back then left no trace, right?" The man instantly understood Yuan Jiaming's unfinished words, and his tone was full of joking:

"You know, the black organization has recruited many very capable programmers and software engineers in recent years, and many of them are equal to or even better than you."

"You think you've done it perfectly, but you're a little too self-righteous."

Listening to the other party's narration, Yuan Jiaming's face became increasingly ugly.

From the other party's tone, he clearly felt a sense of determination.

Although the other party did not directly mention it, what was revealed in his words was that he had clearly confirmed that he had invaded the database of the black organization!

"Is this a test by the organization? Or is it a third-party force..."

Yuan Jiaming thought about it and gradually leaned towards the latter possibility.

Based on his understanding of Gin and the organization, if he really suspected himself, he would not call and test like this.

Instead, he should rush directly into his home, arrest him and torture him.

With the organization's torture methods, it is absolutely easy to find out something.

If it is confirmed that he is the person who invaded the organization's database, he will not call again, but will kill him directly.

Therefore, maybe this call really came from a third party.

As for the purpose, Yuan Jiaming probably had a guess.

However, he still wanted to test it out.

"Deal? What deal?" he asked.

"We are very interested in the information you have about the black organization. If you are willing to hand over this information, we can ensure your safety."

"Oh? Guarantee my safety?" Yuan Jiaming's voice became colder:

"Let's not talk about whether what you said before is true. Even if Gin really wants to kill me, then why do you guarantee my safety?"

"You don't need to worry about this. Since we dare to provoke the black organization, we are naturally confident. Don't worry, we will not force others to do anything. As long as you agree to this deal, we will ensure your safety first."

"It's not too late to hand over the information after you confirm that you are safe."

Yuan Jiaming held the phone tightly and was silent for a while before saying: "This matter is of great importance, I need to think about it carefully."

"It's understandable, then I'll just wait for the good news." After the magnetic male voice finished speaking, he hung up the phone without hesitation.

He returned to the room where the main computer of the Joban Consortium was located and began to perform daily maintenance as if nothing had happened.

However, his heart was not as peaceful as it seemed.

The sudden call and the information revealed made him feel as uncomfortable as a big stone stuck in his chest.

He hoped that everything the other party said was false, or even just a boring prank.

However, his reason clearly told him that no matter what the other party said was true or false, it was definitely not a prank.

And this also means that he is already in trouble!

"No matter what the other party's plan is, I can't do nothing..." murmuring in his heart, Yuan Jiaming began to think about the next response.

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