Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 76 The Police Story

When the two returned to the public hall, Maori and his daughter were still standing outside the public hall. Conan also came out of the public hall. At this time, the three of them were talking to the belated island police.

Near the public hall, some islanders gathered here and there. They just looked at the three people talking, not far away, with no intention of coming forward.

When they saw Meng Yu and Yu Gongming returning, some people turned their attention to the two.

The feelings given by those gazes are quite complicated.

Relief, uneasiness, anger, fear, and even gratitude, all kinds of complex and contradictory emotions seem to be found in these eyes.

Under the gaze of these eyes, the two came to the side of Maori and his daughter.

"Uncle Maori, what's going on now?" Yu Gongming asked.

"Mr. Police said that he wanted to listen to that recording." Mouri Kogoro said.

Meng Yu heard the words, nodded slightly, reached into his pants pocket and groped for a while.

After a few seconds, she still didn't take out her hand, but a recording suddenly sounded.

[...Since it has no use value, of course you who know the secret of gold can only die! 】

The conversation before the battle was completely recorded and presented.

After listening to the recording, the policeman's body seemed to tremble. He took a deep breath and asked: "May I ask these two famous detectives, can the existing evidence send Takeo Mikami to prison?"

"Asshole! Do you think you can run away if I go in? You won't even think about it if I'm finished!" Takeo Mikami, who was still being stepped on by Kogoro Moori, yelled at the policeman.

The policeman glanced at Mikami Takeo coldly and said calmly: "It doesn't matter. Everyone must atone for the sins they committed. Naturally, I am no exception."

"Mr. Policeman, it seems he has a story!" Yu Gongming looked at the policeman.

The policeman was silent for a while, then took out the police manual from his arms and took off the cherry blossom emblem on his chest.

He looked at the two items representing the identity and honor of the Japanese police with a look of reluctance, closed his eyes slightly, and handed them both to Moori Kogoro:

"I don't want to say these things as a policeman. I am no longer worthy of being called a policeman. Please ask Mr. Maori to return these two items to the Metropolitan Police Department on my behalf."

Mouri Kogoro looked at the two strange yet familiar items handed over, with a flash of reminiscence and nostalgia in his eyes.

He took the police manual and the cherry blossom emblem with both hands with a solemn expression, and carefully put them into the inner pocket of his coat.

"give it to me!"

The policeman nodded slightly and said slowly.

"Three years ago, I was assigned to this island and became the only police officer on this island."

"As a police officer, I naturally have to maintain law and order on the island, and I faithfully performed my duties from the beginning."

"However, once, when I caught a gangster who wanted to do something wrong with a woman and was about to hand him over to the Metropolitan Police Department, the village office assistant Goro Kinoshita came to me and told me that this was actually a misunderstanding. They In fact, it’s your mutual consent.”

"Of course I won't believe such nonsense. The woman's cry for help was so shrill and desperate. There couldn't be any misunderstanding."

"But then, the female victim also came and claimed that it was indeed a misunderstanding. But the tears on her face told me that she did not come voluntarily!"

"But no matter what I said, she insisted that this was a misunderstanding. I had no choice but to let the gangster go."

"That night, I originally wanted to go find the woman and talk to her alone, but when I arrived at her door, I heard a woman's wailing coming from inside, mixed with the evil laughter of the gangster."

"The gangster said something in a proud tone while torturing the woman."

"From his few words, I finally found out that he is the thug of the village chief Mikami Takeo. Mikami Takeo is very powerful on this island. The Mikami family is also a big family on this island, with more than a hundred people. These people They all follow Mikami Takeo's lead."

"Mikami Takeo gathered some ruffians on the island and rented them as his thugs to help him control the entire island."

"I rushed into the house very angry and subdued that scumbag, but..."

When the policeman said this, his face clearly showed sadness and anger:

"The victim woman still said that she was voluntary. The scumbag also had a playful look on his face at this time, and kept saying that it was a misunderstanding. What they just called [interest]."

"I was really angry at the time, but there was really nothing I could do. Neither party acknowledged that I had no right to take anyone away. I could only return to the security station with helplessness and unwillingness."

"The next day, the village chief Takeo Mikami came to me and directly offered me 500,000 yen and told me to stop caring about this matter."

"I refused his bribe, but I also pretended to promise him not to have anything to do with it."

"Because I have understood that only by overthrowing Takeo Mikami can justice be truly achieved!"

"I began to secretly collect evidence of Takeo Mikami's crimes, but Takeo Mikami was too cunning. Every time I had an idea, the clues were cut off."

"Just when I wanted to continue the investigation, Takeo Mikami had already taken action against me."

"One night, when I returned to the police station from a routine patrol, someone suddenly covered my mouth and nose with something from behind, and then I lost consciousness."

"When I woke up, I was already in a basement. Next to me, the woman who had been persecuted before was lying unconscious on the ground."

"In front of me, Takeo Mikami and a dozen thugs were looking at the two of us with a ferocious smile."

When the policeman said this, he looked at Takeo Mikami on the ground with hatred:

"He told me that only one of us can survive. Either I will be killed by them, or I will kill that woman with my own hands!"

Everyone looked at the policeman with complicated eyes. Since he was standing here well now, his choice was self-evident.

The policeman noticed everyone's gaze and smiled bitterly:

"Yes, I am selfish after all. I still have a wife, children and parents, and they all need me to take care of them. Whether it is for myself or for them, I cannot die in that place, so..."

The policeman covered his head with pain on his face:

"The village chief captured the whole process on camera and used it to blackmail me into not meddling in my own business in the future, and even to help cover up the crimes he and his thugs committed."

"For more than two years after that, I kept wearing this uniform and the cherry blossom emblem, but I completely failed to perform my duties as a police officer."

"My guilt and pain are increasing day by day. If it hadn't been for Mr. Maori's appearance, I might have completely collapsed before long!"

At this point, the policeman couldn't bear it anymore, squatted on the ground and cried.

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