The next day.

Yu Gongming, Mengyu, Xiaolan, and Conan met at Dorobiga Paradise.

On the one hand, the group wanted to relax after last night's action. On the other hand, Dorobiga Park has many secluded and scenic places where they can chat without being disturbed.

After a few people played some projects, they came to an artificial lake in the park and boarded a manual paddle-driven sightseeing boat with a time limit of fifteen minutes.

Of course, there were only four of them on the boat.

Yu Gongming laid out his oars, and the sightseeing boat gradually sailed towards the center of the lake.

After arriving at the center, Yu Gongming stopped the ferry and let the boat rock gently with the waves.

"Phew! This is my first time rowing, and the experience is indeed not very good..." Yu Gongming said, rubbing his wrist.

"Then let me give it a try when you go back?" Mengyu seemed a little eager to give it a try.

"Of course!" Yu Gongming smiled.

"Hey! Time is precious, why don't you stop talking about these things?" Conan reminded.

"Okay, let's get down to business." Yu Gongming's expression gradually became serious:

"Let me talk about what we learned last night. We successfully rescued Mr. Yuan, and soon we will be able to obtain a considerable amount of organization information. We also successfully got a Black Sakura member and several organization members into the hands of the police."

"We basically achieved our intended goal in this operation."

"Yeah!" Several people nodded slightly.

Yu Gongming paused for a moment and continued: "However, we also left some hidden dangers in this operation."

"For example, we left the venue for a period of time. Although the venue was relatively dark no matter whether we came or went, most people might not notice that we left, but Yuanzi knew that we left the venue.

"This incident involves two underground organizations. The police will definitely attach great importance to it and may even dispatch the police. If Yuanzi reveals the above information, then we are likely to come into the police's sight."

"Of course, this is not a problem most of the time. Our actions are secretive enough. Mr. Akai has recovered the black robes and weapons we wore, and the clothes we wore yesterday have also been disposed of, and the building's surveillance system is there We didn’t leave any clues, even if we came into the police’s sight, they would find out when they investigate further.”

"An elementary school student, two high school girls and a detective, and a young woman in her twenties."

"Except for the young woman, the other four people acted together and later returned to the venue, but the young woman never returned. Who do you think the police's attention will fall on in the end?"

"The young woman you are talking about is Miss Mei?" Conan asked.

"Yes, this is one of the reasons why Miss Mingmei appeared at the venue. She will attract the attention of all parties afterwards, so that we can fade out the incident as much as possible."

"This step is enough. After all, during the entire banquet, there were many guests who left the venue to use the toilet or go to other places. With a suspicious target, the police will most likely exclude other people temporarily. "

"The key to the problem is that known organizations may have undercover agents in the police. If they obtain Yuanzi's confession, combined with our actions in saving Yuanzi, it may be easier to focus on us."

"Perhaps they already have suspicions? For example, the bug installed in your car?" Conan frowned.

"Yes, if it weren't for Mengyu's black technology, we might have discussed last night's actions in the car, which would have been quite bad... By the way, there shouldn't be any problems on your side, right?" Yu Gongming asked .

"No, Conan and I pretended to be sleepy and slept in the back seat as soon as we got in the car. Dad didn't disturb us. We didn't discuss the things in the building again until we returned the car to the car rental agency," Xiaolan replied.

"After I returned to the office, I checked the clothes of several of us and found no bugs." Conan also said.

"That should be no problem." Yu Gongming nodded lightly.

"So, what do you think about the bug on that sports car?" Conan asked.

Yu Gongming pondered: "This shows that the organization may have doubts about us, but after this operation, they will be in a lot of trouble. The possibility of taking action directly because of this uncertain suspicion is not high, plus there are Miss Mingmei is a suspicious person on the surface, as long as we pay attention to our words and deeds in the future, we should be fine."

"Is that so..." Conan frowned and thought for a moment, then said:

"After that, we stopped talking about the organization at home, only in this casual and relatively private place."

"Also, Dr. Bo previously designed a new detective badge for Haiyuan with an emergency call for help function. I think we should have something similar in our hands."

"This is simple. I can help add this function to our mobile phones." Meng Yu said with a smile.

"Okay, then I'll leave it to you." Conan said.

"Um...I have a question!" Xiaolan raised her hand gently:

"Do you have any idea about the invitation we received that said [Danger] before attending the banquet?"

Conan's expression changed slightly when he heard this: "Huh? I almost forgot about this. The invitation itself was definitely sent by Miss Mio, but the dangerous warning must have been added by someone else later."

"That person seemed to have foresight of Saturday's banquet black organization and Operation Black Sakura... This is not something ordinary people can know."

"And what's even more interesting is, why did the person who knew the inside story make a special trip to warn us?" Yu Gongming said quietly.

"I once asked Yuanzi in a roundabout way. Her invitation letter seemed to be fine, and Ayumi Xiaoai's invitation letters were also normal." Meng Yu also said.

"Who can know the actions of the organization or Black Sakura in advance, and only send us warnings...who is he?" Conan frowned deeply.

"I have a guess." Yu Gongming said calmly.

"Oh?" The other three people looked at him.

Yu Gongming said calmly: "Belmod."

"How could it be her?" Conan retorted subconsciously.

"Yes, didn't you say that she is a senior cadre of that organization?" Xiaolan also raised doubts.

"Because she is the only person I can think of who meets the conditions right now." Yu Gongming explained:

"First of all, she is a senior cadre of the organization and knows that this action is reasonable. Although she is a member of the organization, I don't think she was lying when she revealed her hatred for the organization during the last conversation."

"And I told you last time, right? The way she looked at you and Mengyu was quite strange. She seemed to have a special feeling for Conan and Mengyu."

"So, given the known clues, I think she is the most likely person to issue a warning!"

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