Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 786 Early Morning

The next morning.

"Well..." Mengyu opened her eyes gently.

She turned over slightly as a habit, but only halfway through, she encountered an obstacle.

Raising his eyes slightly, Meng Yu's eyes suddenly widened slightly!

I saw Yu Gongming lying quietly next to her with his eyes closed.

"Eh?" She suddenly exclaimed, sat up suddenly, and stared at Yu Gongming with burning eyes.

As if being startled by the scream, Yu Gongming also opened his eyes.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he met Meng Yu's doubtful and scrutinizing gaze.

"Oh? You're awake, morning!" Yu Gongming gently covered his mouth and hit him.

Meng Yu's expression gradually changed from confusion to embarrassment. She glared at Yu Gongming and asked: "You...why did you appear in my bed?"

Yu Gongming gently rubbed his eyes, and then pointed to his left hand.

Meng Yu looked down and saw that her right hand was tightly clasped on Yu Gongming's arm.

"Huh?" Mengyu subconsciously let go of his hand.

Seeing this, Yu Gongming also sat up and continued to explain: "I saw you fell asleep on the sofa last night. The weather has been getting colder and colder these days, so sleeping on the sofa is not good."

"But I saw you were sleeping so soundly, and I didn't have the nerve to wake you up, so I just took you back to your room."

"Originally I wanted to leave, but someone kept grabbing my arm. I had no choice but to spend the night here."

The more Meng Yu listened, the redder her face turned. Finally, she punched Yu Gongming on the shoulder: "I think you just wanted to take advantage of me, right? Couldn't you have woken me up then?"

Yu Gongming twitched his horns and pointed at Mengyu: "You are still wearing your coat last night, how can I take advantage of you?"

"Huh?" Meng Yu's eyes looked at herself. She was indeed still wearing the jacket she wore while watching TV last night.

She looked at Yu Gongming again, and Yu Gongming didn't take off his coat.

Mengyu didn't know what to say for a while.

You can't just say, "Are you still a man? Are you taking advantage of this?"

Isn't this a brain disease?

Two seconds later, Mengyu finally snorted: "I don't care! Anyway, you slept in my bed without my consent, you must compensate me!"

"Didn't you agree?" Yu Gongming said with a smile:

"You see how tightly you hold my arm, don't you subconsciously want me to stay with you?"

"How can this be calculated like this!?" Meng Yu raised her eyebrows: "I was asleep at that time, and any actions I take when I lose consciousness do not represent my own will. This is your wishful interpretation!"

"Okay, okay! You're right!" Yu Gongming shrugged: "Then how do you want me to compensate you?"

"Well..." Meng Yu rolled her eyes slightly, and suddenly showed a narrow smile: "How about you learn three dog barks now and let me listen?"

"Oh, sure!" Yu Gongming nodded.

"Well, if you don't agree, then... hmm? What did you say?" Mengyu didn't react until she was halfway through her words, and her look at Yu Gongming suddenly became weird.

Yu Gongming's expression was calm: "Well, that's right, why don't you just learn to bark like a dog? It's easy! Just listen..."

Yu Gongming coughed slightly, and then raised his voice slightly: "Dream talk! Dream talk! Dream talk!"

After shouting these three times, he looked at Meng Yu sincerely: "Okay, it's done!"

Meng Yu was stunned for a full two seconds before she reacted, and then she directly picked up her pillow and smashed it at Yu Gongming: "You go to hell!"

"Hey! Didn't you ask me to learn this?" Yu Gongming chuckled and nimbly dodged the incoming pillow.

"Damn it! You took over my bed and you dared to play tricks on me! Sit down and get beaten!" Meng Yu scolded lightly and punched Yu Gongming directly in the chest.

Seeing that Meng Yu's blow seemed to be serious, Yu Gongming's playful expression subsided slightly. He raised his hand slightly, caught Meng Yu's fist with both palms, and said with a smile:

"Okay, okay, I was wrong, okay? As an apology, I'll make breakfast today, okay?"

Hearing this, Meng Yu retracted her fist and said lightly: "No! You want to deal with me after just one breakfast?"

"Then I will cook all the meals today?" Yu Gongming proposed a new plan.

"Well... that's pretty much it!" Mengyu nodded lightly and agreed to this [compensation plan]

Yu Gongming smiled and didn't care that he had taken on today's cooking task.

Isn't it normal for boyfriends and girlfriends to cook for each other?

Yu Gongming smiled and patted Meng Yu's head gently: "Okay, hurry up and wash up. Look how messy your hair is now!"

Meng Yu snorted softly: "Don't be so verbose! I am naturally beautiful. Even if my hair is a little messy, I am still a beauty! But you, unshaven and ugly!"

"Ah?" Yu Gongming was stunned and subconsciously touched his chin.

Although you can feel some roughness on your chin, it still seems to be some distance from "unshaven", right? I shave every day...

When Meng Yu saw Yu Gongming's reaction, she burst out laughing: "I'm just kidding you! Idiot!"

Before Yu Gongming could reply, Meng Yu had already stood up, put on her slippers, and walked toward the bathroom while humming a song.

Yu Gongming looked at Meng Yu's leaving figure and suddenly burst into laughter, but a trace of softness and warmth flashed in his eyes:

"This morning seems pretty good. How about we just squeeze into the same bed with Meng Yu from now on?"

After joking in his mind, Yu Gongming also got out of bed.

He didn't go to the bathroom. Yu Gongming's home was an old house. There was only one bathroom on the entire floor. The bathroom and the toilet were also connected together. Now that Mengyu used the bathroom, he could only wait for a while.

Coming to the window, Yu Gongming gently opened the curtains and looked outside.

The first thing you see is the slowly falling snowflakes, bathed in the morning sunshine.

Lowering his head slightly, the street outside was now covered with a layer of white "carpet"

"Is it snowing?" Yu Gongming said in surprise.

Speaking of which, the weather has indeed turned colder recently. However, there was only a slight cold wind last night. How come it has turned into such a "silver-covered" scene overnight?

"Is this kind of climate change scientific? Well, there seems to be nothing to worry about. After all, this is Conan! What does Ke Xue's matter have to do with science?"

Yu Gongming chuckled in his heart and shook his head, admiring the snow scene outside the window with great interest.

This was the first time he saw snow since arriving in Tokyo.

Although he has been to ski resorts before, for him, a southerner in his previous life, the snow scenery is still quite attractive.

After admiring it quietly for a while, Yumiya Akira withdrew his gaze and immediately walked to the bathroom.

He had just heard the sound of Dream Talk.

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