Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 788 Dream Whisper’s Chocolate Recipe

Hearing Xiaolan's inquiry, Yuanzi propped his chin with his right hand and looked worried:

"Forget it, Ah Zhen hasn't contacted me much recently. Even if I call, all I hear is phone messages..."

Yuanzi sighed again when he said this: "Oh! Actually, it's my fault. I wish I had known that I would have confessed my love to him when I gave him a sweater last time... That would be a pretty good opportunity!"

"So, after missing this opportunity, you plan to give him the chocolates you made by yourself this time and confess your love to him?" Meng Yu in the front row asked as she poked her head.

"That's what I planned..." Yuanzi seemed a little embarrassed.

"That's right, that's right! Don't always engage in these hard-to-get tricks! For Mr. Economy, straight shots are the most effective!" Xiaolan laughed.

Yuanzi glanced at Xiaolan and suddenly showed admiration: "Speaking of it, Xiaolan, I really admire you. I haven't contacted Ah Zhen for more than a week and I'm already so anxious. Xiaolan, you It’s been longer than I should have been, right? After all, that guy Shinichi’s whereabouts are still unknown..."

"Uh, this..." Xiaolan felt a little embarrassed for a moment, and resisted looking at Conan, and smiled: "Actually, I'm used to it!"

"Anyway, that guy comes back and makes me angry all day long. It's better to worry about Conan, right? Conan?" Xiaolan lowered her head and gently rubbed Conan's head.

"That's right!" Conan cursed in his heart, and could only say "Yeah" with a smile on his face.

Yuanzi glanced at Xiaolan, then at Conan, and suddenly showed a strange smile:

"Oh? Could it be that because Shinichi never came back, Xiaolan, you fell in love with this kid in your loneliness?"

"How is that possible! There is such a big age difference between me and Conan, and if I really like Conan, the first person to object should be Conan himself!" Xiaolan waved her hands and said with a smile.

"Yes! Sister Xiaolan can only be brother Shinichi's!" Conan said this very confidently!

"Look!" Xiaolan spread her hands toward Yuanzi, her face a little red.

Although he was deceiving Yuanzi, what Conan said just now must have been true to his heart.

"Really... Even though it's Conan, it's too..." Xiaolan couldn't help complaining in her heart.

"Yo!" Sonoko suddenly poked Conan's head with a smirk on his face: "I didn't expect you, a brat, to be so optimistic about this pair!"

"Yeah! That's right!" Conan nodded repeatedly, can you ignore it? After all, I am the party involved!

"Okay Yuanzi, you'd better take care of your own problems! I remember you didn't know how to make chocolate before, right?" Xiaolan blushed and forcibly changed the subject.

"Hmph! This lady is very talented. As long as she studies hard, she will definitely be able to make a chocolate that will surprise Ah Zhen in three days!" Yuanzi said confidently.

"I just hope this surprise is not a shock~" Meng Yu's words drifted over faintly.

"What are you talking about! Why are you so unsure of me! And you don't have any experience in making chocolate, right?" Yuanzi said unconvinced.

"Sorry, I really do!" Meng Yu said with a smile:

"I know a pastry chef who taught me a lot of experience and knowledge about desserts, including chocolate!"

"Mengyu, you mean Miss Nishitani, right?" Xiaolan's eyes lit up.

"Yes!" Mengyu nodded: "So, the chocolate I make will definitely taste the same!"

"Actually, I don't care what the chocolate tastes like or what shape it is." Yu Gongming glanced at Meng Yu and said with a smile, "As long as it's from you."

When Meng Yu heard this, she immediately smiled so hard that she couldn't even see her eyebrows. She raised her head slightly and looked at Yuanzi, with a show off look on her face:

"Look! Sonoko, if you want to find someone to share your stress, you've found the wrong person!"

"Ahhhh!! You two are so foul!" Yuanzi suddenly received 10,000 points of critical damage.

Seeing Yuanzi's hurt expression, Meng Yu immediately turned her head with a look of joy and satisfaction.

Her clear eyes turned slightly, and suddenly she looked at Hanemiya Akira: "Since you don't care about the taste and shape of the chocolate, then I will make a chocolate in the shape of an [Oli Gong] with chili pepper, concentrated bitter melon juice and vinegar. ,How about it?"

When Yu Gongming heard this, he almost choked on his own saliva.

"Hey! If there is a traffic accident, you will be at least half responsible, did you know?"

Meng Yu smiled narrowly: "If you have no objection, then I will really do it!"

"You've gone too far! Is there any love left in this?" Yu Gongming immediately protested.

Meow, he told Mengyu this joke [Oli gave]!

"Um...what is [Oliji]?" Xiaolan asked doubtfully, and Yuanzi also cast a curious look.

Mengyu just said [Oliji] was a direct transliteration, and neither Xiaolan nor Yuanzi knew what it meant.

"Ahem! I can't describe this at once. I think it's better for you not to know..." Yu Gongming said in a complicated tone.

"Is that so?" Xiaolan nodded as if understanding, but didn't worry about it anymore.

"But Mengyu, what kind of dark cooking recipe did you just use? Why do you add chili pepper, bitter melon, and even vinegar to the chocolate?" Yuanzi looked at Mengyu.

"It's nothing, it's just a whim." Meng Yu waved her hand. This was originally just a joke between her and Yu Gongming.

Afterwards, several girls in the car started chatting aimlessly, with Akira Hanamiya occasionally interjecting a few words.

He needs to talk to someone occasionally to focus.

The off-road vehicle traveled through the mountains and finally arrived at Chuidu Villa at noon.

This is a three-story villa located in a flat area on the mountainside. Although it is located in the mountains, it does not give people a sense of dilapidation at all. Instead, it has a bit of a dreamy charm against the backdrop of the white snow.

As soon as she got off the car, Yuanzi couldn't wait to run to the door of the villa and rang the doorbell.

After a while, a rather short old woman wearing winter clothes opened the door and came out.

"Hello! We are here to make chocolate!" Several girls bowed slightly.

"Oh! Welcome, I am Chiyoko Yuasa, the boss here. You can just call me Granny Chiyoko." The old woman introduced herself.

"Then we'll have to disturb Granny Chiyo!" Xiaolan greeted politely.

Akira Yumiya looked at the entire villa and looked at Granny Chiyo: "I heard that making chocolate in this villa can bring couples together. How did such a rumor spread?"

After a pause, he added: "I don't mean anything else, I'm just curious."

"It doesn't matter, there's nothing to avoid about this." Granny Chiyo waved her hand and began to explain the origin of this rumor.

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