Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 808 Inside and outside the station

Amitichi Hanomiya successfully passed the checkpoint and continued to Tokyo.

Mengyu stretched slightly: "Let me tell you, how can there be no problems with a car that can interact with you?"

Yu Gongming's eyebrows twitched: "How did you take it out with peace of mind?"

Meng Yu chuckled: "As we all know, isn't it the fault of famous detectives like you when cases happen?"

"It's not that exaggerated!" Conan couldn't help but retorted.

Meng Yu shrugged: "Forget it, as long as the matter is resolved, I hope Police Officer Yamacun can be stricter and don't tell anyone about what we passed."

"It shouldn't be the case. Since we specifically confessed, and this is a big credit, Police Officer Yamamura will not easily tell the truth about our involvement. You have disguised yourself, and others don't know that you are." who."

"It should be almost done."

"Then the next thing is organization. According to our progress, we should be able to return to Tokyo around three in the morning. Do you want to go directly to Xianqiao?"

"No, our car has been through the collision and the police checkpoint. It's best not to use it again. After we return to Tokyo, we will go back to Miwa Town and take the doctor's car there." Akira Hanomiya immediately shook his head. road.

"It's not too bad to take the doctor's car, right? After all, it's three or four in the morning, and a Beetle as distinctive as the doctor's must be very conspicuous!" Conan retorted.

"How about we not go there? Anyway, the software has been obtained. Even if we go to Xianqiao, what we can do is quite limited. After all, according to the information we have now, it is meaningless to destroy one or two strongholds of the organization." Meng Yu proposed. New suggestions.

"This..." Conan touched his chin, as if he was seriously considering Mengyu's suggestion.

If it were him in the past, if he heard the news about the organization, he would definitely seize the organization's tail at all costs.

However, after receiving the information provided by Yuan Jiaming last time, Conan has become deeply aware of the size and difficulty of the organization.

It can be said that even if Gin can be captured, it is not certain, and it can even be said that it is almost impossible to destroy the organization.

Let’s not talk about whether we can get information about the organization from his mouth. Even if we can get it out, how useful can this information really be?

Maybe he had just been captured and most of the information he had had lost its effectiveness.

The strongholds he controls will be moved, and the members of the organization he knows will go into hiding again. Even if he can reveal the identity of the boss, given the status of the organization in the political and economic fields, it is still unknown whether those official agencies dare to take action. .

Even if you have to take action, it may take a long time to prepare.

Although Conan still has not wavered in his confidence in destroying the organization, he is no longer as enthusiastic about actions against the organization as before.

"Now that we have determined a place where they will appear, I don't think you will be too willing if you don't go and take a look, right?" Yu Gongming said with a smile.

"Of course!" Both Kudo siblings nodded.

"In this case, we might as well go and take a look. However, we must put safety first. As long as we ensure our own safety, it is best if we have the opportunity to teach them a lesson. It doesn't matter if we don't have the chance."

"We continue to cause losses to the organization, and they will definitely pay more attention to us, and we can draw more power from them."

"As long as they move. We have a chance to get closer to the core of the organization!"

"Yes! I agree." Conan said immediately.

"Then, let's discuss the plan?" Meng Yu saw that the two of them had reached a consensus and did not raise any objections.


It's half past three in the morning.

Akira Hagong drove an ordinary car to the vicinity of Xianqiao Station.

As for the origin of the's really not that glorious.

He didn't go to ordinary people's homes to steal cars, but went to a car rental agency, and he stole the car from a car rental agency different from the one he rented before.

After all, according to his understanding of the car rental agency, not only are there ready-made cars, the keys will also be left there, but the place where the keys are placed will have certain protective measures.

Of course, this is not a problem for Yu Miyazaki.

Because this car rental agency uses an electronic code lock where the keys are placed.

With Dream Talk, this kind of electronic code lock, which is more troublesome in the eyes of ordinary people, is basically useless.

Therefore, Akira Hanomiya successfully obtained the keys to one of the cars and drove away with that car.

As for the patrolling security guard...well, of course he was knocked unconscious.

Although Conan was quite critical of such behavior, Akira Hanomiya also said that he would definitely return the car after the operation was over. He snorted and said nothing more.

After several people drove to the vicinity of Xianqiao Station, Yu Miyazaki first came to the highest building nearby.

Mengyu, who had already put on night clothes and a mask, got out of the car with a long and narrow backpack on her back and walked towards the building.

About ten minutes later, a dreamy voice came from the micro communicator: "I am already in position."

"Copy that." Yu Gongming nodded slightly, started the car again, and drove towards Xianqiao.

After a while, he arrived in front of the construction site of Xianqiao Station.

He maintained his original speed and drove past the main entrance of Xianqiao Station at a not too fast speed.

"There are strange movements in three places, and at least four people are ambushing outside the construction site." Mengyu's voice came.

"Have any snipers been found nearby?" Akira Hanomiya asked.

"Nothing has been found so far." Mengyu replied.

"Understood." Yu Gongming nodded slightly and drove past Xianqiao Station.

He adjusted the communicator channel and said, "Okay, you can make a call."

"Got it." Conan's voice came.


Vodka was waiting at the appointed place while smoking.

He took out his mobile phone and took a look: "It's almost time..." He worked on the mobile phone for a while and said to his ear: "Hey! Is that guy Itakura here? What? Not yet? Okay, if you see him Notify me immediately!"

After hanging up the phone, Vodka spat out the cigarette butt on the ground with dissatisfaction, and said with a "cut" sound: "This guy Itakura is taking his time. After we get the goods, we must teach him a lesson and then kill him... Uh!"

"Oh? Who should I teach you a lesson?" A cold voice suddenly came.

Vodka suddenly turned his head and saw Gin, who was dressed in black and had short silver hair, standing behind him at some point.

" Why are you here?" Vodka said with wide eyes.

Ginjiu said coldly: "I received a report that you suddenly mobilized people and came to Xianqiao Station, so come here to see what you want to do?"

"Oh! That's it. The guy Itakura didn't agree to deliver the goods at midnight tomorrow because of his heart problem, so I moved the time forward to four o'clock this morning."

Hearing this, Gin frowned immediately: "Tell me the entire communication process between you and Itakura verbatim."

Vodka didn't have the guts to refuse, so he immediately told the truth to Gin.

After listening to Vodka's narration, Gin suddenly let out a laugh.

"Brother?" Vodka was confused.

Before Gin could speak, Vodka's cell phone suddenly rang.

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