Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 810 Gin’s uneasiness

"Eh? They're all out! Vodka, gin, and the people who were ambushing near Xianqiao are all out!" Meng Yu's slightly excited voice came from the communicator.

"How many people are there in total?" Yu Gongming asked.

"Besides the gin and vodka, there were six people."

"Very good, the car has arrived downstairs, let's go to the next stop." Yu Gongming said with a smile.


It's half past four in the morning.

Cupido Hotel.

Although it was still early in the morning, there were still sporadic lights coming from the windows on the guest room floor of the Aipido Hotel.

clatter! clatter! clatter!

Vodka took heavy steps and walked down the last floor to the rooftop.

He came to the rooftop door and stood silently for a while.

"No one has been found on the rooftop yet." The sniper's report came from the communicator.

"Is there a mechanism on the door?" Vodka asked.

"There is no foreign object connected to the door, and there is no tripwire-like thing near the door." The other person responded.

After hearing this, Vodka breathed a sigh of relief, hesitated for a while, then slowly raised his hand and gently pushed open the door to the rooftop.

A gust of cold wind hit his face instantly, making Vodka couldn't help but shiver.

"Damn it! Damn guy, where did you choose?" Cursing in a low voice, Vodka stepped into the rooftop.

He looked around.

The surroundings were dim, there were no lights, and there were almost no stars in the dark night sky.

Vodka frowned and turned on the flashlight he carried.

Step by step, he came to the middle of the rooftop and stood there, then waited silently.

As long as he does not receive orders from Gin, he must always stand in this most conspicuous position.

Yes, he was the bait again this time.

Gin wants to use it to fish out the so-called "Itakura".

In order to win people's trust, Vodka really came to the rooftop alone this time, without anyone following him.

Of course, he also knew very well that the nearby commanding heights had been occupied by his own snipers, so even though he came alone, Vodka didn't panic much.

Vodka was waiting for the order, but Gin was also frowning.

"Report." He called coldly.

"No one was coming in or out near the gate."

"The side door and back door were not found either."

"No one enters the rooftop except the vodka boss!"

Gin raised his hand and glanced at his watch, feeling irritated in his heart.

Originally, with his sophistication, he shouldn't be so impatient, but he has been under a lot of pressure lately, which has caused him to have a nervous breakdown.

The power that was finally regained was almost half lost in the battle at the Twin Towers. What's more terrible is that the target originally planned to be eliminated not only did not die, but was also intercepted!

Not surprisingly, the information fell into the hands of the police.

How do you know?

Why bother asking? The police had already sent people to raid their stronghold the next day!

If he hadn't reacted quickly enough to evacuate the personnel and transfer important materials in advance, it would be unknown how much of the remaining half of the force would be left.

Fortunately among misfortunes, Gin was not without success this time.

Seeing that the information had fallen into the hands of the police, he did nothing to stop it, deliberately letting some of his subordinates leave traces, and leading the police to the stronghold of some black cherry blossoms that he secretly controlled and originally intended to fish for big fish in the long run!

With the help of the police, he not only successfully destroyed more than five Black Sakura strongholds, but also picked up leaks and killed more than ten Black Sakura killers, and even captured alive the person in charge of one of their black industries.

Then following the clues, he successfully robbed a batch of arms from Kuro Sakura and took advantage of them. He also took away the buyer's nearly 10 million US dollars.

Fortunately, I had these gains to stop my losses, and I sugarcoated it a little when I reported it again, and finally did not let [the gentleman] be completely disappointed with him.

Even so, the gentleman also expressed obvious dissatisfaction with the losses in a series of actions.

He even bluntly said that if Gin makes another mistake in his work, the organization will send someone to take his place!

This made Gin feel a deep sense of crisis and immense humiliation!

Unexpectedly, he, Ginjiu, would face the risk of being dismissed one day, not because of lack of loyalty to the organization, but because his ability was questioned!

He, who has always been arrogant, can never accept such a result!

Originally, he had already decided to be present in person for the Itakura software recovery operation to ensure nothing went wrong.

As a result, I didn't expect that Vodka, a pig-brained person, would agree to an early transaction without permission!

If he hadn't been keeping an eye on this matter, maybe he wouldn't have known about Vodka's stupid decision until dawn!

However, even though he now realizes that something is wrong and has responded to it, things are not going in the direction he expected.

Gin has experienced this feeling of being beyond control many times during this period!

Even with his firm determination, there is a faint tendency to have a psychological shadow.

His brain was spinning rapidly, thinking about the current situation:

To be honest, he was still not sure whether the person facing him was Itakura.

He also deliberately deceived the other party when negotiating, but the other party's reaction was much stronger than Bodega's, and he found no obvious flaws.

At least he couldn't be sure that the guy opposite was not Itakura himself.

In the final analysis, it was Tequila and Belmod who were in contact with Itakura before. Vodka only took over this line later, and because the monitoring of Itakura was not too strict, he did not care about Itakura as much as he said. So understanding.

However, it is certain that a certain force is involved behind Itakura.

What Gin has to do first is to determine what kind of force is targeting the organization?

Is it an "old friend" or a "new rival"?

"Have they already seen through my plan? So they don't plan to show up? Or, in fact, they are hiding somewhere to spy on us?"

The other party chose the rooftop of the Abeido Hotel, and he felt something was wrong as soon as he heard it.

In a place like the rooftop, apart from the gate, it is not easy to escape. The other party must have something to rely on when they choose this place.

Either there were suspicious flying tools or parachutes that landed smoothly, or there were a large number of people in the Aido Hotel who could respond to emergencies at any time.

It was with these aspects in mind that he only allowed Vodka to enter the hotel alone, and arranged snipers nearby to keep an eye on the rooftop.

No matter what the opponent relies on, he can deal with it calmly.

However, now that Vodka has arrived on the rooftop, the other party has not appeared, which makes Gin have to murmur in his heart.

He checked his position first.

It's in an inconspicuous parking lot a few hundred meters away from the Cupido Hotel.

Vodka, entering a restaurant alone should not raise suspicion.


A flash of lightning suddenly flashed across Gin's heart, and his pupils suddenly shrank!

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