Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 812 Unexpected Person

The person opposite heard Gin's gritted tone and laughed a few more times. Then he stopped laughing and his voice turned cold:

"Okay, I hope you like the little gift we gave you. As for Itakura and the software he developed, if you want it, it's not impossible!"

Gin narrowed his eyes slightly, and even though he knew that the other party might be teasing him, he still asked, "What do you mean?"

"Haha, if you can tell us the whereabouts of Old Crow's favorite kitten, then we may consider giving the software to you."

Hearing this, Gin's heart instantly boiled with murderous intent!

When the other party made this request, it was clear that they were kidding themselves!

He clenched his fists so hard that his teeth were almost broken, and he replied coldly: "Just wait and see!"

"We've been waiting, oh! It's almost time, the police should have entered the hotel, right? Well, good luck~"

After the other party said this, he fell silent.

Gin did not try to continue the conversation with the other party, nor did he contact other subordinates.

The communication channel has obviously been interfered with by the other party.

At this time, his cell phone rang.

Gin frowned, took out his cell phone and answered the call.

"Hey! Brother, the police have entered the hotel, what should we do?"

Gin's eyes flickered slightly and he said, "Avoid the police and wait for my order."


Gin hung up the phone and quickly dialed Vodka's cell phone.

"Brother..." Vodka's slightly weak voice came.

"Can you move now?" Gin asked.

"It's a bit difficult..." Vodka said helplessly.

"The police are coming soon. Immediately get rid of any suspicious items such as pistols and pretend to be unconscious."

No matter what those [Black Sakura] guys said to the police, when the police see a fainting man who is injured and has no suspicious items on his body, they will basically send him to the hospital for treatment first.

This way, they still have a chance to get the vodka out of the hands of the police.

"No need to bother, just leave the vodka to me." A lazy and charming female voice sounded.

Gin's eyebrows twitched: "Belmod? Why are you there?"

"I'm staying at the Cupido Hotel tonight. I originally planned to go to the rooftop to enjoy the night view because I couldn't sleep. But when I got to the rooftop, I saw such a big thing lying at the door of the rooftop. It really shocked me! "Belmod smiled.

Gin naturally wouldn't believe even a single punctuation mark of Belmod's words, but he also knew that now was not the time to care about such things.

"It's just your words, is that okay?" he asked coldly.

It is not easy for a person to carry a person who is almost incapacitated, let alone a woman carrying a strong man.

Even if he loses weight due to vodka, his weight will still exceed that of Belmode.

"Don't worry, of course it's no problem. I have plenty of time." Belmode said in a calm and unhurried tone.

Gin frowned. He didn't know where Belmode got his confidence.

However, although this woman can be quite annoying sometimes, she really doesn't lose her temper when it matters most.

So, Ginjiu said: "Okay, I'll leave it to you."

"Don't worry!" Belmode said and hung up the phone.

Gin lowered his head as he listened to the busy signal from his cell phone. After his eyes flickered for a while, he started the car and left the parking lot.


Two minutes ago.

With cold sweat on Vodka's face, he took off his coat and stopped the bleeding from the wound on his thigh.

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps going upstairs.

Vodka's expression suddenly changed, and he immediately took out the pistol from his arms.

On the one hand, it was for self-defense, and on the other hand, he shot himself as a last resort.

The footsteps approached, and a blond figure came into Vodka's eyes.

Vodka's eyes widened instantly: "How could it be you?"

Belmod walked over with a smile on his face and crossed his arms: "I wonder why the rooftop is so noisy at night! It turns out you are here..."

She glanced at the wound on Vodka's leg and the blood around it, and the smile on her face grew stronger: "The injury is not serious..."

"Hey! You, a woman, shouldn't make sarcastic remarks at this time, right? Take me away quickly!"

Belmode chuckled and said: "Don't be anxious, just stop the bleeding from the wound first."

Just now, due to the appearance of Belmode, the vodka was only halfway done to stop the bleeding.

After hearing this, Vodka didn't waste any time and immediately began to treat the wound.

At this time, Vodka's cell phone suddenly rang.

Vodka moved for a moment, then took out his phone and took a look: 'It's the big brother calling. ’

After he spoke to Belmode, he answered the phone.

(The conversation between Belmode and Gin is omitted)

Belmode returned the phone to Vodka and continued: "Have the wounds been treated? If so, we should leave."

Vodka nodded slightly and stood up slowly while holding on to the wall.

Seeing this, Belmod also cooperated and stepped forward to support Vodka.

The two of them walked downstairs step by step.

"Hey! Can we really avoid the police in time?" Vodka asked anxiously.

According to this way of walking, it will take a minute just to go down to the next floor, but the police will probably take the elevator up!

Belmod smiled: "Don't worry, I just told Gin that I have plenty of time."

As soon as Belmod finished speaking, the surroundings suddenly darkened.

"What's going on?" Vodka asked in shock.

Belmod's reply came from the darkness: "Nothing, it's just a power outage."

"Power outage?" Vodka was stunned for a moment, then realized: "Did you do it?"

"Who knows? Maybe God doesn't want you to be caught, so maybe the power goes out at this time!" Belmod laughed.

Vodka grinded his teeth secretly. He was obviously a colleague, but this woman would not tell the truth to them most of the time, and she would keep telling the truth all day long!

However, no matter what, a power outage is always a good thing.

At least those police officers riding the elevator will be trapped in the elevator.

Even if the police didn't enter the elevator, by the time they walked up the safety stairs, they wouldn't know where they were hiding!

Vodka and Belmod just went down two floors from the safety staircase.

Belmode walked into the corridor on this floor with vodka, and not long after, he stopped in front of a room door.

Belmode took out the key, opened the door, and walked into the room with Vodka.

Belmod seemed to be quite familiar with the layout of the room, and Vodka soon felt himself being helped onto a soft cushion.

After letting himself go, Belmode walked around the room for a while, and then the room suddenly lit up.

After the initial discomfort, Vodka quickly checked his surroundings.

This is a very well-decorated room, and you can tell it is a senior suite at first glance.

And I was lying on the bed in this room.

On the other side, Belmod held a flashlight in one hand and placed a backpack next to him with the other.

She also sat by the bed, opened the zipper of her backpack, and began to take out things from inside: "Okay, let me help you take out the bullet first."

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