Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 815 Uninvited Guest

Two days later, at two o'clock in the morning, Hanomiya Detective Agency.

A figure wearing night clothes, a peaked cap, and a face covered sneakily came to the Hanomiya Detective Agency.

He first came to the second floor and skillfully opened the door to the detective agency.

As soon as the figure flashed, he had already sneaked into the office.

After a while, he walked out of the office, went straight to the third floor, and easily opened the door to the third floor.

After entering the living room, the figure walked towards Mengyu's room without any hesitation.

Silently arriving at the door, the figure took out a small bottle and a rubber hose from his arms.

The figure removed the cork from the bottle, and then put the hose on the mouth of the bottle.

Soon, the rubber hose covered the entire bottle mouth, and the figure sent the other end into the room through the crack under the door. He squeezed the bottle hard with his hand, as if he wanted to push the contents of the bottle through. Rubber hoses are fed into the room.

The figure remained in this posture for nearly ten minutes.

Finally, the figure withdrew the rubber tube, and after waiting outside the door for a while, he began to try to open the door lock of the room.


There was a soft sound, and the door opened silently under the control of the figure.

The next moment, the figure's pupils suddenly shrank, jumped back suddenly, and retreated suddenly!


The strong wind howled, and two silhouettes of legs flashed between the inside and outside of the door.

The next moment, two figures as fast as lightning sprang out from the door and rushed straight towards the figure in night clothes!

The muscles all over the body of the figure in night clothes tightened instantly!

He had no intention of fighting with the other two. As soon as he saw the two of them rushing towards him, he immediately rushed towards the door without any hesitation!

In order to facilitate his escape, he just opened the door and didn't close it again at all. As long as he rushed to the door, he could go out directly!

Behind them, two figures wearing gas masks also moved at the same time.

One of them chased Ye Xingyi's figure, while the other took out a remote control from his arms.

With a movement of his finger, a button on the remote control was pressed.



At the door, above the door frame, after a strange sound, a door made of staggered stainless steel fell from above, blocking the escape route of the figure in night clothes!

The figure in night clothes who was about to rush to the door was also surprised when he saw this. He immediately braked and turned around. At the same time, he turned his right hand and a pistol appeared in his hand!

With a flick of his wrist, the muzzle of the gun instantly pointed towards the masked figure chasing behind him!


Gunshots ring out!

The masked figure immediately avoided subconsciously.

However, halfway through dodging, his figure suddenly stopped.

This gunshot... doesn't seem right!

Why does it feel like firing a gun?

Listen again, okay! There was also no sound of bullets coming off or hitting objects.

It’s really a blank shot!

The paused figure turned instantly and rushed towards the figure in night clothes again!

However, the figure in night clothes had already run behind the sofa in this moment. At the same time, he flicked his wrist and seemed to throw something.


The next moment, the surroundings suddenly lit up!

The lights were turned on.

Under the switch, an apple fell to the ground with a bang, and obvious dents appeared on the surface.

The movements of the three people paused for a moment at the same time.

The next moment, under the light, the figure in night clothes pushed the magazine into the pistol in front of the two opponents and turned on the safety.

Seeing this, the two masked figures immediately found bunkers to avoid.

The figure in night clothes pointed his gun at the two people who were hiding, but for some unknown reason, he had no intention of shooting.

The three fell into a brief stalemate.

Yu Gongming's eyes darkened slightly.

He and Mengyu were sleeping well, but the anti-theft watch on his wrist suddenly vibrated.

This anti-theft device is connected to the monitor installed inside the door. Once someone opens the door and vibrates the door, the monitor will send out a signal to cause the watch to vibrate.

Of course, because the signal transmission range is limited, it can only be used at home. There is nothing you can do if you go out.

Of course, in order to distinguish it from the usual door opening and closing, this function can be turned on at will, which means that you can choose to turn off the function when Yu Gongming or Meng Yu is around, and turn it on when sleeping.

Today, this feature comes in handy for the first time.

After Yu Gongming was awakened by the vibration, he immediately realized that something was wrong, and quietly woke up the dream language, using Morse code to tell her about the possible intrusion.

So, the two began to prepare to deal with the intruder.

In order to deal with unexpected situations, both Yu Gongming and Meng Yu will put some self-defense equipment under the bed, such as body armor, gas masks, pepper spray and other things that can be legally possessed.

Therefore, when the figure in night clothes was preparing to sneak in, the two of them had quietly begun to arm themselves.

Originally, the two of them just put on body armor, but when they saw that there was a pipe sticking out from the crack of the door, they immediately realized that something was wrong, put on gas masks, and spent ten minutes to arrive silently. door.

They want to wait for the other party to open the door and launch a surprise attack!

So, things have developed all the way to now.

At first, Yu Gongming thought it was just an ordinary thief, but it wasn't until the other party dodged the kicks from the two of them that he started to pay more attention to it.

With the speed of the two of them, it is definitely not something that ordinary people can easily avoid.

Especially when it's unexpected.

And the other party now showed his pistol, which once again raised the attention of Yu Gongming to a higher level.

And there was one thing he cared about.

The other party had just fired an empty round and pushed the magazine into the pistol in front of the two of them.

"Is this a mistake? Or was it intentional?" Yu Gongming murmured in his heart.

Judging from the opponent's skill and mobility, he shouldn't make such a low-level mistake...

After thinking about it, Yu Gongming gradually had a guess in his mind.

At this time, a voice suddenly sounded: "Since I have been discovered by you, then I admit defeat, and I don't want to make things impossible. How about you let me go now, and everyone will pretend that nothing happened?"

This was a rather rough male voice, but it matched the figure that Yu Gongming saw at a glance just now.

Just as Yu Gongming was about to speak, Meng Yu's voice sounded first:

"As if nothing happened?" Her tone was full of sarcasm:

"We broke into people's houses late at night and emitted gas of unknown purpose into their bedrooms. If we hadn't been vigilant, who knows what would have happened?"

"If I let you go, what if you come back next time? We don't want to do the hard work of guarding against thieves for thousands of days!"

The figure in night clothes replied in a deep voice: "It's just some anesthetic gas, it will only make people sleep more dead, and it will do almost no harm to the human body. I'm just asking for money, and I don't intend to kill anyone."

Hearing this, Yu Gongming also snorted coldly: "We will not believe a guy who breaks into private houses and illegally holds a gun. To tell you the truth, we have contacted our friends to call the police, and the police will be here soon."

"We're even wearing body armor, so there's no problem dragging you here until the police come!"

Hearing this, the figure in Ye Xingyi fell into a brief silence.

After a moment, he suddenly looked up at Yu Miyazaki and the two, and then slowly put his hand on the mask he was wearing. ,

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