Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 820 Is there a bomb?

Soon, the two of them finished their breakfast, Mengyu said hello and hurried out with their schoolbags on their backs.

After Yu Gongming prepared some preparations, he also went out.

Yesterday, she received a new commission, which required her to track a man today and help a certain lady confirm whether her husband was having an affair with another woman behind his back.

Today, his husband was going out alone on the pretext of gathering with friends. Akira Hanamong needed to rush to the lady's house before that and follow her from the moment she left.

Yu Gongming was already familiar with this kind of thing. After simply cleaning up, he left Yu Gongming's house.



Yu Gongming pressed the shutter.

Putting down the camera, Yu Gongming looked at a man and a woman holding hands not far ahead, and nodded slightly: "Very good, with these evidences, we should be able to make a deal."

Wiping the sweat on his head, Yu Gongming looked at the time: "Hmm... is it already three o'clock in the afternoon?"


Yu Gongming rubbed the Wu Zang Temple, which was protesting, and muttered: "It's better to find a place to eat, and then call it a day and go home! Hmm... I remember there were several restaurants on a street I passed before..."

As he muttered something in his mouth, Yu Gongming was already heading back in the direction he came from.

After a while, Yu Gongming walked into a restaurant that looked more pleasing to the eye.

This is a Western-style restaurant. Yu Gongming took the menu from the waiter, flipped through two pages at random, and then asked the waiter to recommend the restaurant's signature dishes.

After selectively ordering a few dishes, Yu Gongming waited silently.

The efficiency of this restaurant is quite good. In a short time, several dishes were put on the table.

Yu Gongming gently smelled the aroma and nodded slightly: "It looks pretty good, at least it's worthy of the price on the menu."

He put a piece of chicken into his mouth, savored it carefully, and frowned slightly: "The taste is a bit different... Sure enough, Mengyu's cooking skills have surpassed those of ordinary restaurant chefs..."

I have to say that having a girlfriend who is a good cook living at home can sometimes cause some trouble.

However, Yu Gongming was not the kind of pretentious person after all. After comparing the taste, he did not dislike it and ate it slowly.

However, he had just finished eating when two uninvited guests came into the restaurant.

Akira Yumiya raised his head slightly, showing surprise: "It's Officer Takagi and Officer Shiratori? Why are they here?"

He subconsciously glanced around to see if there was any suspicious person around.

It's no wonder that he was so suspicious. After all, if it weren't for work, Officer Shiratori and Officer Takagi would never be able to get together.

Officer Takagi came to the most conspicuous place in the restaurant and shouted: "Everyone! We are police from the Metropolitan Police Department!"

As Officer Takagi said, he showed his police officer ID card and showed it to all the guests who came over:

"We received a call that a bomb was suspected to have been planted in this restaurant. Which one of you called the police?"

There was a brief silence in the restaurant, and no one answered, either the staff or the guests.

Seeing this, Officer Takagi continued: "Then please evacuate the restaurant as soon as possible. We will search this restaurant!"

When the guests heard this, they immediately burst into a commotion, and then the first person ran out of the restaurant regardless of the food he had not finished.

Someone took the lead, and the others immediately rushed towards the door of the restaurant.

Yu Gongming frowned, and finally left the restaurant among the crowd.

If it was about catching gangsters or something, he might still be able to help, but if it was really a bomb, then it would be useless for him to stay, and he would be in danger for nothing.

He is not Conan's cheater. He can guide Xiaolan, a layman, to defuse bombs based on every blueprint.

If you don't speak professionally, don't make things worse.

Soon, Yu Gongming followed the crowd and left the restaurant.

After walking out of the restaurant, many people, including him, looked curiously into the restaurant.

As soon as people left the restaurant, several special police officers in explosion-proof suits rushed into the restaurant.

"The formation is not small yet..." Yu Gongming muttered to himself.

He didn't know that the Metropolitan Police Department was actually not that full of troops. After all, prank calls often appeared. The police force was limited after all, especially the special police officers who specialized in handling explosives. They were even more scarce resources. If they were not sure what was really going on, There are bombs, but generally they won't be used.

However, because Hanomiya Akira and others used the power of the police on a daily basis when fighting against the organization, especially these two cases, which were quite bad cases, the police during this period were extremely cautious about such reports that may involve serious crimes. Pay attention to.

Therefore, even though it was not confirmed that there was a bomb in the restaurant, the Search Section 1 still contacted the Explosive Ordnance Disposal Team of the Security Department.

Akira Hanomiya watched as the two police officers in the restaurant directed the special police to start the search, while the restaurant owner and staff also evacuated outside the restaurant in panic.

Yu Gongming looked at it for a while, and after seeing that he didn't notice it for the time being, he turned his attention to the crowd around him.

Assuming that a bomb was really installed in the restaurant, and no one answered when Officer Takagi asked, and even the restaurant was still open for business, it means that the person who called the police was not the third party who discovered the bomb, but most likely the prisoner himself!

And since he called the police over, from the perspective of criminal psychology, it may be some kind of provocation to the police.

Driven by this mentality, maybe the prisoner will monitor the movements of the restaurant nearby, or even mix among these guests.

He glanced around, paying particular attention to those alone, holding cell phones in their hands.

Maybe that was the detonator for the bomb!

Yu Gongming quickly locked onto a few suspicious targets and carefully observed their expressions.

However, after some observation, he found nothing unusual. Many of the suspicious targets he thought quickly put away their mobile phones and left the scene.

"Sure enough, if you look at it this way, it's still too difficult to find the bomber. And it's still not confirmed whether there is the bomber..."

Yu Gongming had a flash of thought in his mind, and suddenly caught a glimpse of a figure from the corner of his eye.

The figure had just emerged from behind a white car. However, his waist was slightly bent and did not straighten up again until he took two steps.

The person should be wearing a knitted hat and a mask, and should be a male in appearance.

"Is this... just walking behind a car with a crotched waist? And this outfit..." Yu Gongming had a flash of thought in his mind, but saw the figure suddenly quickening his pace and walking towards the distance.

Seeing this, Yu Gongming's expression suddenly sank, and he immediately walked quickly towards the man, shouting at the same time: "Sir, please wait a moment!"

As a result, as soon as the man heard Yu Gongming's shout, his original brisk walk instantly turned into a sprint!

"Ha! It seems there is a problem 100%!"

Yu Gongming muttered in his heart, and immediately chased after him without hesitation!

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