Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 823 Looking for bombs

"I understand. In other words, the other party is seeking revenge for his companions, right?" Yu Gongming said calmly.

"That's right, and strictly speaking, he has succeeded once before." Officer Sato's voice contained a hint of unspeakable emotion.

"Since it was successful, why did it appear again after three years? In other words, why three years? Instead of coming every year? Is there any pattern in this?" Yu Gongming frowned.

"How do I know what the bomber is thinking!" Officer Sato laughed.

"Maybe..." Xiao Aiyou in the back row said: "In addition to revenge, he may have begun to indulge in the pleasure of teasing the police, right?"

"If we don't succeed in stopping him this time, maybe the next time he appears again will be two years later, and then a year later... Haha, by then the scope of his crimes may not be limited to Tokyo. !”

"Is the crime escalating?" Conan asked solemnly.

Officer Sato's face also turned completely gloomy: "If this is really the case, he must be arrested and brought to justice this time!"

She calmed down a little and glanced at Yu Gongming: "Okay, you already know what happened back then. Now it's your turn. What's the secret behind the code?"

"Extension cord." Xiao Ai said calmly.

"What?" Officer Sato was confused.

Xiao Ai raised the Tokyo map book he had held in his hand at some point: "The overtime in the code can be interpreted as an extension line, and the two bombs three years ago, if I remember correctly, were At the Cupido Mall Ferris Wheel and the Mihua Central Hospital, right?"

"And the roads extending from these two places finally meet here at Minami Aipido Station."

"But the premise is that the extension really means an extension!" Officer Sato questioned.

Xiao Ai smiled faintly: "You have forgotten that there is a station at the intersection of two roads, which means there must be that thing."

Conan's expression moved slightly: "You mean... the stopper?"

"Stop..." Officer Sato was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes suddenly widened: "Wait a minute, if we follow this idea, does the [Steel Home Plate] in the code refer to..."

"Yes, it's an iron box, which is also a train carriage." Xiao Ai said calmly: "As for the so-called blood-stained base bag, it should refer to the red up train."

"Detective Hanomiya?" Officer Sato finally looked at Akira Hanomiya.

It was basically Xiao Ai who was talking before. Although he had been in contact with them on a regular basis, Officer Sato also knew that the two children in the back row were not ordinary people.

But from her point of view, Akira Yumiya is undoubtedly the authority.

Yu Gongming was silent for two seconds and then said: "Inform others to go to the station and have a look."

"Okay." After receiving the confirmation, Officer Sato immediately began to contact his colleagues: "Hi! I'm Sato..."


"What? Is it a fake bomb? Okay, I understand, I will continue to investigate, okay..." Officer Sato hung up the phone and said solemnly:

"A bomb was indeed found at the train station, but the bomb was just a fake. We were fooled by that guy!"

"It seems that our solution is also within the expectation of Mr. Bomber!" Xiao Ai said with a smile.

"Hmph! Now things are indeed a bit difficult to handle. Since there is a first fake bomb, there will probably be a second and third one. Moreover, as long as these fake bombs are mixed with real bombs, once the police If you are not careful, there may be casualties." Conan said solemnly.

"If that's the case, then the question is! How can he be sure that the police have found the bomb? Or, how can he know immediately after the police find the bomb?"

"For someone like him, it must be quite the ultimate enjoyment to see a policeman killed by his own bomb, right?"

"To do this, he should be observing secretly near the bomb. During the police search, in order to reduce his suspicion, he might observe from a distance with a telescope." Conan said.

"But knowing this is almost useless. We can't just stop searching the other person just because he has a telescope, right? And maybe he is hiding in some closed building. It is still too difficult to lock him with this. .”

"However, this does give us an idea. When we find the bomb, we may be able to look for people with binoculars or standing alone in some place with a wide view." Officer Sato said.

"But now, let's find the bomb first. If we can't even find the real bomb, then there is no point in our discussion here." Akira Hanomiya said calmly.

"That's all we can do now." Officer Sato sighed.


Early in the morning, twelve o'clock.

"Okay... I understand." Officer Sato put down the phone with a sad look on his face: "This is already the fourth fake bomb. How many fake bombs did that guy prepare?"

"Is there any pattern in the places where fake bombs are found?" Conan asked.

"It doesn't seem like there are. Some are in lockers, some are hidden in bags in a hidden corner, and some are actually in trash cans."

"I feel a little strange..." Yu Gongming frowned.

"What's wrong?" Officer Sato was confused.

Yu Gongming touched his chin and said: "Since the prisoner sent a similar code as he did three years ago, he probably wanted to let the police find the first bomb like he did three years ago, and then face that choice again. .”

"But now he is spreading suspicion everywhere. If the code design is so difficult, then the police will not even be able to find the first bomb. Wouldn't his idea of ​​repeating the incident three years ago be in vain?"

"You mean... think simpler?" Conan said thoughtfully.

"Except for extra games, [blood-stained bases] and [steel home plate] should refer to red, rising iron boxes. I think this should be correct."

"However, there are many things in Tokyo that match this characteristic! For example, the former Minami Cupido Station." Officer Sato frowned.

"Perhaps we can further narrow the scope." Yu Gongming said: "Since this prisoner has sent faxes to all the police stations under the Metropolitan Police Department, it shows that he subconsciously desires that his crime will be paid attention to by more people. "

"Then. The place he chose to plant the bomb is certainly not an ordinary place, especially the first bomb. Three years ago, the bomb was placed on the Abeido Mall Ferris wheel."

"There are dense crowds there, and the Ferris wheel is one of the few in the world. It can be called a landmark."

"That is to say..." Officer Sato took a deep breath: "The gangster will probably choose the same place this time, right?"

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