Didan High School.

As the end of the exam bell rang, the national mock exam finally officially ended.

Xiaolan, Mengyu, and Yuanzi walked out of the examination room together.

"Eh? Senior Hanomiya? Conan? Xiao Ai? And... Officer Shiratori?" Xiaolan saw the four people standing outside the classroom door at a glance.

"How was it? Did you go well in the exam?" Yu Gongming asked with a smile.

"Well! I performed well this time!" Xiaolan smiled.

"I think I did very well in the exam this time! I should be able to be among the top ten in the class!" Yuanzi said excitedly.

"It's almost the same as usual." Meng Yu said calmly.

"What about you? I can understand that Senior Hanomiya and Conan are here, but why are she and Officer Shiratori here?" Sonoko looked at Xiao Ai and Officer Shiratori in confusion.

"Oh! I came here because I want to recover some evidence." Officer Shiratori explained.

"Eh? Did something happen here?" Yuanzi asked in surprise.

"Well, it has been solved. Now only the finishing work is left. Don't worry!" Officer Shiratori explained.

"Okay, let's talk about the specific things after there is no one in the classroom." Yu Gongming said with a smile.

Afterwards, several people waited outside the corridor for a while. After the exam, almost all the students left the examination room. After seeing that everyone was gone, several people returned to Class B of the second year of high school.

"Eh? You said bombs were installed in those barrels in the underground warehouse!?" Yuanzi exclaimed.

"Yeah, but the bombs have been defused, and the barrels in the warehouse have been taken away by the police." Meng Yu said with a smile.

Xiaolan's eyes showed a thoughtful look: "Speaking of which, when I passed by the office at noon today, I happened to hear a broadcast on the teacher's radio. It seemed that there was a bomb threat at the Tokyo Tower. I heard that there was a police officer and a The child was trapped near the bomb."

"I heard from the host on the radio that due to special reasons, the rescue team was unable to rescue and the bomb disposal team was unable to enter, so the child who was near the bomb at that time defused the bomb under the command of the bomb disposal police."

"Ah? The kid defuses bombs? Are you kidding me?" Yuanzi said in shock.

"It's true, and the kid who disposed of the bomb is right in front of you!" Officer Shiratori replied while recovering the bug installed under the classroom window.

"In front of me?" Yuanzi was stunned, and then immediately looked at Conan and Xiao Ai: "Are you two?"

Xiao Ai crossed her arms and said calmly: "I won't stupidly get close to the bomb."

Xiaolan's expression immediately changed when she heard this. She knelt down and looked at Conan with concern: "Conan, how did you get to the bomb? Are you injured?"

Conan chuckled: "Don't worry, the police officers were very careful in their command, and the bomb was defused smoothly. As for why I was next to the bomb..."

Conan leaned into Xiaolan's ear and whispered.

"Hey! Why are you like this, little brat!" Yuanzi said dissatisfied when he saw that Conan only told Xiaolan.

Conan simply ignored Yuanzi's words and continued to whisper with Xiaolan.

Xiaolan quietly listened to Ke Nan's narration about how he came to the bomb. Her expression was relatively calm, but the occasional slightly clenched fist showed the turmoil in her heart.

"That's it!" Conan laughed.

He told Xiaolan the general story of what happened, but he said some of the dangers he encountered were accidental, rather than him taking the initiative to seek death.

After all, if it is the latter, then he will definitely be lectured by Xiaolan and Mengyu.

After listening to Conan's narration, Xiaolan exhaled softly: "It's really dangerous! Fortunately, you are safe!"

She didn't say anything like not to do it again next time. She knew very well that if such a situation endangering public interests happened again, Conan would still rush out without hesitation.

This is the childhood sweetheart she grew up with!

"Wait a minute..." Yuanzi suddenly turned to look at Mengyu: "So, those inexplicable words Mengyu said before the Chinese language exam were actually said to the bomber who eavesdropped on us? When did you know about this, Mengyu? Yes?"

Meng Yu smiled slightly; "The bomb in Didan was discovered when I left the examination room early and wandered around."

"So, you accidentally saved the teachers and students in the entire teaching building?" Yuanzi asked in surprise.

Meng Yu nodded: "You can say that, I heard that the bomber secretly put the bomb into the basement in the vehicle transporting the billiard table."

"Wow! Meng Yu, you are so awesome! Much more reliable than your brother who is full of reasoning!" Yuanzi looked at Meng Yu in amazement.

Conan's face turned dark. What does this have to do with him?

"It's lucky that I just happened to sneak into the underground warehouse, but I think that even without me, A Ming and the others should be able to deduce the location of the bomb." Meng Yu said with a smile.

"Well, I do have a certain degree of confidence, but I didn't expect that there would be an unexpected development on Mengyu's side, which made things smoother." Yu Gongming said with a smile.

"Girls who study well will not have bad luck!" Meng Yu said with a smile.

At this time, Officer Shiratiao came over: "Okay, the bugs here have been recovered. If you have anything urgent, you can leave first. Just leave the rest of the work to me."

"Okay, let's go first, Officer Shiratori, thank you for your hard work." Hanemiya Akira said with a smile.

He then looked at everyone and said, "Let's go. To celebrate your completion of the mock exam, I'll treat you to a big dinner tonight!"

"Okay! Thank you, senior!" Yuanzi cheered immediately.

No one else objected.

So, after bidding farewell to Officer Shiratori, the group of people rushed directly to the restaurant.


The next day, the police held a press conference to inform the public of a series of police actions starting the night before.

Search Section 1 Administrator Matsumoto Kiyonaga personally attended the press conference and made the announcement:

"...The gangster's attitude is extremely arrogant, and his tactics seriously threaten public safety. Our Metropolitan Police Department will never tolerate such gangsters!"

"Therefore, the police launched operations starting last night, conducted a comprehensive investigation of suspicious locations throughout Tokyo, and finally identified the first bomb located in Tokyo Tower..."

"... Faced with the unreasonable demands of the gangsters, our police officer, Officer Takagi Wataru, was not afraid of life and death and resolutely rushed into the tower to dismantle the bomb for the sake of the public interest."

"Although due to some accidents, a child was unfortunately involved in this incident. He even had to take on the task of dismantling the bomb because of the gangsters' tricks."

"Even in such an unfavorable situation, the explosive ordnance disposal team and Officer Takagi remained calm and calm. With excellent skills and firm belief, they successfully guided the child to defuse the bomb and resolved the crisis."

"With the help of Mr. Akira Hanomiya, an enthusiastic citizen, we successfully found the location of the second bomb, and set up a dragnet to arrest the heinous bomber!"

“In this operation, the police faced the provocation of the gangsters without being arrogant or impatient, and resolved the crisis cautiously and efficiently. I would like to express my most sincere gratitude to all the personnel involved in this operation and the enthusiastic citizen Mr. Hanomiya Akira! "

"...At the same time! I would also like to advise some people, no matter who you are, no matter how powerful you are, as long as you commit a crime, our police will definitely bring you to justice!"

After Matsumoto Kiyonaga completed his briefing, the press conference continued in accordance with the procedure.

Finally, the press conference came to an end with a burst of applause

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