Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 836 Arriving in time

Misari Ito looked at the seven-year-old child outside the door in astonishment.

"Little brother, you are not..."

Conan scratched his head and showed an embarrassed smile: "I'm sorry, Auntie, I suddenly want to use the toilet. Can I borrow your toilet?"

"Borrow the toilet..." Ito Misari's heart, which was originally hanging because of Conan's return, relaxed a little.

"Is that okay, Auntie? My brothers and sisters are all waiting for me!" Conan clasped his hands together and begged with an extremely sincere expression.

Misari Ito hesitated for two seconds, then showed a kind smile: "Of course, but little brother, please don't run around!"

"Yeah!" Conan naturally nodded repeatedly.

Then, Misari Ito led Conan into the house.

"The toilet is over there..." Misari Ito pointed in one direction.

"Thank you 1" Conan thanked him and ran to the toilet without saying anything else.

After a while, Conan came out and expressed his thanks again.

At this time, there was a sudden movement from the direction of the stairs.

Conan turned around and saw a pillow falling down the stairs.

"Eh? What's going on? Auntie, didn't you say no guests have been here?" Conan asked doubtfully.

"This...maybe it's my cat?" Misari Ito explained with a smile.


A soft cry sounded, and a cute black and white kitten ran down from the second floor.

Misaki Ito secretly thought, God help me, and immediately ran over to pick up the kitten, and gently rubbed its head: "You kid, why do you always like to play pranks!"


The kitten squirmed a little dissatisfiedly, but quickly calmed down after being comforted by Ito Misari.

Conan looked at this scene and frowned slightly.

He rolled his eyes and suddenly ran to the pillow: "Auntie, can I help you put the pillow away?"

Misari Ito's expression changed, and she quickly ran over and grabbed the pillow: "No, little brother, you don't know where the pillow was originally, so don't bother."

"Is that so..." Conan looked up and looked upstairs, exclaiming in surprise: "Eh? Auntie, why is there another staircase in the middle of the stairs leading to the second floor?"

"Oh! That's the attic of my house." Ito Misari gently touched the kitten in her arms: "This child is sometimes too lively. He runs to the attic to cause trouble all day long, which makes me have to go to the attic every once in a while. tidy."

"So that's it, then..." Conan suddenly paused and continued: "Then I won't disturb Auntie. Goodbye!"

"Well, Auntie is about to go out to do errands. If you are free, you are welcome to come to Auntie's house next time!" Ito Misari smiled.

"Well! Thank you, auntie!" Conan bowed very politely, and was then sent out of the door by Misari Ito.

It wasn't until Conan was no longer visible that Misari Ito finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After closing the door, Misari Ito returned to the attic.

When they arrived at the attic, they saw Hattori Heiji and Kazuha Zheng staring at the window glass.

"Damn it! Why did this guy leave!"

"Heiji..." Kazuha looked at Hattori Heiji helplessly.

Hattori Heiji gritted his teeth and thought to himself: "It seems that the only way to break the glass is to attract their attention."

Just when he was about to move and listen, he suddenly felt a heavy blow on the back of his head!


Hattori Heiji screamed and his body suddenly shook.

What was even more unlucky was that he happened to hit a wooden box, and his body completely lost his balance and fell directly to the ground.

And He Ye, who was cuffed with him, was helplessly led by him and fell down.

"It hurts!" Hattori Heiji covered his head, his expression distorted.

"Heiji! Are you okay!?" Kazuha said nervously.

"Hey! It's okay..." Hattori Heiji covered his head and tried to get up with support.

Unexpectedly, a foot stepped hard on his back.


Hattori Heiji's body was instantly smashed to the ground.

Hattori Heiji raised his head with difficulty and saw Misari Ito looking at him coldly: "It seems like you are not very clear about your current situation!"

"You guy..."

Misari Ito snorted coldly: "It seems that I have to make you suffer a little!"

"You guys!" She turned to look at the other two men guarding them.

"Yes! What are your orders, lawyer?" a man asked.

Misari Ito glanced at the two Hattori men sinisterly, and said coldly: "Go, cut off this guy's thumb!"

"Understood!" The two men nodded without hesitation, and then immediately rushed towards Hattori Heiji!

One of the very burly men controlled Hattori Heiji, while the other man took out a sharp blade and approached Hattori Heiji with a sinister smile.

"No! Stop it!" He Ye turned pale and shouted quickly.

"Hmph! Since you care about him so much, you should chop off your fingers too!" Ito Misari sneered.

Hattori Heiji was immediately furious when he heard this: "Asshole! Come at me if you have anything! What kind of skill is it to attack a girl!"

"Now you know you are afraid?" Ito Misari looked down at Hattori Heiji: "If I had known this, wouldn't it have been fine if I had cooperated before? If you didn't cherish the opportunity given to you, you have to pay the price now, do it!"

"Drink!" The man holding the knife shouted and raised the knife!

Hattori Heiji's eyes widened with anger.

But He Ye had already turned his head and couldn't bear to see the next scene.

next moment!


A crisp sound sounded in He Ye's ears.

"Eh?" Heye turned his head in confusion.

I saw that the man who originally held the knife had nothing in his hand.

Ding ding!

Two more crisp sounds came, and Heye turned his head and looked around, not far away, he saw that the knife the man was holding had fallen to the ground, and next to it, there was another smaller one, which seemed to be a fruit knife. The blade.

Misari Ito's expression changed and she shouted, "What's going on!?"

"Sorry..." A smiling voice came from the attic: "I temporarily borrowed your fruit knife. I think you won't mind, right?"

The sound gradually approached, and the next moment, a figure jumped lightly and came to the attic.

When Hattori Heiji saw the person coming, his eyes suddenly lit up: "Hanomiya!"

"There are us too!" A pleasant female voice sounded, and two figures, one large and one small, entered the attic.

"It's Mengyu and Conan!" Kazuya shouted in surprise.

" guys!" Misari Ito looked at the three people who entered the attic in shock.

"Drink!" On the other side, Hattori Heiji suddenly shouted and broke free from the man's restraint. At the same time, he kicked his foot and kicked the restrainer's lower body hard!

"Wow!" A shrill scream instantly sounded from the attic!

As if this was a signal, Yu Gongming and the other three started to act at the same time almost as soon as the screams started!

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