Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 842 Exploration and Inquiry

Police Yumaga glanced at Hattori Heiji: "Is this guy your assistant, Detective Hanomiya?"

"Well, that's right." Yu Gongming nodded.

Although Hattori Heiji was a little unhappy, this was the center of Tokyo after all, and Hanomiya Akira's reputation was obviously more useful, so he had to endure it for the sake of information.

Gongchang Police Department replied: "The fire started in the small room facing the right side of the house. The red horse was found in the gap next to the door next to the window."

"Thankfully, we also found some shoe prints on the ground near the window. Based on those shoe prints, we should be able to catch the arsonists."

"Huh?" The expressions of Yu Gongming and the three others changed at the same time.

"What's wrong with you?" Police Chief Gong looked at the three people whose expressions changed with confusion.

"That..." Hattori Heiji scratched his head.


"What! Are your shoe prints mixed in with those shoe prints!?" Police Chief Gongzhang said in shock.

"Yes." Yu Gongming told what happened.

Hearing this, Police Chief Gong looked at the three of them helplessly: "So, your behavior of spying on others is actually very suspicious. If it is someone else who did this, then I will definitely include him as a suspect. List.”

"However, we still need to collect your shoe prints now to distinguish you from the prisoner's shoe prints."

"We will definitely cooperate!" Yu Gongming and others are also familiar with this process, so naturally they will not refuse.

"So, apart from the Feng Shui teacher who had an affair with Ms. Ryoko, has anyone else been here?" Gongchang Police Department continued to ask.

"The remaining ones include a timid salesman, Ms. Ryoko's sister who came to borrow money, and the male host, all of whom are aware of the situation." Akira Hanamiya replied.

"However, Mr. Zhukaku and the Feng Shui teacher are not very suspicious." Hattori Heiji said:

"They had gone out drinking before the fire started and we stayed near the house and didn't see them come back."

"Their suspicion cannot be ruled out yet." Yu Gongming shook his head and said, "I want to see the condition of those shoe prints, is that okay?"

"Well, that's no problem, but you'd better put on shoe covers to avoid leaving new traces." Police Chief Gongzhang said.

So, Yu Gongming and his party arrived near the fire point.

"No, these are the footprints we found." Police Chief Gong pointed at a pile of traces marked with chalk.

Yu Gongming and others turned on their flashlights and began to examine these traces.

Hattori Heiji swept towards the back of the house: "There seems to be no shoe prints leading to the back, and there are no obvious traces of wiping."

"So, it's true that no one has come from behind the house..." Conan said thoughtfully.

After listening to the analysis of the two men, Yumiya Akira stood up and looked at the Gongchang Police Department: "Okay, let's compare the shoe prints first."


Police Chief Gong frowned: "The only fresh shoe prints are yours."

"Hey! We definitely didn't set the fire. I only came to Tokyo from Osaka these two days!" Hattori Heiji shouted.

"I know it won't be you. Which arsonist would bring a child to commit a crime?" Gongchang Police Department said angrily.

Yu Gongming's eyes flickered slightly and said: "We have been watching from the front. If the arsonist walks from the front, he will definitely not be able to escape our eyes."

"But there were no footprints found when leaving or coming, which means..."

"Perhaps the fire was not set by the arsonist at that time!" Hattori Heiji took over.

"It wasn't released at that time? What do you mean?" Police Chief Gong was confused.

"It is a kind of delayed ignition device. Even if it is not on site, as long as the mechanism is set in advance, the fire can be started when the prisoner needs it." Hattori Heiji explained.

Chief Gong of the Police Department frowned: "If you go by your statement, the Feng Shui teacher and Mr. Zhujiao are the most suspected."

"They entered the house in front of you and left in front of you, but you probably don't know what they did in the house, right?"

"Indeed, but the other two cannot be ruled out as suspects." Hattori Heiji said: "Because it is a time-delay device, so maybe the prisoner has already arranged the mechanism very early, so he will have enough time to clean up the traces."

"At that time, we were all observing from the front. It would not be impossible if the other two people had gone around the house from the back very early to install the mechanism. Among them, Ms. Ryoko's sister came here to borrow money but was rejected by Ms. Ryoko, and the salesman came here to sell. Ms. Ryoko’s attitude at the time was not very good, and they all had certain motives.”

In contrast, I found the salesman a bit suspicious. We had seen him wandering around before the fire. "

"In that case, let's go find them one by one and ask them." Police Chief Gong said.


In the building in front of Aipido Station.

Yu Gongming and his party arrived at one of the floors of the building.

This floor is full of fortune-telling places, and according to intelligence, Ryoko Morokaku's sister also sets up a stall here.

Several people soon found her - a woman named Quan Teng Xizi.

"What? Ryoko, she..." Quan Teng Xizi immediately showed grief after hearing the news that Zhujiao Ryoko's house was on fire: "I have told her that she has been in a fire disaster recently, but she just didn't listen! I hope she can wake up soon..."

"Excuse me, where were you at half past seven?" Gongzhang asked.

"I'll set up a stall here! Right, next door?" Quan Teng Xizi called another fortune teller next door.

"Well, that's right." The old man said, "Because we made an agreement with the landlord to set up a stall here after seven-thirty to tell people's fortunes."

"Then, after you went to Ms. Ryoko's house to borrow money today, did you ever return there again?" Gongchang Police Department asked.

"No, I left after being rejected by Liangzi. After that, I was preparing fortune-telling things, and then I came here to tell fortunes." Quan Teng Xizi replied.

"That's it..." Police Chief Gongzhang nodded slightly, and after exchanging glances with Yu Gongming, he said goodbye.


On the streets of Cupido Town.

"That woman just now wasn't as sad as she looked at all!" Hattori Heiji muttered.

"It's not difficult to understand." Police Chief Gong held a cigarette in his mouth and said casually: "According to the investigation, her father just passed away. If her sister dies, then the inheritance will belong to her alone."

"So, she was actually disappointed when she heard that Ms. Ryoko was fine? It's really selfish." Hattori Heiji said with a look of disgust.

The Gongchang Police Department was noncommittal and continued: "However, when she later said she had never returned to that house, it didn't sound like she was lying."

Hattori Heiji snorted: "I can't say for sure. Fortune tellers like this have a way of pretending to be gods and ghosts!"

Chief Gong of the Police Department nodded slightly: "These are just our guesses. We need further clues to support it. Now we should go to the salesman and ask."

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