Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 848 Kudo Yukiko’s call

A few days have passed since Hattori Heiji returned to Osaka.

Yu Gongming had finished his day's work and was cleaning the office with Meng Yu.

At this time, a cell phone ringing sound came from the sofa.

"It seems to be my mobile phone..." Mengyu put down the rag and came to the sofa to pick up the mobile phone.

The next moment, a look of surprise appeared on her face: "Eh? Mom?"

"Huh? Is this the call from Aunt Yukiko?" Hearing this, Akira Hanamiya also stopped the cleaning work at hand.

"Yes!" Mengyu responded and answered the phone: "Hello! Mom?"

"Ara ala! My cute little Dream Whisper~ How are you doing lately? I heard from Shinichi that you are already living with A Ming! Has anything romantic happened?"

Mengyu listened to her mother who was chattering on the other end of the phone with a black line in her head. She held the phone slightly away from her ears and said calmly: "If you call me just to talk about all this, then I'll hang up." ah!"

"Don't be like this! After finally contacting me once, you actually have the heart to hang up my dear mother's phone..." Yukiko Kudo's voice gradually became choked with sobs:

"As expected! Have you forgotten the parents who gave birth to you and raised you after you had a boyfriend? It's really sad! Wow!"

Listening to her mother who was "in tears" on the other end of the phone, Meng Yu couldn't help holding her forehead: "Can you just forget that I'm afraid of you? Mom, what's the matter with you calling me this time? Did you quarrel with your dad again? Already?"

"That's not true!" Kudo Yukiko changed her face in a second and said with a smile: "Actually, it's your father's friend who asked him to help investigate some things."

"But, you know, he is usually lazy and owes a lot of manuscripts to the magazine. Now the editor is staring at him, and he really doesn't have the time to care about these chores, so! I, the Baroness of the Night I have no choice but to take action myself!”

Meng Yu raised her eyebrows lightly: "Oh? Then what are you calling me for this time?"

"Well..." Kudo Yukiko said in an almost coquettish tone: "Look, your mother and I are just an ordinary little actor. It's okay if you ask me to act, but if you ask me to solve the case, then I don’t have any ideas.”

"So?" Meng Yu gradually began to have some guesses in her mind.

"So, can you lend me your boyfriend?" Kudo Yukiko said with a smile.

Meng Yu thought it was true, and then she said angrily: "Mom! You haven't contacted me for a year and a half, but you still asked me to be a lobbyist when you called? Who is so heartless! And you Why don't you go find your brother?"

"Well! I'm doing this for your own good!" Kudo Yukiko said with a smile.

"For us?" Mengyu wondered.

Kudo Yukiko said seriously: "Look, aren't you and Amin in a relationship now? If he helps this time, then when I go back and talk to Yusaku, will his impression of Amin become much better?"

"If the time comes for you to finally talk about marriage, then Yusaku will definitely not object!"

"As for why you don't go to Shinichi? I already asked him for help last time. It wouldn't be good to go to him again this time, so..."

Mengyu sneered and interrupted Kudo Yukiko's words: "Come on! That's nice to say. How many years have we known each other? What's your plan? I don't know yet?"

"I think you are just too lazy to investigate, and you still want to use family ties to kidnap two famous detectives in turn to work as free coolies! It's really a good idea!"

"Ah! What you said is too unpleasant, isn't it? Isn't it normal for a mother to ask her daughter for help?" Yukiko Kudo still had a smiling tone, not paying attention to Meng Yu's words at all.

Mengyu made a "cut" sound: "Then when you ask someone for help, can you not say some irrelevant words?"

"Really, can't you take a joke? Well, I will pay attention next time. Are you willing to help?" Kudo Yukiko asked. "I can't make the decision on this, I have to ask A Ming for his opinion." Meng Yu replied.

"It's okay, it's okay! Just agree to help. Then give him a pillow, and he will definitely agree!" Kudo Yukiko seemed to be more confident than Mengyu.

Hearing this, Meng Yu couldn't help but blush on her face, and said with some embarrassment: "Hey! Don't talk nonsense! We haven't..."

"Eh?" Kudo Yukiko suddenly made a very exaggerated sound of surprise: "You have been living together for a while, how can he bear it when faced with such a cute dream talk?"

When Meng Yu heard this, she felt angry again, and said harshly: "I won't bother you with our affairs anymore!"

"Okay, okay! Then I'll wait for your good news!" Kudo Yukiko gave it up and stopped teasing her daughter.

"You tell Sister Yukiko, I have no objection." Yu Miyazaki's voice sounded from beside Meng Yu.

Meng Yu turned her head, and Yu Gongming was standing next to her at some point, looking at her with a smile.

Meng Yu's face, which had returned to normal, turned red again, and her gaze towards Yu Gongming gradually became dangerous.

"You...heard everything?" she asked word by word.

As soon as Yumiya Ming caught Meng Yu's gaze, the smile on his face instantly faded, and he said seriously: "Judging from your reply just now, it seems that Sister Yukiko asked me for help through you, right?"

"Since Sister Yukiko has asked me to come to you, how can I refuse? I helped you!"

Meng Yu's expression softened slightly, and then she looked at Yu Gongming with some amusement: "Aren't you afraid that this is a difficult case?"

Yu Gongming chuckled: "No matter how difficult it is, will it still be as difficult as we faced before?"

Meng Yu nodded slightly and said to the other end of the phone: "Did you hear everything? A Ming has agreed."

"Oh haha! It turns out that it's a hero who has a hard time being a beauty! I'll send you the address and time via text message later! I'll see you then~"

Before Meng Yu could reply, Kudo Yukiko hung up the phone very simply.

Meng Yu put down her phone with a speechless expression: "I really want to block my mother..."

Yu Gongming couldn't help but laugh: "Isn't that true?"

"I have indeed had this idea countless times." Meng Yu put away her mobile phone and suddenly glared at Yu Gongming with her hands on her hips: "Why are you eavesdropping on other people's phone calls?"

Yu Gongming suddenly looked innocent: "Eavesdropping? This office is so big, I don't want to hear it and there's nothing I can do about it!"

"You don't want to hear that but you still stand next to me quietly?" Meng Yu said angrily.

Yu Gongming spread his hands: "You called me by my name when we were on the phone, so I don't have to come and see what's going on, right?"

Meng Yu snorted coldly: "I don't care! Anyway, please forget about the irrelevant content you just heard!"

"Is that so..." Yu Gongming touched his chin, seeming to be hesitating.

When Meng Yu saw Yu Gongming's behavior, she immediately became angry and raised her hand to hit Yu Gongming on the shoulder.

Unexpectedly, Yu Gongming, who was deep in thought, suddenly reached out his hand and directly grabbed Meng Yu's bright wrist. Then he pulled her hard and pulled her into his arms before Meng Yu could react.

He gently held Meng Yu's slender waist, leaned into her ear and said, "Of course it's okay to let me forget! However, I only agreed to help for your sake this time. You have to have something." Express it?"

The slightly itchy touch in the ear made Mengyu's body tremble slightly.

"Hey! You... don't go too far!" Meng Yu protested, but she still huddled in Yu Gongming's arms.

Yu Gongming's lips curled up: "Of course, I don't need you to brag about it anyway."

After saying that, with Meng Yu's flushed face, Yu Gongming gently turned Meng Yu's head over and slowly pressed his lips against her soft lips.

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