Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 863 Are you...

Eight o'clock in the evening, ghost ship deck.

Captain Gothe came to the bottom of the mast, looked up at the various support points of the mast, and then began to climb the mast.

The party is about to begin, and he will stand on the mast to announce the start of the party and give hints for the questions he poses.

After a while, he came to the foothold on the mast and had a panoramic view of the entire deck and cabin.

Captain Gothe nodded with satisfaction, raised his hand and glanced at his watch.

"It's almost time..." After muttering in his heart, he gently held the skull mask on his face and turned on the microphone hidden behind the mask.

He began to count down in his mind.

five four three two one!

Captain Gothe raised his head slightly, and his voice spread throughout the ghost ship through the microphone and the cabin: "Everyone, monsters, listen up! I have good news for everyone, the dishes for the dinner have been decided!"

After a pause, he continued: "According to my observation, there is a powerless and ugly human being on the ship who has sneaked into this party in the demon world!"

"Now, please join forces with the other six companions who have the same fate to find this stupid human being!"

"Then we will eat its flesh, dig out its internal organs, and drink every drop of its blood. Do you agree?"

As soon as the captain finished speaking, strange screams came from the direction of the cabin, and countless "monsters" echoed the captain's suggestion.

The captain nodded slightly, and suddenly saw from the corner of his eye on the deck below, a man dressed as a mummy came under the mast and looked at him with his head slightly raised.

Captain Gothe's expression behind the mask was slightly surprised. Basically, all the staff dressed up like this were arranged by him.

Now that he is under the mast, does he have something to do with him?

"Let's finish the questions and prompts first, and then ask what happened." With this in mind, Captain Gothe continued loudly:

"The key clues to uncovering this dirty human being are in my hands! Hurry to the deck and find my revelation!"

After Captain Gothe finished speaking, his eyes inadvertently swept across the deck again.

A trace of doubt flashed across his eyes

On the deck, the previous "staff member" seemed to be holding a crossbow with arrows already installed.

The other hand of the staff member was holding a tarot card. When Captain Gaud looked over, he was piercing the tarot card with a sharp arrow.

"What is he doing?" The captain thought.

The next moment, his eyes widened suddenly!

The staff member suddenly raised his hands and pointed the crossbow at himself!

At the same time, he also saw clearly the face of the card.

That is clearly a devil card!

The originally ominous card surface became even more twisted and ferocious after being penetrated by arrows!

Captain Gothe's pupils shrank suddenly, and he opened his mouth to shout.

However, before he could say anything, the "staff" had already pulled the trigger of the crossbow!

call out!


Captain Gothe screamed subconsciously.

After a few seconds, his screams suddenly stopped.

It seems like... nothing happened?

I felt no pain at all.

He looked down subconsciously.

The staff member was also staring and seemed very shocked.

Then, the two of them looked around in perfect harmony.

Soon, they found the arrow with the tarot card not far from where the staff was standing.

The arrow lay quietly on the ground, with something like a rope wrapped around it.

The next moment, the rope wrapped around the arrow began to be pulled back in a certain direction as if it was being pulled by something, and the wrapped arrow also followed the rope.


The arrow floated into the air driven by the rope, and after drawing a beautiful parabola, it finally landed on a gloved hand.

The captain and "staff" followed the hand and looked up.

A figure with a bandage on his face and a black top hat came into view.

Next to him, there were three other people, two women and one man.

They were dressed up as witches, Medusas, and vampires.

The leader of the bandaged figure glanced at the arrow, and then walked slowly towards the "staff member".

The other three followed closely behind with expressionless faces.

At the same time, a burst of dense footsteps sounded.



The cabin doors opened one after another, and countless monsters and ghosts poured out of them and hurried onto the deck.

Then, they saw this somewhat strange scene.

"……What exactly is going on?"

It was not a guest who asked this question, but the captain standing on the mast.

Miss Medusa smiled slightly and shouted to the captain: "Mr. Captain, I think it's better for you to get down from the mast first. It's not very safe there now!"

"Uh..." The captain hesitated for a few seconds, and finally chose to climb down the mast.

The "staff" finally came to their senses when they saw this scene.

He looked around for a while, then immediately turned around and rushed towards the guests who came to the deck!

However, he had just taken two steps when he suddenly felt something was entangled under his feet.

Then, a quite strong force suddenly pulled him back!

The "staff member" suddenly lost his balance, stumbled, and fell directly to the ground. The crossbow in his hand also slipped out of his hand and slid on the ground for a distance before stopping.

clatter! clatter! clatter!

The sound of unhurried footsteps sounded, and the "staff member" raised his head with some difficulty, and saw the figure wearing a top hat calmly picking up his crossbow.

His face suddenly turned pale.

However, what made him even more desperate was that his arm was grabbed by someone.

Then, a huge force hit him, and he was lifted directly from the ground!

Turning his head, he saw the man dressed as a vampire looking at him with an unkind expression.

"Hmph! Do you think you can run away?" Mouri Kogoro sneered.

The "staff" instinctively began to struggle, and then he was given a standard over-the-shoulder throw by Kogoro Mouri!


The sound of the collision between the body and the ground resounded throughout the entire deck, and many guests exclaimed!

Captain Gothe also walked over at this time, looking at the "staff" who fell on the ground with some annoyance.

Mouri Kogoro lifted the "staff" up again, stared at him fiercely and said: "If you don't want to have close contact with the ground again, just be honest!"

Seeing that Kogoro Mouri had taken control of the situation, Captain Gothe looked at the "staff" and asked, "Who are you? Why did you attack me?"

The "staff" glanced at the captain and said nothing.

"Let me tell you." A clear voice with a smile sounded.

The invisible man sat over with a crossbow.

He looked around and chuckled: "I think not only the captain, but also everyone present must have many questions, right?"

At this time, Mouri Kogoro suddenly showed a surprised look: "Wait a minute, this voice, are you..."

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