Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 866 Belmode’s accomplices

"Yes, I understand. Thank you for your hard work." Meng Yu hung up the phone and snapped her fingers: "OK! The matter on the ghost ship has been solved. The captain has been rescued, and the murderer dressed as a werewolf has been caught."

"That's seems that your companion is not an easy person." From Mengyu's description, she has confirmed that this is not a bluff.

"You certainly can't just let one person handle this kind of thing, right?" Meng Yu said matter-of-factly.

Belmod breathed out softly: "Although I had roughly expected this result when I saw your fake plan, your performance still exceeded expectations."

After a pause, she continued: "Although I may not get the answer, I still want to ask, where is Shirley now?"

Meng Yu smiled slightly: "As you said, you won't get the answer."

"Let's change the question. Where did your little boyfriend go?" Belmode asked again.

"He is naturally where he should be." Conan said calmly.

At this time, a siren sounded in several people's ears.

Belmode's expression moved slightly; "You decided to hand me over to the police?"

"No, with your status in the organization, you will either be silenced as quickly as possible, just like Pisco back then, or you will be rescued by the organization with all its strength. If you take action, ordinary police officers will not be able to handle it." Meng Yu said .

Belmod shrugged: "In that case, is the siren sound a coincidence?"

"Well... who knows? It depends on whether you have other companions following you." Meng Yu said with a smile.

"Huh?" Belmod's eyebrows twitched: "Could it be that..."

"If you have an accomplice who came with you, then there is no doubt that the police who came here were prepared for him or them."

Belmod frowned: "If I really have companions following me, then the police will definitely not be able to catch anyone if they sound the alarm in such a high-profile manner."

"If you contact the police, you will definitely be reminded of this, but the current it your little boyfriend's hand?"

"Maybe? Who knows?" Mengyu still said vaguely.

Belmode frowned even more tightly.

It was indeed a good idea to squat around Gong Yu and ambush her accomplices who might follow, but it would not be that simple to implement.

After seeing the plan drawn up by Yu Gongming on the computer, she had already decided to use it to his advantage.

There is no need to change the murder incident originally planned on the ship. No matter what, Yu Gongming needs to arrange manpower to deal with it.

But now that she knows that "Xiao Ai" disguised herself as Conan and asked the doctor to send her to her sister's house, she has to face a choice.

First, just take Sherry, who has shrunk, away in the car. This is the easiest way.

However, based on these several contacts, she believed that there was a high probability that Hanemiya Akira and the others would take some insurance measures on Sherry or the Beetle.

Since I was still a "doctor" at the time, I had to drive and had no reason to restrict Sherry's movements. The risk was still a bit high if I took action once he was in the car.

If Sherry does something drastic in desperation, such as jumping out of a car or even committing suicide, this is not what she would see.

She needs to bring Sherry back alive.

Therefore, she planned to adopt the second plan.

They stayed put and followed their plan to send Sherry, disguised as Conan, to Miyano Akemi's residence, and then stayed with an excuse, waiting for the arrival of her companions, and then worked together to capture the Miyano sisters.

This plan has higher returns, but the risk is that as far as she knows, Miyano Akemi lives with Akai Shuichi. If Akai Shuichi is also there, it will undoubtedly add a lot of variables.

Akai Shuichi must be lured away.

So, she found Gin to repay the favor for providing information on Black Sakura's stronghold last time, and asked Gin to pretend to be her other "disclosed" disguised identity - Doctor Shinde.

In this way, the attention of Hanemiya Akira and others, as well as the FBI, will definitely be attracted. In order to ensure that he is caught, Akai Shuichi will definitely go there.

At that time, Miyano Akemi's place will become the most empty place for prevention.

The plan was indeed as he said at the beginning. Akira Hanamiya and Mengyu left the doctor's house in the evening. According to the "plan", he would pretend to go to the port, but in fact he would stay to protect Conan disguised as Sherry.

And he also successfully brought [Sherry] to Miyano Akemi's house.

But Messina felt that her disguise as a doctor had been seen through from the beginning and even counter-used.

Belmode sighed in his heart, he was still a little lucky after all.

It was originally thought that there would be less than three days from the time the doctor returned from "attending the seminar" to the night of the full moon, and with the cover of the ghost ship party and gin, Akira Hanomiya and the others would not notice anything unusual about the doctor.

As for the doctor who gets along with him day and night, she originally planned to use the excuse of catching a cold to reduce her contact with Sherry.

I just didn't expect that the doctor actually entrusted Sherry to Kudo Yukiko before going out.

Then she would just go with the flow and let her stay at Kudo's house for two days until the action started.

The plan was wonderful, but if it was seen through from the beginning, it can only be said that the other party was superior.

Now I just hope that my companion can live up to his expectations.


Ten minutes ago, near the apartment.

A black car parked on the street near the apartment.

A well-proportioned man wearing a black coat and carrying a backpack got out of the car.

Judging from the fair complexion and brown hair, he is a European and American man.

He glanced up at the apartment, patted his backpack gently, and then walked towards the main entrance of the apartment.

If someone opened his backpack at this time, he would be shocked by the sight inside.

In the backpack, there is a complete sniper rifle and shotgun parts, as well as several pistols and a considerable number of magazines.

Also hidden in his coat were two pistols and a dagger.

The weapons on his body are no less than those of some black market arms dealers.

However, he is not here to do the arms business.

The reason why he carries so many weapons is just out of professional habit.

He was once in a mission, because the firepower was insufficient and the enemy suppressed him so badly that he almost died.

That mission left a certain psychological shadow on him and made him develop a habit.

Whenever he goes on a mission, he always carries a backpack with him, which is filled with weapons.

Only these weapons can give him a sufficient sense of security.

Especially this time, he brought more weapons than usual.

Because this mission was given to him by the woman he longed for.

He will never allow himself to fail!

He was to go inside the apartment and wait for the lady's instructions.

Just as he walked into the apartment parking lot, his eyes suddenly stopped.

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