Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 868 Where did you get the confidence to destroy the organization?

Officer Megure arrived at the scene.

At a glance, he saw the tied up white man and the pistol in his hand!

Officer Megure's face darkened, and he immediately asked his men to be alert to the surroundings. He and the two accompanying officers Takagi and Sato came to the white man and planned to help him untie the rope.

"Officer, there is a note here!" Officer Sato pulled out a piece of note paper from under the white man.

The three officers looked at the note.

[Look at his backpack]

"Backpack?" Officer Megure looked around suspiciously.

"Officer! Under the chassis of the car!" Officer Takagi shouted.

Officer Takagi dragged the backpack out.

"Be careful, there may be a bomb inside!" Officer Sato reminded. Although it has been some time since the Tokyo Tower explosion threat, she still has some explosive PTSD.

Officer Takagi looked slightly stern, and started groping on the surface of the backpack.

After a moment, he said: "The things inside looked very fragmentary, not like bombs, and I also felt the outline of a pistol."

Officer Megu's expression became more serious: "In that case, let's open it and take a look."

Officer Takagi unzipped his backpack.

Several people immediately looked inside the backpack.

"This is..." Officer Takagi was stunned.

"These seem to be parts of some firearms." Officer Sato said in a deep voice.

"Take out the things and take a look." Officer Megure said.

Officer Takagi nodded slightly and took out the contents from his backpack one by one.

The expressions on the faces of several police officers became more and more solemn with Officer Takagi's movements.

"That should be it." Officer Takagi took it out for a while and finally confirmed.

"Six pistols, nearly twenty magazines, and a bunch of parts that are enough to assemble a shotgun... so many weapons?" Officer Sato said in shock.

Officer Mu Mu turned his eyes to the white man. After his eyes flickered for a while, he said in a deep voice: "Don't help him untie him yet. Search his body to see if he has any weapons on him?"


The two police officers Takagi Sato immediately took action.

After a while.

"Officer! Found it! There is a pistol inside his coat!" Officer Sato shouted.

"Oh? It seems that this guy is not a simple guy!" Officer Megure frowned.

At this time, a police officer ran over: "Officer! There is a gentleman outside who said he has clues to provide!"

Officer Megu's eyes lit up: "Quick! Take me there!"


Room 601.

Belmode looked at the busy police officers under the apartment, gently closed the curtains, and walked back to the sofa.

"How is it?" Meng Yu asked with a smile.

Belmod shrugged: "You did a great job. My companion has fallen into the hands of the police."

"It's expected, isn't it?" Meng Yu said with a smile.

Belmod leaned back on the sofa with a relaxed body: "Yes, the plan was seen through, the reinforcements were blocked, and I seem to be in a desperate situation now!"

Conan snorted coldly: "Stop pretending, you should know very well that you still have a card in your hand, and it is a card that we absolutely cannot ignore!"

Meng Yu gradually put away her smile and asked lightly: "Miss Chris, where is the doctor... now?"

"Haha, I thought you wouldn't ask!" Belmode laughed.

Meng Yu spread her hands: "It's a pity that we also want to find the doctor on our own. However, it seems that you regard the doctor as the last resort. We have made no progress until now."

"That's it...then what are you going to do in exchange for the doctor's safety?" Belmode asked with interest.

"As long as we confirm that the doctor is safe, we can let you go. Of course, you must also promise us not to target Sherry after this incident." Meng Yu said lightly.

Belmode raised his eyebrows slightly: "Let me go? I already know your biggest secret, can you rest assured if you just let me go?"

"At this point, we are willing to give it a try. At least judging from this operation, although you wanted to target Shirley, when you made the plan, you deliberately avoided conflict with the organization."

"Since you already know Conan's identity and know that Sherry is on our side, you should also know what we have done to the organization."

"Under normal circumstances, what we have to face should be an all-round attack by the organization, rather than a game around a traitor in an organization like now."

Mengyu looked at Belmod: "I think maybe it's because of my mother's friendship, or... you actually hate this organization too?"

Belmode still wore his signature smile, but his eyes fluctuated slightly.

"Why do you think so?" she asked.

"Do you still remember the conversation we had with you when we were evading the pursuit of Black Sakura?" Meng Yu said faintly: "At that time, as a [mercenary], you said that you hated the black organization."

"At least I don't think it's just a joke. Intuitively, I think that although you work for the organization, you also don't mind the organization being destroyed."

Meng Yu looked at Belmode's fair face, which was much younger than her mother's, and her voice was slightly condensed: "Have you... been treated with that kind of medicine like your brother?"

Belmode's expression finally changed!

Although it was not obvious, Conan had keenly noticed the stiffness in her expression.

After a while of silence, Belmod returned to his standard smile: "According to your wishes, do you want to instigate rebellion against me?"

"You can understand it that way." Meng Yu said calmly.

"Interesting, then I'd like to hear what capital you think you have for me to help you fight against the organization?" Belmode asked with a smile.

Meng Yu's expression remained unchanged: "First of all, although there are not many of us, everyone's ability is definitely not bad. I think you should be fully aware of this."

"That's true." Belmod smiled and said: "Not to mention anything else, the losses in organizing Tokyo's force a while ago should be all thanks to you, right?"

"You should know this well." Meng Yu said lightly.

"But this is borrowing the power of the police, isn't it?" Belmod asked.

"The police are always here, but huge losses to the organization don't happen all the time." Meng Yu calmly retorted.

"Okay, even if you can use the power of the police and you have indeed achieved some results, it can only be said that it has caused the organization a little headache, but it is far from the point of breaking the muscles and bones."

"We know this." Meng Yu said: "The organization itself has considerable financial resources. As long as these financial resources are still running, the pure killer organization will be able to replenish it sooner or later."

"In this case, how can you alone, even if you add the police and the FBI, cut off these sources of income? You must know that the organization's legal industries are not only in Japan, but also in other countries."

"In addition, some larger companies will support politicians by paying political donations to provide them with protection and convenience. The relationship here is complicated. If you want to cut off the organization's financial source, it is simply impossible for you to do it. Arrived."

Belmod's eyes gradually became sharp: "So, tell me, after knowing this, where did you get the confidence to destroy the organization?"

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