Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 881 Follow-up, visiting Concubine Yingli

A few days later.

Xiao Ai walked into the doctor's house.

She changed her shoes at the entrance and walked all the way to the living room.

"How is it?" someone asked in the living room.

Xiao Ai heard the reputation and went away.

Brown hair, ice blue pupils, and a delicate fair face.

It’s Xiao Ai!

"Xiao Ai" who walked into the living room gently tore behind the ear, and a human skin mask fell down, revealing Conan's face.

Conan tapped the communicator hidden in his ear: "How is it?"

"No abnormalities were found." Simultaneous replies from Yu Gongming and Meng Yu came from the other end of the communicator.

"Received." Conan responded and nodded towards Xiao Ai: "After a few days of observation, there is indeed no sign of anyone following him. It seems that Belmod has really fulfilled his promise."

"Really? I didn't expect that woman to keep her promise?" Xiao Ai's tone was a little subtle.

"Hmph! This is only temporary. Maybe she also knew that we would not easily believe her, so she deliberately did not take action." Conan said lightly.

After a pause, he changed the topic: "However, after observing these few days, you should be fine going out now. However, it is best not to act alone."

"I understand." Xiao Ai nodded.

"Then I'll go first. Xiaolan should have almost finished the meal now. I'm almost starving to death after working outside all afternoon!" As soon as Conan finished speaking, his stomach made a "gurgling" sound in protest.

Xiao Ai couldn't help but smile when he heard this voice: "Okay, thank you for your hard work, detective. Then I won't stop you from having dinner with your girlfriend. I just have to sort out some experimental materials. See you later. Remember when you go out. close the door."

"Got it!" Conan nodded, turned and walked towards the door. .


"I'm back!" Conan opened the door to the living room on the third floor of Maori House.

Xiaolan poked her head out of the house: "Conan is back! Come over and wash your hands and eat!"

"Okay~" Conan agreed, immediately changed his shoes quickly and ran towards the house.

After a while.

Conan and Xiaolan sat opposite each other across the dining table.

Mouri Kogoro had already told Xiaolan that he would not come back for dinner because he had to complete a commission, so there were only Conan and Xiaolan.

Xiaolan put a piece of ribs into Conan's bowl and said, "Teacher Judy gave us the last lesson today."

"Huh? The last class?" Conan was stunned.

"Yes, she said that she came to Japan to work as a teacher before because her job in the United States was not going well, so she applied for a vacation. But now that the vacation is over, she has to go back to work in the United States and has no choice but to quit her job as an English teacher."

"Is that so..." Conan suddenly realized, not too surprised by this.

I learned from Akai Shuichi that Teacher Judy came to Didan just to monitor Belmod who was pretending to be a new doctor. Now that the "new doctors" have left, there is no need for her to stay.

"Who is the new English teacher?" Conan asked casually.

"It's Mr. Fujino who taught us before Ms. Judy came." Xiaolan replied.

"Oh, it's him. That teacher's lectures were too rigid, and many of his pronunciations were accented, which made it uncomfortable to listen to." Conan obviously didn't think highly of his previous English teacher.

Xiaolan smiled helplessly: "Don't say that, Mr. Fujino is still very serious in teaching."

"Forget it, I don't need to take his class now anyway." Conan waved his hand and asked, "By the way, do you have time on the weekend?"

"Eh? What's the matter?" Xiaolan was confused.

"It's nothing, I just want to go to Dorobiga Paradise with you." Conan smiled.

"Ah?" Xiaolan's face turned slightly red: "Is it just the two of us?"

"Yes, just the two of us." Conan nodded.

Xiaolan's face turned even redder.

This must be a date, right?

Conan looked at Xiaolan's pretty face that gradually turned red, swallowed quietly, and then shrugged casually: "Don't be so nervous, it's not like we haven't been together before."

"That's what I said..." Xiaolan was still a little shy.

Indeed, there had been a time when just the two of them went to Dorobiga Paradise, and this was an opportunity that Mengyu deliberately created.

However, at that time, the two were just ordinary childhood sweethearts, because they had grown up together, and Xiaolan could barely keep herself calm by going to the amusement park together.

But now that the two have become actual lovers, the nature of going to Dorobiga Paradise will be different.

"So, you don't have any plans for the weekend, right?" Conan asked again.

"Well..." Xiaolan came back to her senses and showed an apologetic smile: "Well... I have made an appointment with my mother to visit her on the weekend."

"Eh? Going to see aunt?" Conan said in surprise.

"Well! You know, let her feel the warmth from her family. If it reminds her of her good memories of her family, then maybe she will be willing to come back?"

"And I also want to invite mom to go to the hot springs, and then secretly call dad..." Xiaolan said this and stopped talking.

"That's it..." Conan understood. Sure enough, Xiaolan could not let go of her parents' affairs.

He smiled: "In that case, let's go see my aunt together this weekend! There will be opportunities in the amusement park and so on in the future."

"Yeah! As long as you understand!" Xiaolan smiled.

"It's okay, it's okay. In fact, I'm quite anxious when I see my uncle and auntie being so awkward all the time." Conan smiled and added in his mind:

[And every time I see you worrying about this matter, I feel very sad...]

The two reached a consensus and the topic became relaxed again.


On Saturday morning, Xiaolan, Conan, Yu Gongming, and Mengyu came to Fei Law Firm.

Yes, both Yu Miya and Akira also came together.

Originally, they had nothing to do with them, but after Mengyu accidentally heard the news from Conan, she immediately expressed that she wanted to go too.

Conan naturally had no objection to this. Anyway, the siblings and Xiaolan had gone to see Fei Yingli together before.

As for Yu Gongming, he was roped in as a driver.

After all, in Xiaolan's plan, she and Fei Yingli were going to eat and go shopping, and taking a car was more convenient than taking public transportation.

Anyway, several people are not short of this little money.

"Excuse me!" Xiaolan opened the door of Fei Yingli's office.

Fei Yingli was sitting behind her desk writing some materials. When she heard Xiaolan's voice, she immediately raised her head in surprise: "Xiaolan, you're here!"

"Good morning, Aunt Yingli!" Meng Yujin followed Xiaolan in and greeted Fei Yingli with a smile.

Conan and Akira Hanomiya also walked in.

When Fei Yingli saw the battle, she couldn't help but laugh and said, "Why are you guys here too? It's like I'm your mother too."

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