Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 888 Plea guilty, trial ends

Hearing this, Arima Yayan lowered his head slightly, his face already drained of blood.

However, Fei Yingli's statement was not over yet.

She said calmly: "In addition, according to our investigation, Mr. Arima suddenly paid off a huge debt of five million after the incident. If necessary, I think the police can recover the money." Fingerprint identification.”

The presiding judge nodded slightly and looked at Arima Masahiko again: "Witness! Do you have anything else to say?"

Hearing another question from the presiding judge, he was silent for a while, and finally sighed: "Since the concubine's lawyer has already said it to this point, then I have nothing to say. Yes, I was the one who killed my father-in-law! "


The auditorium immediately burst into exclamations, followed by discussions one after another.

Prosecutor Kujo's eyes dimmed slightly for a moment, but soon returned to normal.

Arima Yahiko's statement is not over yet.

He gritted his teeth and said with anger in his voice: "It's all because of my father-in-law. He was too greedy. When I saw the money, I told him that it was lucky that it hadn't been stolen before."

"But he took out a wad of money, slapped me on the shoulder and sneered. If I paid off the loan before next week, he would kick me out of that restaurant even if I was his son-in-law. ! I killed him in a rage."

Fei Yingli didn't listen to Arima Masahiko's defense at all. After stating the basis of the accusation, she sat down and sorted out the materials at hand, as if the trial was about to end.

This scene was naturally seen by Prosecutor Kujo. Her eyebrows trembled slightly for a while, and finally she took a deep breath, stood up, and said:

"It is reported to the court that the prosecutor will withdraw the charge of robbery and homicide against the defendant Takashi Inoue and change the charge to attempted robbery. At the same time, the prosecution of Arima Masahiko's suspected murder case will begin."

"Defense lawyer, do you have any comments?" the presiding judge asked routinely.

"No objection." Fei Yingli's answer was as expected.

"Okay! This court declares that the trial of this case has come to an end and is adjourned!" The judge knocked the gavel with a "dong" sound, declaring the official end of this case.


Outside the court.

Fei Yingri was about to have lunch with Hanomiya Akira and the others, when Prosecutor Kujo came over.

She had a decent smile on her face, and there was no trace of the dejection of losing the lawsuit.

He shook hands with Fei Yingli politely, and she smiled and said: "Thanks to lawyer Fei for your understanding, otherwise this case might have gone in the wrong direction."

"No matter what, I just did my duty." Fei Yingli said modestly.

Prosecutor Kujo suddenly looked behind Fei Yingri: "By the way, these people behind you, Lawyer Fei, seemed to have appeared in the court gallery last time. If I read correctly, this should be the famous Detective Hanomiya. Alright?"

Her eyes finally fell on Yu Gongming.

"It's an honor for me to be recognized by a famous prosecutor." Yu Gongming said with a smile.

Prosecutor Kujo waved his hand: "I don't dare to be a famous prosecutor, but would Detective Hanomiya be interested in this kind of case?"

"Actually, it was just a coincidence. I accidentally saw the news about this case and discovered some doubts. Out of curiosity, I went to the company building to investigate. I happened to meet the lawyer Fei, so we started investigating together."

"Oh? So, the method that the concubine's lawyer showed in court..."

"To be honest, it was indeed Detective Hanomiya who cracked it. I was quite surprised when I heard about this technique!" Fei Yingli said with a smile.

"That's right..." Prosecutor Kujo suddenly realized, and then nodded in greeting: "Then next time, let's see you in court."

After saying that, she and her assistant turned and left.

Yu Gongming and his party didn't stay any longer, they were still hungry!

Outside the court, several people got into Fei Yingli's car and prepared to go to the restaurant.

In the back row, Meng Yu lightly touched Yu Gongming, narrowed her eyes and smiled: "Hey! It seems that the beautiful prosecutor is already thinking about you!"

Hearing this, Yu Gongming immediately rolled his eyes: "If you are worried about it, just worry about it. Anyway, I have not broken any laws and I have not committed any crime. How can she, a prosecutor, bypass the police and cause trouble for me?"

Fei Yingli smiled: "Prosecutor Kujo is not such a person, but Amin, you are smart and know how to keep the relationship clear."

Yu Gongming shrugged: "It's actually useless. As long as I do a little research, I will know that you and I know each other. However, I really can't say that I learned about the case from you."

"Yes." Fei Yingli nodded: "Lawyers cannot easily reveal the details of a case under trial to the outside world. If you leak it, even though there is no evidence, if the matter is reported to the Lawyers Association, I will still be questioned. of."

"Prosecutor Kujo just dug a hole deliberately, right?" Meng Yu frowned immediately after hearing this.

Fei Yingli shook her head: "Probably not. She probably just wants to know where she lost. As for such a small and innocuous method, she probably disdains it based on her character."

"It doesn't matter, intentional or unintentional, we don't need to care at this level. If she really dares to play dirty in the future, then we don't need to be polite." Yu Gongming said calmly.

Fei Yingli smiled and did not continue to answer.

Although she didn't think Prosecutor Kujo was that kind of person, Hanomiya Akira and others were also thinking about her, so she naturally wouldn't say anything more.

She recovered her mind, started the car, and drove everyone away from the court.


It's been a week since the last court session.

During this week, except for the temporary case encountered by Conan and the Young Detective Team, the requests from Akira Hanomiya were normal.

In addition, Xiaolan made careful arrangements and finally went to the hot springs with Fei Yingli two days ago. Of course, Xiaolan also secretly called Mouri Kogoro and had an "unexpected encounter"

Although it was immediately seen through by his parents.

Of course, Mengyu is still very concerned about the reunion of the Maori couple, so she drags Yu Gongming along to watch the game... well, to help out.

The final result is either good or bad.

On the one hand, the Maori couple once again broke up in a routine quarrel, which made Xiaolan depressed for a while.

But the good news is that with the buffs of Mouri Kogoro, Conan, and Hanomiya Akira (?), no case happened that day. It can be said to be gratifying. Mengyu even specially invited Conan and Hanomiya Akira. Each detective has a cone.

For the sake of the cone, the two of them barely restrained their desire to complain.

On this day, Yu Gongming finished his day's work and returned to the living room on the third floor.

As soon as she sat down on the sofa, Mengyu ran in excitedly; "Good news~"

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