Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 891 Kidd appears!

April 11, 7:30 pm.

Akira Hanomiya and his party arrived at the large museum in Shiodome Park.

In addition to the few people who had previously agreed to come, Mouri Kogoro also came over. He was not worried about Conan and Xiaolan coming to a place like this.

At this moment, there were already crowds of people around the museum, and above the crowd were several helicopters with searchlights on.

On the periphery of the crowd, some police officers wearing mobile unit uniforms were running around in a hurry.

Officer Nakamori's angry shout rang in Hanomiya Akira's ears: "You guys, move faster! Make sure to set up checkpoints at all entrances and exits!"

"What? You can't tell who Kid is by his appearance? Idiot! Then pull his face, no, pull hard! Pull hard, you know?"

"Officer Nakamori looks very motivated!" Mouri Kogoro said in surprise.

"Officer Nakamori has an unusual obsession with Kaitou Kidd. I heard that he has been hunting Kidd since Kidd appeared eighteen years ago." Akira Hanomiya said with a smile.

"Oh! I heard about this when I was in the police force. Officer Nakamori does have perseverance." Mouri Kogoro couldn't help but sigh.

"Xiaolan!" Yuanzi's voice came.

Along with the roar of the engine, a two-person motorcycle roared up to several people.

Suzuki Sonoko sat on the passenger seat and waved to several people.

When the car stopped, Sonoko jumped out of the car and trotted to a few people, followed by Suzuki Jirokichi.

Sonoko turned to Suzuki Jirokichi and introduced: "Uncle, you have met these people before. As for this mustache, he is Xiaolan's father, the sleeping Kogoro!"

Suzuki Jirokichi smiled generously: "It turns out to be Detective Mori! I have admired his name for a long time! Oh! By the way, I later found out that this skilled young man that day was Detective Hanomiya. I was blind and ignorant. Tarzan!”

"You are exaggerating." Yu Gongming smiled.

Everyone also greeted Suzuki Jirokichi.

"Hey!" At some point, Officer Nakamori came over with a bad look on his face, stared at Suzuki Jiroyoshi and said, "You are the one who caused the commotion, right?"

"Oh? What's wrong?" Suzuki Jiroji asked.

Officer Zhongmori immediately became furious and pointed at the roaring helicopter in the sky: "Then please drive away the helicopter above! Without them, the police helicopters can't even come!"

Suzuki Jirokichi heard this but didn't take it seriously: "What does it matter? Anyway, Kaitou Kidd said he came on foot, so the helicopter is of no use at all, right?"

Nakamori Baton glared at Suzuki Jirokichi: "Then tell me, why did you bring these helicopters over?"

"Of course it's to make my autobiographical movie!" Suzuki Jirokichi said matter-of-factly.

Officer Zhongmori was stunned: "Auto...autobiographical movie?"


Near the museum, inside a vehicle that looks like a TV broadcast truck.

Looking at the dozens of screens showing different pictures in front of her, Xiaolan's eyes widened slightly: "Oh my god! So many surveillance cameras! Isn't it more exaggerated than the TV station's broadcast truck?"

Suzuki Jirokichi chuckled: "In addition to the footage shot by helicopters, the footage shot by more than a hundred cameras in the museum can also be seen from here."

Officer Zhongmori stared at these pictures for a while, then suddenly asked, "Hey! Why is there no one in the museum?"

When they looked at the picture, they saw that no one was captured in any of the pictures in the museum.

Suzuki Jirokichi explained: "I deliberately evacuated everyone. In this way, even if Kaitou Kid can disguise himself, as long as he enters the museum, he will definitely be caught by the camera!"

"Because all the entrance and exit switches of this museum can be controlled here, even if Kaitou Kidd successfully sneaks into the roof, we can trap him there and be unable to move!"

When Suzuki Jirokichi said this, he smiled: "Of course, the premise is that he has to show up as he said!"


The voices of Conan and Akira Hanomiya sounded at the same time.

"Ah?" Everyone was confused for a moment.

"This picture." The two of them pointed at a screen at the same time.

On the screen was a bright moonlight, and under the moonlight, an abnormal black spot gradually became clearer from small to large, gradually showing the outline of a hang glider.

Officer Zhongmori immediately hit the position of the hang glider in the screen as if he had been given a shot of blood, and shouted to the operator: "Quick! Zoom in on the screen! This is it! Quick!"

"Yes!" The operator hurriedly operated.

The screen was enlarged, and everyone could clearly see the details of the hang glider.

Under the hang glider, there is Kaitou Kidd dressed in white, wearing a white top hat and a monocle!

"Wow! Lord Kidd finally showed up!" Yuanzi shouted immediately.

"Hey! Which helicopter was this picture uploaded from?" Officer Zhongmori asked.

"Um, it's Unit 7!" the staff member replied.

"Where is Unit 7!?" Officer Zhongmori's expression became more and more anxious.

"It's just above the back of the museum," the staff member said.


Officer Zhongmori immediately turned around and rushed out of the radio truck.

Followed closely by Yu Gongming, Mengyu and Conan!

"Make way! Make way!" Officer Zhongmori squeezed through the crowd and came to the forefront at the back of the museum.

"Where is Kaitou Kidd?" He looked at the mobile team stationed in front.

"I don't know. Kidd just flew over a building and never showed up again." The mobile team member looked confused.

Conan glanced around sharply.

He believed that if Kidd really walked away, he would eventually appear on the ground.

As long as you spot who blends into the crowd, you might be able to catch his tail!

As for Yu Gongming and Meng Yu, they looked into the sky with clear purpose.

next moment.

An explosion sounded from above.

The crowd looked up in unison.

A burst of pink smoke rose, and after the smoke dissipated, a figure appeared between the two buildings!

It's Kaitou Kidd!

However, the strange thing is that he did not fall according to the laws of gravity, but just hovered in the air!

Officer Zhongmori immediately widened his eyes: "How... how is it possible? How can he ignore gravity and stop in the air!?"

Conan also gritted his teeth slightly: "This guy..."

In the broadcast car, Suzuki Jirokichi said with excitement: "Don't panic, this is just a trick he used to trick people! He must have hung himself with a balloon or a wire or something like that! Unit 7! Go quickly Take a picture of his front face to confirm!"

A moment later, a reply came from the communicator: "Report! This is Unit 7. There is nothing on Kidd's head!"

Suzuki Jiroki was shocked: "What? How is this possible?"

"Excuse me, what should I do now?" Unit 7 asked.

"Stay there and don't move!" Suzuki Jirokichi ordered.

He touched his chin and frowned: "What method did Kaitou Kidd use?"

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